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Everything posted by rumblefish

  1. just taking it one game at a time, going to be scary each game, unless terrible free shooting and shot selection improves, gritty play considering what they have to work with ,ACC officials are like NFL, either hands in the pocket, or whistling all the time, usually it's one half of one, and other half the other
  2. Russell Wilson in the AFC East, that would not be good for Bills fan thinking this coming year is the year to go to the playoffs
  3. Travels with Charley-Steinbeck, The Franchise-Peter Gent, All the Kings Men-Robert Penn Warren
  4. lets see (A) Lynch not talking (B) ass clown Ryan talking without a doubt 100% vote for( A) all the way, I could live the rest of my life not hearing Ryan utter a sylable
  5. if it's pie I am your guy, if it cake , that's only for flakes, I have never had a pie I didn't like, but some pie is better than others
  6. over the years free throw shooting has always been a weak spot with Cuse teams, I agree against Miami better shooting from there was the difference, this team is going to have a tough stretch coming, and this where all Cuse fans will see what they are really made of, adversity this year will be a strength next, NIT would be a good experience, and ACC tournament will be too, next up NC, I will hope for the best, but with short turn around, I wonder how solid the play will be, one thing for sure I don't question the heart this teams has, GO CUSE :thumbsup:
  7. been hearing the player usage of banned substances in Seattle will hit the fan Super Bowl week, get the popcorn ready
  8. hope he see the light and goes else where, his value will decline everyday if he stay here, with new ass clown HC in charge, maybe become a Pat, and then he will become a real Offensive weapon, Billy will get the best out of CJ especially when the Pats play the Bills
  9. go ahead and tag him, and see his production go south, pay the man or trade him, simple as that
  10. same posts as always, if Bellichick doesn't answer questions, everyone is pissed, if he does answer questions everyone is pissed, He said today, he won't discuss this topic anymore, so it looks like of short answers next week on everything but this topic, Billy being Billy again, reporters pissed, Pats haters pissed , all is back to normal in NFL land :thumbsup:
  11. wonder which former Jet employee will get this job, after all it looks like that's the trend at 1 Bills drive, Jets West is becoming a reality
  12. Mark Henderson, got a promotion to equipment manager?, well good for him, promotion from snow blower driver to equipment manager only happens in America
  13. only way Brady would end up a Bills, is when he is all used up and horse trader Bellichick, peddles him to the Bills like he did with Deadsole,
  14. is it just me or is the NFL becoming more and more like F Troop, when it comes to investigating ?
  15. I though "rush to judgment" only pertained to OJ
  16. Fred said, Fred said that, it's all blab, blab, blab, Marrone is gone, get over it and move on
  17. Al Davis must be rolling over in his grave , and laughing his ass off over latest cheating actuations, Pats are the Raiders of the 60's and 70's, got to love it, no love for the bad guys, HA Ha, Ha
  18. disgruntled Bills fans want maximum punishment leveled against the Pats to increase the chances of the Bills beating the Pats pretty sad that they will take that route, but understandable, when the Pats have been so much better over the years, yep Bills need all the help they can get so ass clown HC can get a win and be able to brag about how great a HC he is
  19. ass clown HC and staff watching Georgia Teck game films as this is being posted
  20. if you can make a silk purse out of a sows ear, than you have the answer
  21. David Lee, is no Bruce Lee, a true master, but when the Bills need a fall guy, David Lee is your huckleberry
  22. Play the games in a parking lot, after all , that's what bullies do, don't they?
  23. David Lee, is no Bruce Lee, but than who is ,
  24. no dilemma here, it's got to be a better game than last years farce, question is can Tom Terrific do what Peyton Place couldn't against the Legion of Boom,? old lion verses young lion, lets get ready to rumble
  25. what's this world coming to when a ball boy can't read a pressure gauge, and I sure that under/over inflated balls have been used in NFL games in the past, But because it's the Pats it's a outrage in some narrow minded folks minds
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