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Everything posted by Jobot

  1. ... good job, you had the volume turned up on your tv and listened to the commentator.... Let it be known that any qb who ever plays for Buffalo... you better not make a single poor throw or this fan base will disown you.
  2. Of the 32 NFL teams, I put Tyrod somewhere in the 10 - 20 rank. He's not Tom Brady/Aaron Rogers/Payton Manning/Ben Rothelishfsofihdser and he never will be one of those guys, but he can win games if you put a good team around him. The overreaction to qb play in the NFL is gigantic and no one ever looks at the other 52 guys. Lynch said it best after the Hawks lost the SB.... 'Team sport Bro'.
  3. Here's what I think McDermott wanted to happen by starting Peterman (disclaimer, not saying this is a bad thing to want) Somewhat of a controlled Tank by starting Peterman.... -Bills win no more than 1-2 games the rest of the year (don't want everyone to feel like total garbage by winning zero games) -Peterman 'realistic ceiling' hopefully identified with 7-starts to determine future qb draft needs. If all this happens, the Bills get a nicer/earlier round draft pick than if they started Tyrod (who would likely result in more wins than Peterman), but either way no playoffs in 2018. My biggest gripe is that I question how much homework actually went into determining Peterman could meet these expectations. At first glance, the second bullet point on paper don't appear too great a challenge... however 5-picks later really shows how much work is actually required to become a 'below-average' qb on this spectrum. Unfortunately, nothing good came out of starting Peterman... Tyrod is pissed, McD looks foolish, Peterman confidence takes a hit, and the rest of the players were let down by this mistake. Hopefully one day we look back on these events and chalk it up to a new coach going through the learning curve. But I consider this his second major talent assessment blunder (I know not everyone considers the Dareus move a blunder... but IMO every week the move looks more and more like Dareus' value to the team was not fully understood before making the deal... otherwise you never make the Kelvin Benjamin deal) Happy Bills Thanksgiving!
  4. The picks that had pressure attributed ARE still Peterman's fault... (I also put those on the coaches for expecting a rookie to convert on 3rd and long situations) Not sure what McD expects to learn going forward from watching a statue get pummeled week in week out.. other than... shh.. Tank....
  5. True that (Based on the bold point)- reviewed his quotes from the switch and he did make word things in terms of building for the future. Let's hope Peterman can survive on this team going forward if he does remain in. I disagree with the thought that you can learn anything or even develop a young qb under the teams current O-Line circumstances. There's only so much embarrassment the players are going to be willing to stomach during the process.
  6. I agree, but IMO someone needs to be held accountable for such a horrid evaluation of the team's performance and player talent. This staff was ready to crown the rebuild complete when they traded for Benjamin which was super premature... Here's an idea... before trading Dareus, don't play him during the 'obvious' run situations and see how well the rest of your roster performs. Then you understand what impact will come from his departure. I just hope this regime is learning through all of this.
  7. FACT: McDermott's reason to start Peterman, (so he said) was to try and figure out if he could give the Bills a better chance to win and make the playoffs Okay... following Peterman's debut.... there is no arguing that the team is better off today starting Tyrod over Peterman. So even if you believe that Peterman 'knew where the ball should go' and made some 'darn good plays'... you cannot bury your head in the sand and ignore that the O-line will ever allow this approach to succeed. Until the O-line problems are fixed, only then can you justify Peterman back under center IF YOU ARE SAYING WE WANT TO WIN TODAY.... So Tyrod MUST be the starter if you're trying to tell everyone that you play the guys that give the team their best chance to win. It's really disappointing to see this from someone who had appeared to be a great Leader earlier in the season. Regardless of Wins and Losses, the Bills appeared to have found a true leader that could get the best out of his team. Unless he has been having some 'behind the scenes' brutally honest discussions with the players, this locker room is going to crumble very soon... as no one is going to want to go follow this guy.
  8. McD pretended like Peterman was Tom Brady out there. Most ignorant play calling imaginable for a rookie qb. How many picks occurred on 3rd and long.... Peterman never had a prayer to succeed. A punt is not always a bad thing McD! This game was a microcosm of how impatient and clueless this staff has become.
  9. Lol don't you know that blaming others is the best??? Anyways... what makes you think that Dareus wasn't buying into the coaching staff? He missed one meeting and it seemed like McD set him straight. From that point on I heard NOTHING else about his conduct that was disruptive. Who cares what he did under previous regimes. No reason to hold a grudge for something that doesn't impact today whatsoever. And congratulations that you're an emotionless grown up.. Sometimes you've gotta work with people NOT like yourself if you want to go places that you can't go on your own.
  10. Coming from a guy who likely frequently posted that Dareus was a lazy sack of ****.... I didn't say it's 100% fans fault... But all year the fans had been riding him for being lazy and fat. If you listened to Dareus this year while he was still a Bill... this DID BOTHERED HIM. Maybe a Daerus in better spirits convinces the McB/D staff to retain him in hopes he returns to better form. A good leader (McD) should be able to maximize potential from an elite player (Dareus).... THIS IS THE JOB OF A COACH. Regardless, fans were idiots for wanting him gone this year when he was buying into everything the coaches asked of him and playing great.
  11. Who said he wasn't giving 100%...? oh yeah fans... we always know best. This fan base played a role in his departure. He may have been gone next year, but make no mistake, the reason he didn't like Buffalo was the fan base.
  12. Can't imagine the kind of stress this guy is going through right now. Let's be honest... even during the win streak, this coaching staff made several elementary blunders that could have cost the Bills multiple W's -Final Play in ATL - not enough defenders on the field -Clock runs out w/o a field goal attempt in game (can't remember) because he thought 12seconds was enough time to snap the ball -Poor play calling that nixed field goal opportunities against Cincy ...and uh.. Peterman. to name a few... ALSO - against the Chargers, I noticed anytime a Bills guy was inured, he was out on the field tending to them, I guess he wanted to show that he cared? You would never see this from an other NFL coach unless it's a very serious injury. You have a training staff for a reason, let them do their job, and you do yours.... The problem I see is that McD has no clue what he's supposed to be doing anymore, case in point he wanders out on the field to check on a guys knee injury.... He may be a great 'leader' but he better surround himself with some capable coaches who can perform during game-day, because I can't name a single 'good on-field coaching' move from this guy that makes me think... Wow, this guy knows Football better than the other guys...
  13. Lol, yes because Trump = Playoffs 100% guaranteed. Let's use our brains Mafia, we're better than this nonsense!
  14. Uhh.. Don't forget that staff thought Peterman was ready yesterday... So I wouldn't hold my breath on this staff making any wise decisions at the qb position. We know what we've got in Tyrod (ceiling/floor). Has anyone considered what would happen if the regime dumps Tyrod and then swings/misses on a qb prospect? *cough* Ask Cleveland...
  15. You're saying the same thing thing... It's simple physics. Arm 1 - 35 yard throw, requires minimum ball height at appex = 20 feet Arm 2 - 35 yard throw, requires minimum ball height at appex = 15 feet Arm 2 is stronger and will have a larger max distance on their throw. My question is.... How often do NFL qb's try to throw at their top end velocity? Someone posted that arm fatigue was the major concern.... which I would imagine is easier to train for than adding throwing velocity.
  16. Not swapping back and forth... One week Tyrod plays 90 to even 100%, the next it's Peterman that gets 90-100%.... some games maybe a 70/30... 50/50 split? You play against 16 different defenses in the regular season, I would gauge there's a best way to skin each of these cats... PLUS - the other team doesn't know what they're going to face each week so they don't know what to prepare for!
  17. Any NFL-watcher can identify momentum swings throughout the game resulting in mental pressure as opponents appear unstoppable for stretches in games. In the event that a team's offense or defense struggles, there's no doubt that pressure gets added to the opposite unit. In my opinion, mental pressure is more impact than physical pressure exhibited during an NFL game, same as any competition. It makes the routine task appear mountainous....Example: How does Blair Walsh miss a 10-yd filed goal to win a playoff game... the answer is PRESSURE! So if Nate Peterman can operate the offense better than Tyrod Tayler... then yes some pressure will get alleviated from the defense in addition to helping the offense AND hopefully allow both units to perform better. Denver's D is a perfect case study example for how a terrible offense can ruin a great defense to some degree.
  18. I thought his biggest flaw was arm strength? Hyde making it sound like that's not the case.
  19. How bold of a play would it be to build a team with two completely different offenses that could change on any given play? Tyrod - Offense 1 Peterman - Offense 2 Declare whoever the hell you want as your 'starter'... then show up to the game with the opposite guy at the helm! The saints obviously had a 'tyrod' specific game plan... so when Pocket-Peterman came in, he felt nice and comfortable! So many times when a backup qb comes into a game (at least a veteran backup), they play pretty darn well in the game, but the next week struggle as the opponent has time to game-plan for their specific style. This may only be able to work once or twice, but it would be pretty cool to see a playoff game vs the Pats team who prepared for Offense 1 or 2 to swap it out on the first play of the game!
  20. Maybe he thinks his job may be at risk if a good Bills team began to draw more listeners. His current show is super elementary.
  21. Same reason we got rid of Sammy Watkins and Darby and Jonathan Williams and Marcel Dareus and all the other 'talent' on our team.... The coaching staff took calculated risks based on what these guys true value was.... Just shows how the coaching staff was prematurely patting themselves on the back at 5-2 instead of realizing that Tyrod was dispensable at the time.
  22. Ugh... potentially large blunder, although it would have been difficult to foresee from a fans perspective, but we could have gotten some decent draft picks if this was identified before the trade-deadline. No way that McD/B first incline that Tyrod is not the future of this organization just occurred today.... Unfortunate Could have gotten at least a 3rd or a player?
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