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Everything posted by Jobot

  1. They were running him out of town. He had one game where he only attempted TWO passing attempts! The guy also had the WORST receiving core in the league (Jeremy Kerly and Quinton Patton?) No reason to not give him a shot.
  2. Yes and Yes! Was about to post about him as everyone has seemed to forget... He put up pretty solid numbers the last time he played in 2016 ESPECIALLY considering his #1/2 receivers were Jeremy Kerley and Quinton Patton! Don't look at his averages, if you recall their one game where he was asked to only make TWO pass attempts! The guy deserves to be on a roster.
  3. My gut is saying we gave up too much... Wish it was our second round pick swap + 4th + Glenn. Sounds like most of us are saying good deal?
  4. Disagree. Culture will lead to everything that you mentioned. Culture puts expectation on every part of an organization. Culture builds leadership throughout the entire organization. Culture gives every department purpose and accountability. The only thing I'll give you is you also need smart people buying into this culture, but everything else trickles down to gameday success. If you've got a guy at the top to drive culture (which I believe we do in Mcdermott), then everything else will fall into place.
  5. You think Belicheck needs Brady to win a superbowl? Cause I don't
  6. Regardless if he hits FA, he has no intention of leaving NO.
  7. Absolutely it mattered... but all those guys (Damn...Deandre Hopkins is a Patriot?) are unknowns on their new teams until they snap the ball. Talent in the right system is going to eventually succeed. Hell look at Gilmore when he first started in NE to the end of the year. He was outstanding in the SB. They had Jimmy G and were set to continue their domination another 10 years... Since Brady is going to keep playing another couple years this just becomes higher on their priority. If Buffalo gets a new QB this year to start day-1, we won't know if this is going to be 'The Guy' for at least 3 years... During that time, Mcdermott is going to continue his evaluation of qb play and may very well draft another qb next year if it's warranted.
  8. I'm saying we got the coach who is going to set the culture with whoever is in our locker room. He's going to pick the guys that fit his team. Do you think Pats fans are concerned about who they get in the upcoming draft? No, they trust that Belicheck knows who would work in NE and who wouldn't.... That's basically my point with Mcdermott.
  9. The top 250 NFL prospects will get drafted with each team getting a sampling of the pool. You're gonna get some great athletes regardless. Whoever we sign, they will not be the reason this franchise gets turned around. This has already happened with our soon to be second year head coach who is the first true Bills leader since Marv Levy. This game requires a winning culture to achieve greatness... and a rookie player is not going to be the cause of this. Sit back and relax with the upcoming draft. Whoever gets taken/traded/signed is a guy that this organization believes in.
  10. Well I'm sure there are NFL employers that would love to know this information, yet there are laws against discrimination... and this is definitely in violation.
  11. Could be right, at least a contingency plan if we have to give up a ton of draft picks. I also think it could be more of a model in the NFL where you plug and play pieces into the roster while avoiding the big contract. These put such a huge strain on a team that plays a sport naturally riddled with injuries.
  12. Read somewhere that the Bills staff is getting more involved with analytics in player evaluations... So wouldn't shock me if that had some driver to the 2nd round pick offer.
  13. Shady has one year left on his deal which makes him a worthless bargaining chip especially to a team that would not be in contention next year.
  14. You move on. Bring in someone young to start developing at a cheaper cap hit. Otherwise you lose another year at this position. Can't afford a 1-year send-off tour when the team is building for the future.
  15. Hire the author of this thread for literally any job. Including toilet cleaning... Then I'd be done with this team.
  16. Yeah I figured that's why they picked the number, but also likely a bit of searching for biased statistics at play. I guarantee that the number was picked to make Tyrod appear as poorly as possible. I would bet Tyrod's assessment from this report improves if looking at 9pts/10pts/7pts/6pts etc... Maybe not great, but Rodak is searching for a stat that makes him look bad.
  17. Why is trailing by '8pts' or fewer significant? Random stats on TV, ESPN website, or ones generated by Mike Rodak are worthless. I recommend ignoring them. I'll just stick with the eyeball test and be confident that we should to upgrade the qb position as of today.
  18. So many terrible "rules".... Every "rule" is a judgment call in this league. This sport is F'd I now understand why other sports are always super stubborn to change a thing.
  19. Unlike quarterbacks... solid running backs require a small investment in order to stumble into a few great years. I would prefer to gamble on a mid round rb vs spend more money at a position that is naturally prone to injury.
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