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Everything posted by Fastback

  1. You're farking clueless. Iranian's aren't Arabs dipschit, they're Persians. The Arabs are threatened by Iran's regional dominance. If you Lefty retards had a clue, instead of bashing Bush for attacking Saddam because of the WMD argument, you could actually make a decent case about him upsetting the balance of power in the region. But that's not what the Daily Kooks tells you, so we all know the result.
  2. 13.25% sales tax? Are you serious!? That is unbelievable.
  3. Here's some more from WSJ on the situation there. Can someone explain to me why we're looking the other way here? I don't buy the rule of law argument. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124683595220397927.html
  4. Just exactly who is his base? Doesn't that say it all?
  5. If your response was to my original post, then please understand that first of all, I never said or implied that we should invade anyone. I just feel that the US should be more supportive of what transpired there. Essentially, the will of the people was accomplished. If reports are true, Zelaya didn't even have the backing of members of his own party for the referendum he was illegally pushing. They probably would've done better by just arresting him and charging him vice exiling him. But I understand Tom's point of the US supporting the rule of law. It just seems to me that this wasn't youyr typical military coup. Shoot, they replaced the guy they removed with someone from the same political party and they guy says he won't run for re-election this year. It's a pretty interesting situation there. What would be a shame is if somehow Zelaya is restored to power and works a way to get the referendum through where he can stay in power beyond his current term limits.
  6. Actually, I bet Axelrod is making call to his network execs pushing for more MJ coverage so the White House and Congress can continue push their 'piles of schit' legislation through while the sheeple are mourning.
  7. OK, so Honduras, which up to the current President, has been one of our allies in CA, ousts its President because he's trying to pull a Chavez. The rest of the government there (including those in his own party) call bullschit on his move to change the constitution and instead of arreting him, exile him to Costa Rica. Fuggin Obama and Hillary say he should be reinstated? WTF is wrong with this administration? Seriously. They are rank fuggin amateurs when it comes to foreign policy. This is truly disgusting. This WSJ article sums it up pretty well. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124623220955866301.html BTW, I know quite a bit about this country. My wife is from there and my in-laws do quite a bit of missionary work there also. One of you Obama apologists please try to explain to me what our foreign policy is these days. Do we no longer have any principles?
  8. I stand corrected. I should have said "You people". But 'we' as in 'we the people' are getting !@#$ in the arse by these fools running our country.
  9. The Dem's are forcing through a bill that will increase all of our taxes and adds another form of welfare to our nation and all anyone cares about is Jacko dying? And it's 1200 pages long. But not to worry, because as I once heard an influential politician state "Nobody reads the whole bill around here". People, we are getting what we asked for...
  10. That was a terrible video. I've also seen people die, but seeing that and the way she looked was terrible. I didn't sleep well after seeing that.
  11. We would certainly win, but the damage to S. Korea would be devastating. Military planners feel that the North could make it about 1/2 way down the peninsula before we could get forces in place to beat them back. At least that's what I heard at a brief about 7-8 years ago. I imagine their capabilities are the same today.
  12. I've got a buddy who did just that. Now he legally grows his own and all he had to tell the 'Doc' is that he had minor back pain and I forget the other ailment he researched and made up.
  13. RIP Ed...Semper Fi.
  14. I'm sorry too. Now can we move on from this and stop using that embarassing period in our history as a crutch for all that ails black americans?
  15. Actually he should have responded by calling her a kunt, because paraphrasing her own words, "I believe she's worked hard for that title".
  16. And you expected anything different from this 'kitty'?
  17. With all that's happening in the world right now, this nearly slipped through the cracks. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=a62_boqkurbI $134 Billion is a lot of jack!
  18. Zackly... Growing up in WNY in the late 70's and early 80's convinced me that I needed to get out of there. I was blessed with the foresight that if I kept selling weed at the rate I was, it wouldn't have a good outcome. I also knew I needed a swift kick in the arse that I couldn't inflict on myself and who better to assist with that then the Marine Corps? Other than marrying my wife, it was the best decision I've made in my life.
  19. Yes, you are making it out to be far worse than it really is. I would like to start by adding the disclaimer that the military isn't for everyone, but that it really isn't that much different in some respects than a regular career. After all, doesn't your current boss tell you when to come and go? In the career world re-assignments are often common place for some companies. Yes, when you enter the military, you give up some autonomy, but that goes with the territory. It is a noble calling and you know you're doing something to help out our nation, which for many is all the job satisfaction they need. You see life is about more than money (for me). It is about getting up in the morning and liking what you see when you look in the mirror. I could go on and on, but ultimately, why worry about him if he's happy to be doing what he does?
  20. I did 21 years in the Marine Corps and retired a few years ago as a Master Sergeant. I cherish the time I spent in Unifom with some of the finest americans I have ever met. Were it not for having two teenage boys I would've made them kick me out at the 30 year mark, but retired to be thee for them in these challenging years. I, like WVABeach, have a position teaching young Marines and absolutely love the gig. After I retired I worked for a start up company for two years which gave me a great perspective on the business world. As a Marine, I've "been there, done that" and won't post my resume unless someone's interested.
  21. C'mon man. Are you still drunk? Don't compare me to him, that's just wrong. I'm just making the point that Obama PROMISED more transparency than his predecessor and has yet to deliver. Truth be told I'm very alarmed by where he's leading this country. And for some who loves to continue to remind the country how bad his predessor was, he sure does like some of those policies he ranted about on the campaign trail.
  22. But yet he deems it important to National Security to release memos of CIA interogation tactics.
  23. Why Obama is blocking access to the White House visitor lists? Who's coming to dinner that he doesn't want us to know about? Jeremiah? So much for transparency. This guy is a joke and you people are eating it up like it's a free lunch. Oh, wait, he is offering a free lunch. Enjoy the schit sammich boys and girls! Eat up!
  24. A good start... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090615/ap_on_...s_obama_doctors So The One wants to reform health care, yet, being the lawyer that he is, won't consider limiting malpractice awards. Nice- that's change you can believe in alright. Just wait and see what happens when he gives 'free' health care to those who pay nothing for it. If you think we have too many lawsuits now, what will happen when healthcare gets rationed? Just like the corrupt and broken worker's comp system, this will be a jackpot for the general trash that exists in our society. Can you say Celino and Barnes on steroids? One major reasons why healthcare is so expensive is because of the hyper litigious society we live in. Granted, this far from being the only reason, but why won't Obamer even consider limiting awards? I think we know the answer to that...
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