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Everything posted by Jobot

  1. It's laughable that you think Garoppolo would resemble any shred of that first half performance were he in a Bills uniform... Put Tyrod in NE and I guarantee Belicheck get's 10x the production that we'll experience the remainder of this year. I said last year that the Pegula's made a huge mistake hiring Rex.... I was hopeful this offseason that I was wrong, but it looks like the Ryan's are at most 15 weeks from being unemployed.
  2. Sounds like someone drafted all Bill's on their FF team...
  3. Complaining about a business paying money to put their name on a Stadium...
  4. maybe update the title to Domestic Incident? I have not seen the word 'violence' in a single article. Everything lists this as a domestic incident.
  5. There's too much real **** in this world to get angry about. Take it easy brother.
  6. I don't think Marcel was using this as a pain killer... Lagarette Blount maybe.
  7. does not say domestic VIOLENCE.... domestic incident is reported... could just be yelling?
  8. Dig deep to the root of this issue.... and It's all about POWER. Please tell me how much revenue is lost by any NFL player smoking weed??? The answer is $0 lost because people will still watch and ratings will not suffer an ounce. So why does the league care? Because they can. Because they have a rule in place and it is an added chip they can hold on to during collective bargaining dealings. The right thing to do would be to remove weed from the NFL's banned substance list TODAY.... The money-making thing to do is remove it from the NFL's banned substance list in exchange for something else during collective bargaining. However this won't happen because if only 10% of players in the NFL smoke weed, they're not going to agree that this is a priority to give up something else.
  9. what the hell is a 'domestic situation'?
  10. My biggest gripe with this is how long he has known this suspension has been looming... and all I've seen from him the past few months are photos of him at nascar races and attending all this outside of football bs. He posted an apology about his commitment to the Bills and fans... just more BS in my mind.
  11. What happens if we start 6-0?... what happens if we start 3-3?... 2-4?... 4-2?.... uhhh my guess reports will continue to report, radio/talkshows will continue to debate, the season will last 10 more games, coaches continue to coach, players continue to play, and you'll continue to complain about the uncertain future of the Buffalo Bills. Yup pretty straightforward. The most important goal of this year is singular... Tyrod to earn his money.
  12. Goodell really grabbing at thin air now.... I don't think anyone other than Goodell gives a damn about this. Seems outrageous to retroactively implicate and hold these guys accountable to this new standard. I'm fine in theory with the commissioner having total power and all, but this guy should not be that guy... He takes stuff way too personal, forgets that it's a business.
  13. Where is this being reported as official???
  14. I get it your angry... but random ACL tears when no contact is present is the result of a previous injury that all of the sudden fails. This was a ticking time bomb with ragland. Seriously though, blaming the trainers for rib injuries and ankle sprains??? Take it easy guy, lets just be happy these are happening now and not during mid-season when guys can possible heal before week 1.
  15. I hope Tyrod refuses to sign a bargain deal. I want him to see him hungry and dominate the league this year! I'd be leery of his ability/drive to become elite if he is willing to take a discount before this season. Play hardball Tyrod.... in order to sign you better get more than Osweiler, otherwise wait til next year. Anyone know if he has kids/wife, or is he just playing for himself? Having a family would be the only reason for him to sign a deal in advance of the chance to make serious bank next off-season. Couldn't fault someone for taking care of their family first with injury risk so high
  16. "This is not a must-win. World War II was a must-win." -Marv Levy
  17. Basically the whole point is that the stars appear to be aligned this year for the Bills and having a qb with such a micro cap hit is just as rare as finding an elite qb. But if you were to ask me to put money on if any of this comes to fruition.... I wouldn't bet on it.
  18. After last years disappointing season, my realistic view of the upcoming season does not hold tremendously high expectations. However this may be Buffalo's best opportunity to not only making the playoffs, but advance far! The problem and terrifying reality that comes with this.... is if they fail to do so, then the playoff drought may be further away then any of us can comprehend.... The biggest reason - TYROD Taylor is being paid like a backup qb (and not even a good one!). Can you imagine if the perennial contenders had this luxury for a season. The Bills essentially have an extra $20+ million compared to all other NFL teams! You see this all the time where a team peaks just before they pay their superstar players.... well that is where the Bills sit today. If owner/GM/coach can't make it work this year and come January we see the same old story of year's past, then I'm not sure what realistic hope would exist for the Bills under the current leadership. I make no claim at being a salary cap expert... but I do feel that this is a very rare situation that should allow even an average organization to put together a successful season.
  19. Can't stand how the media went after Whaley for speaking 100% truth! I guess playing a game that causes 30+ year olds to spend multiple hours just getting out of bed in the morning is what the human body is built for...
  20. We saw last year that the Bills have no problem cutting their late round draft picks. To that point, that may support trading those later round picks for a guy they feel confident would make the team in the mid rounds
  21. Not a terrible idea.... It's the same old question, and I think with Tyrod, you have to assume an increased injury probability. If the Bills don't plan on signing him beyond next year then I'd say go a head and make the trade (assuming it's a can't refuse deal and you're in love with this qb). Exactly what that deal looks like idk. But if the Bills are planning on signing him next year at which point would be a very expensive deal, then they should do all they can to get a discount before he becomes a FA. Personally I'd say stick with Tyrod and offer him the extension now before it gets too expensive after next season. But If I were Tyrod, I wouldn't consider signing an extension for a minute. If he stays healthy and can become a free agent he's going to break the bank somewhere! Even if he does miss some time he's going to be considered a proven quality qb and will still get a large contract on a team that will take a risk with him.
  22. I hope this guy gets some fall out for his cop-out of an interview with Greg Hardy. He seemed terrified of Hardy to the point where he wouldn't put Hardy on the spot at least in a direct way. Every line that Hardy spoke was complete BS! Hey Schefter, don't you think a good reporter should see this BS and call it out? Instead, he was just so petrified and gobbled it up. Even his post-interview comments were disgusting as he took Hardy's side to call him a 'changed man'. Changed man from WHAT??? Schefter said it himself that he never met the guy before and basically went in with a blank slate... except that he said his feelings prior to the meeting was that Hardy was the most terrifying player in the NFL. We all know Hardy is a monster, so I don't really care too much about what he had to say anyways. So for me the most disappointment resulting from the interview twas how Schefter completely sold out. I feel for any victims of DV who had to watch this as it made the issue seem like it can just be swept under the rug... Schefter is either a garbage reporter with no backbone, or had another clear agenda to help Hardy with his image. It wouldn't shock me if there was some $$ or agreements made behind the scenes between the two parties.
  23. Congrats Hogan, gotta be happy for a guy that's considered one of the hardest workers in the game.
  24. How old is he? I think the big question is how much has he dropped off since his day sin Pittsburgh? If you're just looking for someone to run verticals, I'm sure you could pick up a late rounder in the draft for a much cheaper price.
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