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Everything posted by Jobot

  1. What was the score after the first 3 quarters of the game again? How many consecutive passing plays to start the game? How many INTs, O-line miscommunications, and should-be-picks, and missed Jet FGs happened? Yeah.. we totally had a solid game plan to secure a road win.
  2. I mean it's the reality of the game. We came in with an unnecessarily risky game plan that nearly cost us the game against a weaker opponent. You can't tell me that by the end of the 3rd quarter you didn't think... 'damn, I wish we just established the run and let the defenses battle this game out'. To me, that strategy would have yielded a comfortable and controlled win for the Bills.
  3. Totally agree, my point was that we could have more than likely won the game with a conservative game plan. Instead we were very fortunate to overcome everything that happened in a road game.
  4. Only thing that I would criticize is coming out week 1 on the road with a pass-heavy attack seemed overly optimistic, risky, and unnecessary to secure a win. It nearly cost us the game if not for the Jets poor kicking and the Moseley injury.
  5. If I recall, it was in the 4th quarter. We went out of bonds with 5:03 on the clock. The clock stopped for the refs set the ball, once the ball was set, the clock continued to run (as it should) down to 5:00 and continued to run into 4min and change before the Bills snapped the ball. I thought the clock would have stopped at 5min in this scenario, but I guess not?
  6. My opinion of the game was that the Bills came in with way too optimistic of a game plan, that Allen would be running a high powered offense to light up the Jets. It felt like the Bills could have eventually won a conservative battle of running and punting if that had been the initial plan. It almost bit us, but then the Moseley injury and Jets kicking game saved us. Still gotta give credit to Allen and the offense execution in the 4th.
  7. I'm hoping the Bills can stick near .500 throughout the first half of the year. I fully anticipate the O-line to have some bumpy points as they try to gel and hopefully hit stride mid-year. You want your team performing best at the end of the year, so I disagree that a loss to the Jets week-1 means playoffs are out of a realistic expectation.
  8. Well I hate to break it to ya, but ESPN/NFL websites are looking for 'clicks'... Also, they care more about large market teams, because, more 'clicks'. Week 1 can't come soon enough!!!
  9. Dude, not sure how long you've been a Bills fan, but eventually you will learn to pick your battles about what sends you into a rage. There's plenty of opportunity for that once the games start.
  10. It would more critical to win if they were playing in Buffalo, but still not a must win. It's wayy too early to tell how good/bad any team is going to be for the season, therefore I find it tough to put a 'must-win' label on a week 1 game. Another problem with week-1 is there is so much 'unknown' about your own team that boils all the way down to just communication and game management by the staff that has to get worked out. Thankfully all teams experience the 'week-1' challenges, so it's just another fun random variable that no one can possibly account for.
  11. Pretty cool that instead of just cutting guys, we get draft picks for them.
  12. He's a much more valuable asset being our #2 qb vs acquiring a 6th rounder, which is all you could realistically hope for with a trade.
  13. Sick of the 'we give our bodies up to this sport' argument. Like no *****, and you do so willingly and get compensated plenty. Coal miners also give up their bodies to make a living, usually without much alternative options. So pump the breaks Rogers. You're an adult playing a kids game getting paid millions.
  14. Unfortunately it's too wayyy risky without knowing for sure that once Clowney signs a massive contract, that he's going to continue to work as hard/harder that led him to this point. Plus give up a good player.
  15. Love the simple logic of, we got a good one, so just lock him in to a deal.
  16. I guess that's why no NFL player has ever participated in a league.
  17. Just remember before talking about your fantasy football team to another person, that no one in the entire world cares about your fantasy football team.
  18. Dude hasn't played a single game for the Bills.. relax
  19. Timing for the injury could be a blessing. This forced some rotational experience and learning during preseason, so we'll be in better shape in the scenario that he goes down during the regular season.. Plus they were able to take extra precautions and not rush him back for a meaningful game to hopefully reduce the risk of re-injury.
  20. Preseason proves nothing unfortunately. Silly to think otherwise.
  21. I'm not sure what your point is, but being on the football team is usually a big deal in college.
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