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Everything posted by Fastback

  1. C'mon now. Let's be fair. He recently cut *gasp* $100 million dollars! Doncha know?
  2. Were they able to remove the stick from your azz?
  3. Did Strom Thurmond try to change the rules before he kicked? Because, they all do it...
  4. When will the Waxman begin to investigate Axelrod's ties to the firm lobbying (advertising) for Obamers H-care initiative?
  5. And the hits keep coming from The.Most.Ethical.Congress.EVER! Waxman should investigate why he was born with two giant holes in his face.
  6. Props to the Nut! That was classic!
  7. I mean, sure, if there's a few extra jets sitting around someone'sgot to use them...
  8. I wrote Maam Boxer today and told her I was a hippie who opposed the health care scam, and not to judge me just because I smell like dead fish.
  9. When can we expect to hear from the Nozzlenut?
  10. I hear you have the rights to NozzleNut also. At least that's what a little bird told me.
  11. The right wing media agree with you. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...ll-meeting.html
  12. I wonder what manbearpig thinks of all this?
  13. As I mentioned in my post, I usually defend and believe in law enforcement professionals. But I will never defend something the indefensible. I also am not naive enough to believe that all cops are good. Like all professions, there are good ones and bad ones. When you get a bad one we need to can his azz as soon as possible. If your reference is to the recent brouhaha with Gates and Crowley, I actually think the officer was correct in his actions, but that dead horse has been beaten beyond recognition.
  14. I'm very supportive of law enforcement in general, but that guy needs to be fired yesterday. There is simply no excuse for this. That he knew he was on camera and still chose to grope her is beyond disturbing.
  15. If Obama's moving his lips, he's lying... Edit: Obama doesn't lie, he just miscalibrates his words.
  16. Add me to the list in favor of the throwbacks! The new uni's suck.
  17. I hope he gets well soon. And I hope he is then voted out of office in the next election and investigated for corruption- not necessarily in that order.
  18. Gee, I never saw this coming... http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...3_M-SAD99P2S5G0
  19. This is awesome. Expose all the crooked bums and let the chips fall where they may. What a crock of schit. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9...;show_article=1 Cue in Kelly the unbalanced apologist in 3,2,1...
  20. Which racists are you referring to? The liberal racists or the conservative racists?
  21. Well put, I totally agree. I learned a long time ago to be kind to your server, because like it or not ( much like the police) (s)he has control of the food you're ordering. I don't get how some people don't comprehend this. See the movie "Waiting" as an example of this. And BTW, why can't Obama just show on ounce of humility and admit he erred in his statement and should not have commented because he didn't have all the facts? Why the lawyerly 'miscalibrated' statement? What an egomaniac.
  22. Uncle Tom Officer supports Crowley: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-ap-...0,4731766.story I'm sure he'll be called a house ni**a by some for standing up for what he experienced...
  23. I think I mentioned early on in the thread that my wife is originally from there and we still have family there. She reads the Spanish papers daily. They are saying that Zelaya is planning on running his sham of a referendum if he is reinstated somehow. And Hillary just announced that the US is cutting off aid to the country unless they reinstate him as President. Shoot, I read that Chavez even called the State Dept. asking them to intervene. Hey Kelly, you seem to love all things Obama. How do you defend the position this administration is taking?
  24. Keep posting PJ. You continue to display the depth of your ignorance on this subject.
  25. Meanwhile, our clueless administration is advocating restoring this Chavez stooge to power. Nice.
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