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Everything posted by rumblefish

  1. NC state fans cat calls of JB over NCAA ruling, classless act, as I remember they had their own suspension in the past to deal with ACC has had it's share of dirty programs in the past, must be some fans of the conference have blackout memories
  2. close only counts in hand grenades and horseshoes, everything else is or isn't a rumor
  3. JR, vague is to the NCAA, as peas are to carrots, they both go hand in hand, 90+ pages even Cuse lawyers are mystified by investigation findings
  4. if Cuse signs Thomas Bryant, hearts will be broken all along Tobacco Road, and I will have a cheek to forehead smile, the last thing you want to do is back JB in a corner, all that does is redouble his effort and commitment to succeed, and if your a ACC fan, I would be worried if I was you, cause JB and Cuse will becoming to get ya
  5. as Brewster would say "vote for none of the above" with that I will
  6. as a Cuse and JB fan, this is terrible news, 10 year investigation, I sure that all of tobacco row is whooping it up over this news, don't know if this the worst penalty ever, but it will cripple Cuse in NCAA sports for years to come if there is a appeal process I hope they do, and even though some may call for JB's head I hope he stays
  7. can see him going to the Dolphins, because he could end his playing days close to home, and he has the personal experience of playing against the other AFC teams and finally he is a bargain, compared to what Shu will get, he still has the skill to play, question is does he really want to , if he does Fins would be a good fit for him
  8. with the rumors going around that the Fins are interested in Shu, if they don't land him, Big Vince may be their second choice
  9. just got done reading JB post game comments after the UVA game, JB being JB, was tongue in cheek with is famous sarcasm ,his comment about wondering how Cuse won 18 games was priceless, yet posters were all over the comments saying that he needed to play other then the zone to win, sadly some of these folks don't understand that the 2-3 zone is why JB has 900+ wins and only 3 sub 20 game winning seasons, I have enjoyed JB's wit and style for all of the time he has been at Cuse, mark my words Cuse will be back, and so will the zone, and I can't be alone in this view seeing Cuse has the highest home attendance again this year
  10. players not happy with coming to a team, happens all the time, seems to me at one time Jim Kelly didn't want to play for the Bills, so you never know, as for Kiko, he will do well where ever he plays, as long as he can remain healthy, who knows the bigger picture may be to use him as part of a 1st round draft pick swap, time like always will be the judge on how good a deal this was or was not
  11. Cuse not getting a chance at another 20 win season sucks, as for the big dance, I would like to see Cinderella win the ball this year so with that who is this years Cinderella, don't know right now but who ever it is I will pull for them
  12. JB, tanking a game, only way that could happen in my opinion, would be if he was coaching a NHL team, and still don't think he would 900+ win coaches tanking, highly unlikely
  13. still have a chance for a 20 game winning season, hoping for a bounce back against UVA and strong finish against NC State
  14. don't know if Duke is that good, or Cuse is just that bad tonight, was anyone else not impressed with ESPN camera set up, I through that I was setting in the nose bleed seats P.S., I for one miss the Big East Days
  15. Hope for a strong showing at Camron, and a victory would be too sweet, and a building block toward next year
  16. didn't know that Alex, William(Billy)Daniel, and Stephen played Pro Football, though all they did was act
  17. angry, not such thing, win total is a slam dunk, and a easy bet to make, eight is a stretch and line will go up with PR moves, money, money money on under, as for not caring about my posts why do you always answer them actor formally known as Jethro Bodine
  18. money isn't everything, principals are, if you think my disapproval of Bills player signing and coaching hire to date is phony, well that's your opinion, as for me I will not waver in my disapproval of Management decisions to date
  19. I would love to see the bill of sale, odds are he didn't pay dime one, just more PR for kool-aid drinkers, just can't wait to see how many go out and buy a new Ford Truck, as for me I won't take one for free now
  20. just another in the long line of PR moves, note to the Bills faithful, PR does not put wins on the board, but you knew that before this post P.S. just another reason not to buy a FORD, you know the motto, Ford= fix and repair daily, and that is a perfect description of new Bills coaching staff
  21. if Grant, ended up with Bucks, that would also be a good thing
  22. till it's done, if indeed it will be done, is like saying the check is in the mail, till than believe nothing you hear and half of what you read, than disappointment will not be unexpected
  23. stable coaching situation and the Bills are like two magnets, repelling poles do not connect, and latest coaching choice continues that trend
  24. here is hoping that Rock is drafted by the Bucks, with Ennis and Carter-Williams(both played really well last night) already there they would become Cuse West and that would be a good good thing
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