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Everything posted by Jobot

  1. Idk, it might be pretty sweet to nail a game winner for a top college program and have the field get rushed.
  2. Is Frazier interested in being a head coach again? It would be great for the Bills if he took the Wade Phillips mindset and wanted to hunker down in a D-coord position that suites his strengths. I think too many guys young coaches feel like they 'need' to become head coaches, when in reality, it takes a special breed for that job.
  3. And Bobby Boucher shows up at halftime just in time to win the Bourbon bowl!
  4. Typically defenses are ahead of the curve compared to offenses come week 1. I have more confidence in the Bills D as a unit than I fear any 1 player. Unless his name rhymes with Flom Shady.
  5. Dude read my responses. I said "Dak's personal approach does not bother me". But I root for the Bills, the team, not that one of the 53 gets 20% of the team salary cap. As a result, I root for our owner to make smart decisions with consideration of how player contracts impact the salary cap position of the team. I'm all for doubling the cap, hell give the salary cap a 10x boost! The primary goal of a team is to win. The primary goal for some players is to say they make more money than other players. With your logic, you should personally be offended that the linemen who's bodies are most abused aren't the highest paid in the NFL.
  6. Yeah.. because I totally said he should play for free. I legit just stated a fact, so relax. I have no problem with him as an individual handling his business in this manner. Honestly, I hope Dallas falls for it and pays the guy, and thus knocks itself out of realistic superbowl contention with a contract like that...It's one less team to worry about. Reality is that he's not the best quarterback in the league or even close to it. The fact that he's asking to be the most expensive qb in the NFL tells me that he's out to get as much money as possible even to the detriment of the team. Please tell me how overpaying any position player ever benefits a team? Tom Brady gets it...
  7. Demanding that kind of money should tell the team that he is money first, and winning second.
  8. Call it what you want.. the Bills and NFL have no legal obligation to this criminal. IMO it is crazy that a major sports franchise would be afraid to claim this as their opinion or belief. Then again, I'm sure someone somewhere has identified a monetary loss/gain from the decision to publicize this.
  9. Found guilty in civil court. The NFL never waits for a criminal conviction to hand out punishments to existing players. And he was found guilty in the civil case. Had to give lots of money to the victims family.
  10. I get what you're saying, but for the OJ case... Seems like he's a unique species can of worms. I feel sometimes it's okay pissing off some people if you know you're doing the right thing. Also, OJ was found guilty in the Civil case. The stakes for a Civil case however don't include jail time, just a lot of money.
  11. I didn't realize he was still on the wall. Just do the right thing and take it down. It's actually embarrassing that this hasn't happened yet. Yes, remove him from the HOF as well. Who gives a damn how great someone is at a sport when they commit such a horrific act. I would have zero sympathy for him.
  12. Lame. If you're going to try and put on a show, then put on a good show with at least a hint of cleverness. A 4 year old could come up with this idea. Good work Jalen...
  13. It should work for him, but only because it's Dallas. Any team with an intelligent owner knows that he's way too much of a liability off the field. I hope Dallas just lets him sit out.
  14. I think on paper this team has enough playoff level talent. The main factors that will determine playoffs for me are as follows: 1-Josh Allen Development 2-Can the offensive line gel quick enough I don't expect much clarity to either of these items until midway through the season. So my hopes are that the team can stay close to .500 while they come together.
  15. Well 300 million people means someones always offended about something. But regardless I actually don't understand Kap's argument on this one (I can follow the kneeling). By his logic, should we not honor the men who served and died during the American Revolution because that was also during the slave era? Obviously that wouldn't make sense. Final thought... don't ever believe that the driver for any decision that Nike makes is about anything other than dollars and cents. They didn't halt production to show awareness to a social concern, they pulled the shoe due to public opinion impacting their stock price.
  16. Pretty sure Nike's paranoid of those child slavery skelotons in their closet peaking out again... I think there's some heavy irony woven here.
  17. I probably wouldn't be rushing to apologize either if I had years of people targeting my knees and head throughout my career.
  18. Incident seemed like a one-off in Gronk's career. Obviously it was poor behavior, but my point was that this is the most violent sport on the planet, it would be ignorant to expect instances like this to never occur. It's easy to do understand if you remove any emotional connection you have to the Bills and Patriots. And then look at the product that the NFL delivers. Not shocking to see something like that happen on the field.
  19. Meh, competition brings out some raw emotions. Can't judge the guy completely on one impulsive act during an NFL contest.
  20. So I says to him, I said, "get your own monkey!"
  21. I like having to struggle to come up with a good answer to this one.
  22. Explain to me why we would want to help out the Jets by taking the Bell contract? They screwed themselves for the next few years with this year's off season moves.
  23. I felt last year was pretty clear that he lost a serious steps. I know the line was garbage, but speed wasn't there even when there were gaps for him to sneak through. By the end of next season I wouldn't expect him to be the lead back unless Singeltary is hurt or struggles. ...That being said, I'm not trading for or paying Bell.
  24. Florida DA is totally screwed in this case.. They basically made false/illegal claim of a sex trafficking claims (which were not true) to illegally obtain videos, and is now leaking information to try and get Kraft to crack and take a plea deal. Kraft doesn't give a F, and is going to make annihilate them with his legal resources.
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