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Everything posted by Fastback

  1. Paul Ryan is the man and a true leader. His plan will be painful to some, but fiscally it is what we need to do to right the ship and help the country stay afloat. He is as straight a shooter as I've seen in politics and eloquently communicates his vision. I also remember him during the health care circus and loved it! This is the kind of guy who we need running the country!
  2. Dude, seriously? The Constitution? Are you talking about the 2,000 page Constitution? Do you do stand-up in you spare time because that is funny...LOL!
  3. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile...
  4. Unreal... http://thehill.com/homenews/house/102633-p...ics-rule-change
  5. So maybe I'm one of the only ones here who will admit to liking Glenn Beck. BUT, it sounds like that bit was over the top. But at the end of the day, Waaaa. Who shivs a get? Beck was and is a bit too theatrical for my liking, but I like that he exposes the fraud that is the Obama administration. I also LOVE watching the left having epileptic fits every time he exposes their charade. It's great theater. Truthfully though, regardless of your political leaning, all should be concerned by the administrations attempts to silence him.
  6. Sing with me Hedd- He's a Supercreep, Supercreep, He's Supercreepy, Yow!
  7. Good stuff fellas! LOL! I didn't post it because of the gold/silver advocacy, but mainly because of the facts the video contains and it paints a bleak future that is hard to counter. I posted it in the hope that some of the financial gurus who post here would be able to counter some of the main arguments and explain to me how, contrary to the video makers assertion, we're not fukked. But the responses were entertaining...I've got to give you that.
  8. That Tony Villar is one hell of a leader!
  9. I know it's long and advocates for buying gold and silver, but it is factually correct about the fiscal mess we're in here. For those of you who think we're out of the woods with the recession, think again. http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2010/05/melt-up.html#links
  10. Nice try Tiger. I live in San Diego and subscribe to the UT. Navarette is a leftist hack. Yes, sunshine, he DOES have an axe to grind. Seriously, why are you trying to defend him? While I'm sure some people who oppose illegal immigration are racists, guess what Tiger? It's still illegal! It is inconsequential if they are racist and that is the base of their opinion. We are a nation of LAWS, NOT MEN. My wife is a naturalized citizen from Honduras. She emigrated here legally when she was 14. She is staunchly opposed to illegal immigration also. Want to know why? Because she has principles. We have tried repeatedly to get her father (who still lives there) a visitors visa and he has repeatedly been denied. And save the excuses, he has nothing in his past to prevent him from getting a visa. This is largely because of the flow of illegals coming here. But she (we) will not consider breaking laws to get him here. The sooner we fix this mess of a system, the sooner good people can come here the way the system is designed. If we don't protect our borders, language and culture, we're doomed...
  11. Hey Bud, I mean no disrespect to the city I grew up in and love. I still visit thee every year for hunting season. I'm glad I don't live there because I see how much passion those who do have only to get b*tched slapped again year after year. I saw OJ play in the Rockpile with my Dad and will cherish those memories for the rest of my life. I feel bad for the people of Buffalo because you deserve better. But make no mistake, I'm not an apologist either. My comment about being glad I no longer live there has helped me to see there's better things to do with my Sunday's (I live in San Diego) instead of watching a loser football team. You know the old saying- Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me fifteen years shame on me. Don't take this personally. But some probably will. If being a fan for the better part of 42 years and having you Bullschit meter pegged is being a fair weather fan, then you've got me dead to rights. All that stated, I love C.J. Spiller and think will be an exceptional player, but is that really what we needed with our first round pick? Or is that the wisest use of our pick given our needs? For those of you who can't handle the truth F**k off back at you. I'm just sayin...
  12. We haven't been a good team for 15 years...what else is new? The Buffalo Bills are a joke. I now follow this team as an odd curiosity, but I'm not the fan I once was (for most of my life). Thasnk God I don't live in Buffalo. Oh well...
  13. Ever been in a foxhole fighting for your life? That's what I thought...
  14. That's probably what made RI Bills Fan the way he is. He probably had one too many "tickle fights" in the Navy and now plays for the 'other side' (not that there's anything wrong with that).
  15. Actually, I think it's RI Bills Fan off his medication.
  16. Don't feed the trolls people. They will keep coming back for more. Remember how Conner, Hedd and BlzRul made a home here?
  17. Dude, stop trying to get him to pleasure you. He wasn't in the navy...i don't think he goes that way.
  18. Don't make Squid boy pull rank on you or he'll post his rank in the navy and wipe out all your arguments. He was a professional deck swabber. He knows his stuff!
  19. +1 I think she's got a sharp mind. I've seen her hold her own against the 'other side' quite a few times. Granted, she's over the top, but what I like about her is how she exposes the left's double standard. Pure comedy. You've all got to admit, she's better than that hack Bill Maher...
  20. I wish they would let me opt out. They could keep the 25+ years worth of contributions I've already made and I'll invest in the future as I see fit. I'm 42 now and at the rate that we're going, there's not going to be anything there when I retire.
  21. Where's EII when you need him. Apparently Squidly Diddley is lonesome and wants some attention. Maybe he and EII can have a circle jerk to amuse themselves... Gee, nice job including your rank in there fella. Ha!
  22. It's not a question of 'if', but 'when' will it happen here. If the whole health care 'reform' sham isn't a current example of this then I don't know what is...
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