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Everything posted by TheWei44

  1. Pretty much agree with the "If Tua was my kid . . ." part - Discuss decision with close family members too. So basically gather the best medical information possible and then decide with input from his inner non-team circle. And he may need to consider things in a probabilistic sense, like if he gets hit once more, he's 75% likely to be out for X weeks and have these Y long-term effects, etc.
  2. I agree with a lot of what you wrote. Tua being in our division also means that we've "gotten to know him" more than a lot of other players. We're more familiar with him, and therefore we might be more inclined to feel badly for the guy. I never posted or said anything re Hyde's return, but I get your point there.
  3. Not sure how you can call it crocodile tears when if all that mattered were beating the Fins, having Tua play is preferable to him retiring. Many of us our family men and women, and when you take into account that he has a family, I think a lot of people genuinely feel bad for the guy (who by all accounts is a good guy). There's a lot of blame to go around, including Tua himself, but I personally believe alot of Bills fans are sincerely concerned about his health and think that retiring should be strongly considered.
  4. Such an easy decision then, just retire!! I would say that even if I weren't a Bills fan.
  5. I suppose it was pretty Un-Likely that he'd get it (sorry, had to do that!).
  6. Same as last week: Cook on O, Rousseau on D!
  7. At the time, I saw 4th and 3 on the field/live game and 4th and 2 on my phone (checking other scores during commercial, I think) - I said to my son something like "if it's really 4th and 2, maybe we'll go for it" and then saw it confirmed for sure 4th and 3 on the field.
  8. Rough start but a lot of positives by the end of the game. One thing is clear - We have a lot of receivers now with "good" hands (and Von is back).
  9. I'm strangely sensing that too, HBS! Hope we're right! Go Bills!!
  10. Straight sets! First semis in a grand slam!
  11. I heard Tiafoe and Jess are friends and sometimes hit with each other
  12. Great post! And it's exciting to think about what we'll write about 2024 in 2025 - Too early to make that prediction!
  13. Or how about Vincent Lombardi? Couldn't hurt to have a guy that's an amazing coach too!
  14. And to think I just ponied up for a signed M Milano football - It was from a charity auction at least. Ugh!
  15. Not what I want to happen but here goes: Bengals lose to Lions in Super Bowl Bills lose to Bengals in AFCCG in Cincinnati Cook does not drop any easy catches for TDs Von plays in less than 12 games this year
  16. I've said it before - Part of the important context with Brady/late last season is that our backs were against the wall. That's when we've always unleashed Josh more as a runner. So I think that was a big factor in any observed shifts to favoring the run//less passing. My hunch is that early next season, Josh will run less (but hopefully still be allowed to "be himself", which is a dual threat and able to run at times).
  17. To be clear, I am not "supporting" TM. But offering some econ insights that are relevant. Monopolies or near monopolies can exist for several benign reasons. For example, growing super fast b/c you're more efficient than your competitors; natural monopoly where scale economies favor just one competitor. So if we observe a monopoly, near monopoly, duopoly, etc., and nothing nefarious has occurred in terms of achieving that status, the "high" prices are what we'd expect and are not "anti competitive" - If the company does "bad things" to achieve or try to achieve a monopoly, then that's completely different. And if the monopolist does things to harm the competitive process, that's a huge problem too. But my basic point is that we shouldn't just simply equate "high prices" to "monopolist" to "bad actor" without delving into the details.
  18. Food for thought: Pricing in a competitive market with 100 pizza joints will be competitive. Pricing in a (legal) monopoly will not be competitive. So the question is not "Are TM's prices too high"? but rather "Are TM's prices higher than they should be in a monopoly or similar setting?" Another issue is whether the monopolist has engaged in conduct that has harmed the competitive process.
  19. This highlights whether we're taking WR/TEs/RBs only or those+QB. Totally fine to focus on the former, but the latter is obviously critical too and a different question. Since we have a "top 2/3" QB, we don't necessarily need the absolutely most elite set of WR/TE/RBs. And we have a very good offensive line too.
  20. My son is starting a caddie job for the first time - None of us in the family really play golf - But I love that movie and was fun to see that my son needed to be dropped off at the caddyshack for training! You scratched my anchor!
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