Forget any talk about any playoff scenarios.
This is the only game that matters. Nothing that came before and anything later simply does not matter. Buffalo NEEDS to stay completely focused on the game at hand. This is where Belichik is a master; keeping his team focused on the game at hand. I am not a big fan of Rex, but if he can keep the team completely focused on the here and now and the team they are about to play, we can win. I don't care about any other game right now; it is ALL about Jacksonville.
Focus also means we need to keep discipline and NOT take so many stupid penalties. This has been a great improvement this year over the last few, but I fear of sliding back into old bad habits. C'mon Rex; keep the team focused and poised and they will do what needs to be done; WIN! We could have ran away with last weeks game, but our own mistakes held us back and kept Cincy in the game. We have to take care of our business first, and thinking ahead does not help that. Get to Bortles, shut down the outside passes, minimize penalties.