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Everything posted by rumblefish

  1. sign all three, bring bowden out of retirement t o be HC, than you would have FSU North, talk about global warming
  2. how exactly do you lose what you never had, and tat includes bull puppy and what's his name, look up hack in Webster's and you see a gr 55 group photo...............
  3. threads like this get started, because some folks don't get it's not about the money , he came in did his job got paid, wants to go home end of story if there was more to tell, don't you think he would have told it, must be saving it for the book
  4. Typical of is board , if there is no Chaos, create some, stir the pot, just like a GR55 talk show
  5. got paid 2.5 million to be a back up, started and finished 12 games, with a 7-5 record, walked away from 5.4 million by retiring if anyone ways played it would be EJ now he has to fish or cut bait
  6. right now who gives a rat's patootie
  7. Build around EJ-HORSEHOCKY
  8. EJ Manuel, next star QB,- HORSEHOCKY
  9. wasn't a Orton fan when he was signed, but I though the Bills were smart to sign a veteran to be the back up, never saw the change being made so soon, not a trait this team has been famous for, people on these pages blamed him sometimes justly and sometimes not bottom line, Orton was not the solution, and he was not the problem, but he did suit up and show up and that is one thing no fan can take away from him, were the Bills completive with Orton, yes, could they have been more productive, yes, could they have won more, yes, could they have lost more, yes in the final analysis, the Bills were not better or worst having him but the final record of 9-7 will stand for better or worst on the teams merit not on any one player, so Kyle thanks for your effort and best wishes to you in the future
  10. The Jerry Jones coming to the the Ralph, a instant classic
  11. easy; apples and oranges
  12. first off,Chan go to your room, and yes it is to soon to start , first on the docket is, who is going to run the show, than address needs, coaches, players, etc anything else would be putting the cart before the horse
  13. now if a local radio station would hire like that we all would be in high cotton
  14. don't know if the Chin came in, but if he got a free meal, all the power to him
  15. O'Leary has a plus, free golf lessons, but I'm intrigued by Brandon Shell in later rounds, has a NFL pedigree
  16. don't know if they will be but "Disgruntle" Bills fans should be
  17. Bills go 6-10 fans upset, Bills go 9-7 fans upset, we can only conclude that it's the fans and not the Team or Coaching or Upper management, that's the problem so best case solution FIRE THE FANS AND GET NEW ONES :thumbsup:
  18. only way GR changes format is if advertisers force then to do it, that won't happen because people tune in just to fight with these two so they use the Howard Stern approach people tune in station gets ratings, ratings gets advertisers to advertise, GR won't changes unless another local radio station chooses to go head to head with these guys or Bills' get another local radio station to be official Bills/ Sabres station for all news and game broadcasters bottom line neg. will tune in neg. if your not into that don't listen, it's your choice
  19. "WE" lost today, are you a member of the pat's team? so I guess if you won the mega lottery you would lose because you had to pay taxes on the winning, this post isn't a half empty glass scenario it a empty glass at best, can you say pathetic
  20. One thing is for sure, off season is going to be a real soap opera, till all these possible issues are resolved one way or the other, the ball as they say is in Mr. P's court after a Sunday in Foxboro
  21. good stuff, indeed didn't detect Marone being evasive, actually he was very straight forward with his answers, as he should be, some coaches and players do a smoke and mirror show for fans and media, I didn't get that in this interview, If his job is on the line Sunday, I couldn't detect that from his straight forward answers, and any suggestion interview was a set up is absurd
  22. When the Bills were a power or a contender yearly, the OL line was a force to be reckoned with, they were so dominate NFL changed the compensation rules for signing of free agents, in an effort to break up the line, and it did, OL has never been the strength of the team from that time to present day, Bills number 1 priority is O line,every thing else, IS secondary
  23. Kemp/Lamonica, would later be replaced by Kelly/Reith,think bout It, the Bills and QB controversy have been a continuous and never part of team history, that still continues today
  24. both stay or both go, changes in lower coaching positions will happen no matter what happens, HC & GM is a set breaking the set up serves noting, clean house or tweak lower staff game plan/players
  25. memorials are in eye of the beholder, If that what the Raiders wanted to do to pay a tribute to Al, so be it, but ponder this what if Al had the Bills and Ralph had the Raiders, how would Football history been different
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