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Everything posted by Jobot

  1. So I should be upset that the Bills made the decision without consulting you first?
  2. Because teams want to see who they'd be missing out on before trading down???
  3. Giants will take Barkley if he's available otherwise they're trading out of #2
  4. Who said the Giants refused a trade? My understanding is that the Giants are high on Barkley... so if Browns take him at 1, BIlls and Giants already have the details worked out for a trade.
  5. He's gotta win some playoff games IMO to make up for his 'likely' shorter tenure than current guys on the WOF.
  6. True, and maybe it's just due to more recent/fresh memory, but from the eye test, the Bills run game with Mccoy was never close to Dallas' run game with Zeke IMO. Some of that may be coaching/personnel I suppose.
  7. Haha damn, no takers! I guess my thought is that you can make a bottom tier qb look pretty damn good with a REAL rushing attack, which is why I pointed to Zeke effect on Dak. With everyone completely blinded to qb prospect these days and coupled with how good Barkley is supposed to be... going against the grain could result in a big payday. But I get that the cost may still be too high regardless.
  8. Saquon Barkley is being labeled as a better prospect that Ezekial Elliot, and some saying the best RB prospect since Adrian Peterson...We all saw last year what a GREAT run game (or lack of) can do to someone like Dak Prescott (who can only be considered a mediocre qb at best IMO after last year). So why not trade up and get Barkley while all these other teams are shooting dice on all qbs? Would you be upset if the Bills went up and got Barkley at 2 with NY? Obviously you'd then commit the rest of your draft to building a dominant O-Line.
  9. If we take any qb in round 1 I want him starting. It's win win really... either he loses a bunch of games and we get another high pick next year, or he does well and proves his worth. But sitting on the bench helps us very little unless we think Mcarron is actually a viable long term play.
  10. ...And the NFL makes $0 off of their star players?? Not sure you're on the right course bud.
  11. Take names off the jerseys if you don't want it both ways.
  12. I wrote an example up further, but would someone be legally be allowed to not hire a gun owner if he didn't believe in the second amendment?
  13. Okay so i guess the ongoing lawsuit of him being black-balled has no basis??? Proving the collusion has been the issue all along. Seattle just blatantly admitted to this.
  14. Not true... you can't legally discriminate based on religion, sex, age, race, etc.... the problem is proving that this had occurred. Seattle basically said they aren't going to work out Collin because of his stance during the anthem. That would be like me saying I'm not going to hire any 'gun owners' to my business because I don't believe in the second amendment (this is not true, just an example)
  15. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000926234/article/seahawks-postpone-workout-for-colin-kaepernick So I read this article that Seattle had planned to bring in Kaepernick for a workout, but they are postponing because they want to know if he will continue his kneeling during the anthem... Regardless of where you stand on for or against what he's doing....This sounds like it will seriously bolster any case Kaepernick has about being black-balled... Not sure what they were thinking with letting this information get out. As an employer, this would clearly be seen as discrimination based on a constitutional right.
  16. It's not natural for most people to weigh 300lbs. That's a lot to consume however you break down the macros... and for 12-years... He'll probably drop 50lbs in the next 3-6months without even trying.
  17. Copied the link below for reference, but with all the draft movement talk, this ranking system seems to have become sacred. So how seriously does everyone take this, more specifically do you think NFL GMs take this as gospel? I see this as maybe something for general guidance... but the changes in value within the top 4 seem absolutely ridiculous... I would much rather have picks 4 and 12 versus JUST 1-overall. So if I'm a GM, MY ranking system would be more grouping based and be something along the following... I'd also consider increasing #1 and #2 pts if I think there's generational talent, but no way would I expect this to be an immobile system. My Realistic Ranks 1 - 3000 pts 2-4 - 2700 pts 5-10 - 2000 pts 11-15 - 1700 pts 16-20 - 1500 pts 21-32 - 1000 pts Jimmi Johnson Pt System https://www.pro-football-reference.com/draft/draft_trade_value.htm
  18. He is stating the obvious.. which is he wasn't dedicated when he came out of school and didn't have the football knowledge needed to be an NFL starter. He's not blaming the Browns for his downfall, but the quote says more about why the Browns are such a garbage franchise.... Which is not Manzell's fault. Cleveland did cut him don't forget so it's a 2-way street. Not sure why fans think we should hold the shield on a pedestal...
  19. Has anyone taken any random 2017 game film and noted how many penalties would have been called from this rule? I'd imagine >80% of plays that don't end in an incompletion would get flagged. It's more difficult to think of plays that wouldn't be flagged IMO. Game will be interesting next year I guess... or different
  20. Yeah because quarterback is the Bills only 'need' in this years draft.... If you're NY and you trade ODB... then you're rebuilding and you draft a qb at #2.
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