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Everything posted by rumblefish

  1. the beginning of every season for the last 15 it's been the same mind set "hope for a winning season", this year it was the same, but it's first time I said out loud that I would have happy "if Bills played completive football" not knowing what the season was gong to bring just like a box of chocolates, figured that 8-8 would show improvement, it has, only real concern I have is leadership both on and off the field If the Bills get this matter addressed, the future can't be any thing but brighter
  2. sometimes it better to remain silent, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt besides smart business people don't jump to conclusions, they just weigh the facts and than make a sound decision
  3. someone may need to be drug tested, step back and follow my finger
  4. until the chain is broken, noting changes if noting changes
  5. Christmas wish:Amnesia
  6. Oh C rap Bill's brain trust missed the boat again
  7. I would say it doesn't matter cuz I won't be watching, but then I never rubber neck at a traffic accident site, so that' s 2 un truths and today is only Monday
  8. Your preaching to the choir brother, but I feel you
  9. but it' a Christmas miracle that he is health, God bless us everyone
  10. PPP +PPP equals 15 years and counting
  11. poor leadership on and off the field= poor or sub standard results
  12. Williams is another example of poor leadership at the top of the Bill's food chain
  13. bottom line no team follows a coach who is not a leader, sad truth leaders are born and not made, all the talent in the world will not change the fact that a poor leader leads poorly, problems with the Bill's start at the top not the bottom Fesser like it or not was never afraid to call it as he saw it
  14. Luck stinks? and this board is over run with get Cutler posts, some of you folks are not living in the real world
  15. either both stay or both go, half measures are like the little boy putting his fingers in the dyke,it was only a temporary solution, and never fixed the problem
  16. Mama, God rest her soul, used to say "Hope for the best, but accept the worst" as the years have gone by and being a life long Bills fan, it's becoming clear Mama who was not sports fan, may have hit the nail squarely on the head so with that "acceptance" is the key
  17. after all these years my heart doesn't want to believe what my eyes see, so "conflicted" yes, but not to the point of being" consumed" anymore after all it's just a game, right?
  18. How about "send in the Clowns"
  19. coaches coach, players play, but If the coach doesn't believe in the players, how can players believe in the coach, how many times did the coach believe in the line with game on the line especially with a good defense to back the offence up all year, Marone is as much the problem as the line is, leader led follower's follow, simple as that
  20. say all the negative things about Orton you want, and some of them are on target, but ask yourself this how can a team play for a coach who won't go for it on 4 and 1 with the season on the line, Bills have a leadership problem from HC to the huddle, so if you are going to replace the QB, better get one with leadership DNA , who would have fought to go for it on 4and 1 and a Coach willing to let him
  21. keep the talent you have at a reasonable price, if your going clean house clean it out all the way, from GM on Down get a coaching staff that runs this team from locker room out with fire and passion I, don't like him but bring In Rex Ryan and give him the keys, and let him drive the bus, right now this team has nothing to lose and eveything to gain who is the only coach to challenge the Pats this year and over the last 5- Rex Ryan Listened to Russell Wilson last night post game, he came across over and over Seattle overcomes, "because the whole team believes in each other, from the coaches on down can't say that for the Bills
  22. not to change the topic , but lets look at this, Rex Ryan who has a team with less talent then the Bills,has gone toe to toe with the Pats can you image for minute what he could do with he Bills, understand this I am not a Ryan fan but he may the answer , I would be 100% in favor of this change,
  23. If this is true, than maybe this the new chapter of the "Bickering Bills" and remembering how that worked out Bills may be on the right track
  24. part of the reason for the post is I remember when the Pats sucked or were hit or miss, than Kraft bought the team and now they have won the division 11 out of 12 years have been a force to recon with every year, don't say it's Brady he wasn't even first round raft pick
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