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Everything posted by Fastback

  1. When I was a Drill Instructor I had a recruit in my platoon whose name was D'Same. That's it. I asked him (rather forcefully) where the !@#$ that name came from and he said he had it legally changed. His response was that he had D'Same first name and D'Same last name.
  2. That's a good reason to vote for him. Maybe you'll get lucky and The Messiah will select him as his running mate. It'll be the dreamy ticket.
  3. Yea sure, our kids receive no information on nutrition...
  4. Um, excuse me...that's NOT one of the five authorized jokes about the Messiah. There are operatives monitoring the interweb and you may be paid a visit soon. I'd be careful if I were you.
  5. Don't confuse KTFABLefty with facts...He's looked into his eyes! Now there's no turning back! Once you go Barak, you never go Back!
  6. That's a blast from the past. I haven't heard that since about 1985 or so...
  7. Does anyone else agree with me that Jimmy's sucks? Tim Anderson couldn't play foorball and he sure as hell can't make good pizza. Shoot, I'd advocate John and Mary's across the street before Jimmy's. Maybe I just ate there on a bad day...I don't know.
  8. The clock is ticking... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtm...ccusdebt116.xml
  9. Six pages on this non-issue? That's some funny sheet!
  10. I remember you buddy Drane opining about that awhile back...just sayin'
  11. Actually I have two people in my family (wifes side) who recently lost homes to foreclosure. Both were here in So. California. My wifes sister went through a divorce that was really ugly and they screwed around too long fighting over this and that and they couldn't sell it so they let it go. My wifes brother who lives in Corona recently lost his house. He makes a good living at Disney and his wife works for AT&T. They make a good living together, but are complete idiots financially. Nice people, but not the sharpest tools in the shed financially. Have you been through the IE at all lately? The place is a ghost town. It's REALLY bad there. But again, nobody forced those people to take 2nd's out on their house and spend it on a toyhauler and dune buggy for each family member. As far as DCA, you're preaching to the chior. I maximize my 401k plan (10%), fully fund the wife and my IRA's and DCA into Mutuals. Not to mention that I'm pulling a pension for the USMc and maxxed out the allowable investment in the thrift Savings Plan when it became available to the military. I'm sitting just fine. BTW, my wife's 401k from her past employment could damn near support both of us (she's a 1099 employee now). I presently have three months cash for emergency in my regular savings and we had a recent windfall from a family member that we have tied up in CD's. The wife and I both work and let's just say that I didn't get much 'free' money from Uncle Sam. So, there's my portfolio for you. Oh and by the way, we have a trust set up for the kids etc. So there is no "crawling back to the market" for me Chef. I sold a truck and made ~$10k and used it to fund my hedge. Laugh if you will, but I find it a sound and diverse investment considering the other things I'm doing. I don't understand why you find that so funny, but laugh away. Have you considered that I may have placed a 'winning' bet? BTW, you live in So. Cal...are you prepared for natural disasters or are you like the rest of the sheep who have no plan? I'm not trying to be a smartazz as you seem like a smart, reasonable person but merely asking.
  12. Care to expound? If he is, as you say, all about himself then why hasn't he exploited his childrens service and his adoption of a black (skin tone) daughter? I have seen the opposite. If he is the person you say he is then why not toe the party line over the years? He has regularly pissed off those in his own party for taking positions not in lockstep with what the base wants. Clearly, doing whats expected would've positioned him much more favorably for a run at the Presidency with core Conservatives whose vote he needs. While he isn't always right, I respect that he has crossed party lines when he thought it was in the best interests of the nation. That, to me, is the mark of a true leader. The 'word around Phoenix' huh? Who were you talking to? Blzrul? Nice job of character asassination without any specifics. Word is on PP&P is the KTFABLefty isn't so balanced...
  13. Guess what? He accepts responsibility for being a schithead at that point in his life instead of rationalizing it away. What the fug is wrong with that? That is exactly the type of person I hope would become the President. We all make mistakes and he has acknowlegeded that. If this is such a catasrophic event for his ex-wife then why is she supporting him for President? Or do you support the Clinton example of how you deal with infidelity?
  14. Stop feeding the trolls and they'll go away (eventually).
  15. Sorry Bud, that's just how I feel. Matbe that was better suited for the 'other' board... I seriously cannot understand that thought process theugh...
  16. 'Scuse me while I whip this out...
  17. Change you can believe in! As in change of position depending on who he's talking to...
  18. You wouldn't say that if you saw her moustache...
  19. That's right...Bring on McCain!!
  20. If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle...
  21. When is our cyber Pearl Harbor coming? http://www.nationaljournal.com/njmagazine/...080531_6948.php
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