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Everything posted by Jobot

  1. Give them credit sure, but our D has serious deficiencies at the line.... PATS proved that our D-Line is made up of pass rushers OR run stoppers, but not both. Their play-calling was spot on based on who we had on the field. We need to upgrade the talent on our roster in order to compete with these guys (obviously).
  2. Tennessee was definitely forward. But they got it right last night based on this rule.
  3. NVM, google is a powerful tool. The ruling was correct. I think the word 'initially' is key. Article 1 Definition It is a forward pass if: (a) the ball initially moves forward (to a point nearer the opponent’s goal line) after leaving the passer’s hand(s); or
  4. Anyone see the lateral that Wilson pulled off last night vs. the Eagles? Curious if anyone knows the rule well enough to confirm the following, and that can clarify what can be classified as a forward vs backward lateral. Let's get 'physic-y...' Russel Wilson was running full speed up field and then lateral'd the ball 'behind' him, however not with enough velocity for the true vector of the ball to continue in the 'forward' direction. Basically, if Russel Wilson standing still and made that same lateral, it would have 'looked' backwards and not confused the announcers... IMO this was a backward lateral, regardless of where the ball ended up.
  5. The real crime is the pussification of this defense that provided ZERO retaliation!
  6. If you watched his reaction to the call not being over-turned, the reason he challenged was because this should have been flagged for intentional grounding. (which can be challenged) I felt the same way at first, but he clearly was upset that they gave no explanation to why intentional grounding was not called.
  7. LOL and totally different from pulling out a knife! Your argument makes no sense! I guess this is this the first time that people have seen a hit after the whistle in the NFL!
  8. Have you ever played or done anything competitively... You get pissed off and you retaliate
  9. I didn't expect us to win either game before they both were injured
  10. Let's take it easy.... more than half of this fan base frustration is that the Pats just dominated and will continue to dominate the Bills so long as Brady is around. Cheap shot... Yes... Criminal act... come on now... The way White was holding him all game... it's understandable that Gronk's frustration would have been at a high level. Although what he did is still not acceptable, it is understandable.
  11. This article was uninspiring...
  12. Great analysis... if we had the Michael Jordan of football we would be in the playoffs... Unfortunately these are once in a generation-type players that we have AT BEST 1 in 32 chance of getting (assuming this guy is in next year's draft)
  13. ... ok, sure let's go ahead and prematurely proclaim him as the Bills next perennial all star for the next 10-years... Not sure where this spaz reaction is coming from. I said I would love for this to be true in the post. Sorry to point out that KC might not be the best way to judge the Bills, let alone this one guy.
  14. Take it easy... not sure why you're so concerned with this guys opinion. The Giants are like 2-9.... Bills were 5-4 when Tyrod was benched.
  15. I'd love for this thread to be accurate. But Kansas City has been struggling in pretty much every way possible over the past 5-games. They a lost a similarly played game to the Giants one week ago... This week vs the PATs will tell us everything about where the Bills are weak.
  16. Fantasy Football is not real football
  17. Is Tyrod the reason our run game has regressed 10-fold from last year?
  18. Gronk's response was hilarious! He sounded like a little kid talking about how he upset his parents but couldn't help still containing his laughter at the 'awkward' celebration!
  19. I literally haven't seen a single 'negative' post about McDermott since the win...
  20. I think eh would have given himself up if he had tacklers all around him. But he had lots of room to run on this so I'm okay with it.
  21. If it wasn't clear before... the Peterman experiment has shown Tyrod's actual value. I'd would typically guarantee that he get's a big contract in the offseason, but I have no idea what teams will be in the market.
  22. So you were taught to make a point by bring up the top 5 most outrageous outliers to infer correlation? Let's see this so called data that there's no correlation to higher draft picks and performance... good luck finding that!
  23. Lol okay this guy needs to take a statistics course and learn about the word probability. With this logic, why even bother making 1st round selections???
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