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Everything posted by Jobot

  1. Jerry Jones is a clown. He's just a pre-madonna that has to go crying to the media for attention when he gets upset. This tells me that he is not a leader. This tells me he is not a competent decision maker. The cowboys will never win another Super Bowl while he's the owner.
  2. Since prior to the Week 1, it was always about the team improving as the year went on. It appears they're trending in the right direction. Come playoffs they'll have to be better than they are today. The next few weeks will be fun to watch.
  3. You can fine the guy, but you don't highlight it on a big screen to shame the guy. That's a blatant sign of weak and pathetic leadership by Gase. Good luck Jets fans... he ain't gonna right the ship.
  4. Yeah.. that's a tough one, that word "forward," it has such an ambiguous definition, right?? Like did it go forward or did it not?!
  5. Rule 8 Forward Pass, Backward Pass, Fumble Section 1 Forward Pass DEFINITION Article 1 Definition It is a forward pass if: (a) the ball initially moves forward (to a point nearer the opponent’s goal line) after leaving the passer’s hand(s); or (b) the ball first strikes the ground, a player, an official, or anything else at a point that is nearer the opponent’s goal line than the point at which the ball leaves the passer’s hand(s). Read above.. arm motion don't mean jack. It's from where the ball leaves the hand to where it lands on the field.
  6. Already established on other threads that it should have been a fumble bud.
  7. Hughes had one but NFL refs are incompetent.
  8. I'm actually very curious how the team comes out after seeing Miami for a second time. I think it will tell us a lot about our coaching staff. We have a much more talented roster than Miami, this should look like the week-2 win vs the Giants.
  9. I just love when people find one statistic and think they've discovered Atlantis.. A reporter did this earlier this week when asking McDermott specifically about Allen's and Tyrod's recent 20games as a Bill. What about garbage time points that we've scored while getting blown out??? There are hundreds of reason to justify why they aren't scoring as much. Pick whichever one you like.
  10. Rule 8 Forward Pass, Backward Pass, Fumble Section 1 Forward Pass DEFINITION Article 1 Definition It is a forward pass if: (a) the ball initially moves forward (to a point nearer the opponent’s goal line) after leaving the passer’s hand(s); or (b) the ball first strikes the ground, a player, an official, or anything else at a point that is nearer the opponent’s goal line than the point at which the ball leaves the passer’s hand(s). Enjoy
  11. Really a forced and ignorant question. I wish head coaches would try to embarrass the reporters a little bit when they ask these questions and just challenge them on the though process that went into asking the question. Ask the reporter: What differences do you think exist between Tyrod and Allen regarding the spots in their careers in considering those 40 games? What other statistics did you consider when deciding the 20 game passing statistics made sense. What did Tyrods last 10 compared to Allen's last 10 look like? Seems more appropriate considering A ROOKIE QB
  12. This was an observation of teams we've lost to, not an excuse. But it absolutely makes a difference in how you prepare and focus. Pay attention to any playoff game or elimination game. A lot more focus.
  13. Damn idk then.. that would be very disappointing if NY is butchering these calls.
  14. I'm a little less fresh for the exact details as to why people are pissed at McDermott. IMO, I'm more salty with Hauschka than McDermott. I wouldn't have confidence in him hitting from 35 yards based on how poorly he hit his two misses.
  15. Okay, 2-games in the loss column technically, which will even out after Seattle has their bye-week. Agreed about the locker room. But I think it's the coaches job though to be able to take out the emotion of the decision in order to make the smart decision.
  16. I wasn't ordinarily surprised that the 49ers didn't settle for playing for a tie... But IMO it would have made way more sense from a strategic perspective. Especially after their missed field goal in OT, the clock was winding down and this should have at least been a consideration. Additionally, Garropolo did not look comfortable and they were without Sanders and Kittle. A tie would have maintained a 2-game lead over Seattle, and rendered their next match up potentially inconsequential for Seattle's ability to overtake the division. NOW the division essentially will hinge on their next game AT Seattle
  17. Totally agree with you that it's not an excuse, but more an observation for how our team plays when going up against this type of desperation. Eagles beat us pretty convincingly, but we had plenty of chances to beat the Browns, which is very disappointing.
  18. I have no clue why ALL replays don't go back to 'New York'. It's so apparent that refs can't handle the added workload in addition to the field work.
  19. Thanks for posting this. I was pulling my hair out arguing about this on another thread. It's extremely frustrating that the refs don't understand the rules as well as people watching at home. It's really simple, either the ball is moving forward or it is not. Allen's example vs the Vikings should have been ruled an incomplete pass. Baker's ball didn't go forward (at least not convincingly from replay) and should have stayed a fumble. Ironically, it was probably during off-season review that the Refs were shown the incorrect outcome of Allen's example that this past weekends crew assumed was identical. Bottom line, most of the refs are just not smart enough for this game.
  20. ...I asked god that if he could ruin the Patriots perfect season against the Giants that he could make it so the Bills never win a super bowl. The next day some dude caught a ball on his helmet... I was in a dark place. I'm sorry.
  21. Agreed. Shakes my confidence in the coaching staff a bit.
  22. I do know that defenses tend to go more prevent D during the final minutes of a half. Possibly the reason for the yardage increase and improved 3rd down efficiency.
  23. One thing that dawned on me regarding the three losses this year.. One was vs the Patriots Two were against teams that essentially had their seasons on the line.
  24. Rule 8 Forward Pass, Backward Pass, Fumble Section 1 Forward Pass DEFINITION Article 1 Definition It is a forward pass if: (a) the ball initially moves forward (to a point nearer the opponent’s goal line) after leaving the passer’s hand(s); or (b) the ball first strikes the ground, a player, an official, or anything else at a point that is nearer the opponent’s goal line than the point at which the ball leaves the passer’s hand(s). IN CONCLUSION.....The point at which the ball hit the ground was not closer to the opponent's goal line than were Bakers hands!
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