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Posts posted by Jobot

  1. 18 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Huh?  Panthers signed Eric Reid and it has not been a distraction and he Sued the NFL with Kap.  And Eric Reid is STILL kneeling.  Sorry, this just isnt accurate.  Again, nobody cares anymore...the only reason it got as big as it did is because Trump relentlessly trolled this issue for his own personal boost at the time.  Trump does not even know the words to the National Anthem, literally, and only dwelled on it because Trump said it was the only thing he got a boost from at that time.  


    Trump isn't tweeting about it anymore and now no one cares that the guy who sued the NFL with Kap is signed, playing, and still kneeling for the Panthers.  


    The outrage was stupid when it happened, it was manufactured and manipulated to mean something it wasn't for political reasons, and now its back to no one even cares.  If anyone here still was so outraged by it, then they should be ranting and raving about Reid not Kap.  


    Eric Reid is an unknown to 99% of people watching football.  It may because of selective media coverage, but no one gives a damn about what Eric Reid does.  I'm not saying it's right.. but it also strengthens your point about how stupid the outrage was.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Nextmanup said:

    I would suggest most team revenue streams come from sources beyond their own fanbase.  At least in a market like Buffalo.


    Maybe that's wrong.  How much revenue has AB cost Oakland?  How much will he cost NE?  


    The NFL is an invincible marketing machine that can't be broken right now, and the owners have more money than they can spend or lose in a lifetime.


    But we can agree to disagree.  


    I'm talking about revenue lost from decreased viewers and people turning away from the NFL.  The NFL was discussed as hurting and saw decreased ratings during the peak of the kneeling period.  Probably can't claim this was the exact cause, but it's definitely on their mind as a risk.


    Just now, the skycap said:

    A bigger distraction than AB??


    My opinion is that Kaep would be a bigger distraction than AB.  But in discussing the matter further on this board, I think there's a monetary risk that owners aren't willing to take after they saw decreased viewership/ratings when he was previously the focal point of the league.

  3. Just now, Nextmanup said:

    It's not that.  See my post above. 


    It's a message, and it's not even directed to Keep!  It's directed to the next guy who thinks he can be bigger than the game.


    They are willing to make an example out of Kaepernick b/c ultimately, he's not good enough.




    I disagree, I think it's about him being a risk to ownership revenue that they're just unwilling to take.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Nextmanup said:

    It has nothing to do with "causing a distraction" which is what the teams would like you to believe.

    How about AB in Oakland and now NE?  Is he causing a distraction?


    It's about the members of one of the most elite clubs in the world colluding to send a message.  Not to Kaepernick, but to any other future player who thinks he is bigger than the game.


    Message is heard loud and clear: "Tow the line or it will cost you your playing career."


    They are all willing to adopt this strategy because Kaepernick is not elite enough for any of them to break the agreement and sign him.


    They would all be doing it with AB too, if he wasn't as elite as he is! 




    It all comes down to dollars and cents.  The Kaepernick situation occurred simultaneously in time with the NFL starting to lose viewers and ratings. If I'm a business owner, and I know that hiring Kapernick has a chance to be the ONE thing that might negatively impact my revenue, you can sure bet that I'm not going to hire him.  I don't need to collude with the other owners to do this.


  5. 1 hour ago, StHustle said:


    I hear this argument all the time. What distraction are you speaking of? The media asking questions? This is a bogus argument at this point and Im tired of seeing it. Pure excuse.


    I think it's the reality of the situation.  His actions piss off a lot of people (right or wrong), so as an owner, you'd have to ask yourself if it's worth pissing off a huge chunk of your fan base.  So far, NFL owners have all aired on the side of not wanting to deal with this and I doubt it will change.

  6. 38 minutes ago, chris heff said:

    If she is extorting money, why only sue for $75,000? 


    I take exception to your personal assault, which you have done by calling me ignorant. I did not question any other posters intelligence or character, calling someone stupid when having a discussion rarely accomplishes anything.


    i don’t think Kraft is “pro-sex trafficking” and I never wrote that. I believe that Kraft is indifferent.


    $75k is a jurisdictional requirement for federal court. I believe the report stated 'upwards of $75k.'

    You said 'Kraft encourages sex trafficking' which is a baseless claim that you stated to support hating of the PATs


    Ignorant means lacking facts.  Not meant as an insult. I am ignorant to many things.

  7. The AB situation looks like the accuser is extorting him for money if you actually follow up on the story.

    Saying Craft is pro-sex trafficking is just ignorant and you lose stock in your entire argument with a comment like that.


    FACTS that suck but are still Facts...

    1-They have been the best team for longer than any other team in NFL history.

    2-They have the greatest head coach in NFL history.

    3-Brady has performed better than any NFL quarterback in NFL history, including career longevity, top seasons, and playoffs.


    I can't stand the Patriots, but have come to accept the above, and take comfort in the fact that their best is behind them.

  8. 4 hours ago, OrediggerPoke said:

    The most Josh Allen play that I've ever seen was a play against San Diego State.  SDSU brought a huge blitz and Allen scrambled around and then tried to be hero and threw an ill advised cross body throw that was picked off by Damontae Kazee (last year's NFL leader in INTs).  Allen ran down Kazee for about 30 yards and lowered the boom knocking Kazee backwards flat on his ass and causing Kazee to fumble the football through the back of the end zone for a touch back and Wyoming's ball.


    Allen will make mistakes but he will make up for it and lead the team to wins.  Stats are for losers.  That play will go down as an INT in the stat book but was big momentum to Wyoming.


    I love it, but I can never be convinced that's it's a realistic expectation to always successfully hit on the river in the NFL.  Playoffs are single elimination.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Albany,n.y. said:

    I'm expecting a blowout win vs the Giants unless the Giants double the time of possession over the Bills by running Barkley until he drops.  The Giants have no WRs if Shepard is out (Tate is still suspended) & their D is pretty bad.  The only way the Giants stay close is total ball control, trying to make this a carbon copy of Super Bowl XXV.  


    Therefore, I'll take a blowout for what it is, a good win against one of the NFL's worst teams.  It won't give me any confidence we can beat NE.  In fact, if the Bills don't blowout the Gants, I fear a serious butt kicking by the Patriots.  A Giants game blowout will only indicate we're playoff contenders, still not ready to join the elites.  


    Agreed, blowout = playoffs is realistic expectation . Close-win = team still needs to make improvements to get there.  For beating PATs, I just meant it pushes the needle a little closer towards that becoming an expected win, but definitely doesn't move it all the way.

  10. 34 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    And if it’s close win and not a blowout? 


    Close win or loss, then I see them as still working to gel as a team (especially offense), and I'd be looking towards the 2nd half of the season for them to hopefully turn the corner.  Which is where I was going into week 1 and where I still am today.  So a blow out win over the Giants pushes me a little closer towards EXPECTING them to beat NE week 4.

  11. 17 hours ago, OrediggerPoke said:

    Check out: (1) Wyoming v. Northern Illinois 9/3/2016; (2) Wyoming v. Boise State 10/29/2016; (3) Wyoming v. San Diego State 11/19/2016; (4) Wyoming v. Utah State 10/14/2017;  (5) Wyoming v. Colorado State 11/4/2017.  Each basically the same narrative.  Each a loss without Josh Allen late game craziness.


    I don't doubt it.  And I don't watch a ton of college, but in general I wouldn't expect college team execution to come close to what to expect from the execution of an NFL team.  Over the course of 16 games I don't feel the Bills could survive/make the playoffs living like this.  But I could be wrong!

  12. 13 minutes ago, billsfan1959 said:

    We just differ here. IMO, not only was I fine with the game plan, I think it was the RIGHT game plan. They moved the ball. In the 1st half, there were turnovers that were the result of bad bounces, there were turnovers that were the result of bad execution, and there were penalties that all derailed possible scoring drives. Any of them could have happened with a more conservative game plan. 


    They did not turn the ball over and make those same mistakes and penalties in the second half and they won the game. Why do people choose to believe what happened in the first half defines this team or the coaching, rather than what happened in the second half?


    The defense played great the whole game. I do not discount the turnovers or penalties on the part of the offense; however, looking past that in a more complex analysis: the offense moved the ball well all game, Allen made good decisions for the most part, was accurate with some very impressive throws, made some terrific calls at the line in reading the defense, and led them to a fourth quarter comeback. It was his twelfth game in the NFL and he has shown real improvement.


    IMHO, I am fine with letting him air it out when game planning for a specific opponent calls for it. I believe it did yesterday. Maybe it wasn't that we were fortunate to come away with a win as much as the Jets were fortunate we din't blow them out?


    I'll say this, in knowing the outcome of the game, I'll take the aggressive approach.  I think there was much to be gained by Allen and the offense experience-wise, to go out and just play.  My previous points are basically of the mindset that wins come at a premium in this league, and shouldn't be taken for granted even against a lesser opponent.  So I'm happy we got the win, but more happy and feel very fortunate that we didn't miss out winning this particular game had a couple bounces gone differently.


    It's like we won taking the Tin Cup approach, but our opponent also double bogey'd the hole.

  13. 1 minute ago, billsfan1959 said:

    Am I missing something here? It was our home opener, on the road, against a division rival, with a pretty good defense, that has played us tough over the last few years.  They played well outside of some mistakes in the first half, particularly when they needed to,  and WON.  Why does, what should be a pretty positive day on the Monday after a big win, have such a tone of doom and gloom from so many posters? 


    I think there's a difference between 'doom and gloom' and saying that we were 'fortunate' to have won.  The Bills clearly looked the better team all day, but their game plan left them susceptible to week-1 mistakes, which is exactly what we saw.  Don't forget, our offense is made up of probably 75% new players.  So we still had to scramble to get the win in the 4th.  Without some very fortunate happenstances, this comeback wouldn't have been possible, and we'd be kicking ourselves.

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