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Everything posted by rumblefish

  1. I for one , am very happy to be part of the 5%, again losers have to find a reason for losing, other than the obvious , Brady and Beilchick are the best one two punch in the NFL today
  2. just heard on the Michael Kay show, new B word is "air gate" or "deflate gate" still say it was Col. Mustard
  3. anything to lower unemployment in this country is a good thing, and he won't have to pay state income tax on his contract, yuppie!!!!
  4. interesting how fans bashed Marrone over and over, yet no one got on Bills management for not giving permission to let other teams to interview Schwartz, I don't recall any other team denying permission for their coaches to be interviewed by other teams, only the Bills did,
  5. Pats will go down hill when Beilchick and Brady retire, till then the criers will cry, so they better stock up on fresh hankies
  6. suspend the Pats HC, and while your at it suspend Tom Terrific, that's about the only way the Bills and new ass clown HC will have a chance to possibly win division, or even get a wild card spot, Refs handle the ball after every play, so if there was a problem with the game balls and under inflated balls were used that the NFL needs to look at the Refs for not doing their job, but because the Pats have been that good for so long, it has to be some thing other that the Pats are just that good, "a poor workman always blames his tools" so the other teams in the AFC must be poor workmen " it was Col. Mustard in the library with a candle stick" losers always fine excuses for not winning"
  7. it was on WBBZ, Chanel 67, (direct tv) sad to say poor, poor shooting first half, some where around 25% , and now they have their first ACC loss of the year
  8. haven't been able to confirm this rumor, investigation was started in Oct/Nov 2014 so anything is possible, bad karma is bad karma, still be 4-0 in ACC as this is be posted today, is still a ray of light for the future
  9. if Marrone was the 16th head coach( see video text) and Ryan is the 18th head coach, who was number 17?
  10. as I remember, the Bills left FSU with-out trying to extend their agreement, so it could be said that they "quit" the community to go to ST. John Fisher, area has survived, with the campus building expansions over the years, there isn't any room for the Bills, Bills management destroyed a yearly tradition, FSU has done well and has grown, so there is no reason for the team to come back what's done is done,
  11. rooting for the least of two evils. stay after him Sully, and the real Rex Ryan will appear
  12. always glad to prove, your welcome
  13. fire a reporter for asking a question you don't like, I needed a laugh today, thanks
  14. two AFC championship games and how many HE WIN
  15. if you call, saying he should have been fired last year and this year, well I don't see that as hate , just fact
  16. as for slip and calling me Sully, it could have been worst, you could have called me Tim Graham
  17. and for the record I watched Mike F today, he said the press conference today was identical to the one Ryan had when he got hired by the Jets 6 years ago, and he like everyone else is entitled to his opinion, and from what I have heard him say in the past he likes Ryan, so what does that tell you, finally people call others names on this site, when they don't agree with posts, that's pretty juvenile, in my opinion
  18. didn't he say he was going to be a" better coach this time around", if that is his true , than Doug Marrone has a bright future
  19. was this press conference, or a pep rally, I vote pep rally, only thing missing was the confetti and photo ops of baby kissing, maybe that is on future agenda, I think the P's were played, but it's not my money, how does that song go a fool and money...
  20. This may be JB's best coaching effort to date, yes they drive me crazy, with on/off offence, last nights game reminded me of some of the past Big East battles, side note, Manning looked like he was still in shape to play,4-0 in the ACC who would have thunk-it
  21. when I lived in North Carolina, used to love the chicken from Hardee's, almost as much as Popeye's
  22. not to steal a idea, but a sky dome would be great, than Buffalo can have the sport that would be a real cash cow, MLB
  23. for a smart business man, Terry P has mad a bad business decision
  24. yes , if Ryan wasn't the HC, remember Ryan ran him out of New York, so how could he trust that Ryan would have his back this time
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