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Niagara Dude

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Posts posted by Niagara Dude

  1. This guy comes out blowing Marrone's horn about changing the culture, this guy (Brandon)is great at selling tickets. He needs to stay away from all football decisions (you win one big game the whole year) at that is changing the culture?He also told everyone the day Marrone was hired that Marrone was innovative & cutting edge.Did anyone see that in two years?

  2. This guy sucks bad as a coach and only because our standards here are so low the Bills will bring him back another year (waste another year on this loser).You don't pay 1.4 billion for your franchise to have a 50cent coach you picked-up from a loser football program.How many of our 8 wins were produced in the final minutes of the game (Detroit/Chicago & Vikings) all fools gold.

  3. We are going to waste another year with this punt on fourth down loser, this is just another one of the long list of Ralph Wilson's Walmart coaches.We have a owner who spent 1.4 billion to but this franchise and we get a coach from Walmart.The guy hired Hackett because he wanted someone young who would not mind him stepping in and calling most of the plays.Where is the innovative cutting edge coach? that is what get when you shop at Walmart for your head coach.

  4. Russ is a used car saleman and not a football guy, what he thinks reguarding football decisions mean nothing.Marrone is a average coach who is brutal on his side of ball (offense).This guy will stick around for another year just because our standards are so low being 9-7 or 8-8 is something to be excited about.His game day decisions and and play calling on offence (he said not to blame Hackett) are brutal, almost every player on offence is worst now then before he was hired.Good coaches do not lose at home (lost against NE/SD AND KC) and was one play from a losing against Minnesota.Go win in NE and then you can talk about changing the culture, because that is something none of other coaches could do.

  5. This is a big joke, Marrone is a loser and should be fired (I guess we will have to wait another year).This team lost how many games at home? and punted on 3rd down down 10 points to Miami in 4th quarter in a game we needed.The side of ball he is most involved with is one of the worst in the NFL, just because the defense has top level talent and playing lights out means nothing about Marrone.Almost every player on offense who was here prior to Marrone is worst in performance on the field.Can anyone reaily say this coach is cutting edge as Brandon told the media the day he introduced this loser.

  6. You need a more explosive running back and QB who can at least complete a few good throws. Right now Orton is not even doing that.Either way the team is much closer to being a true winner.



    Explosive running back (need to see more 20 yard runs)

    Play making TE- Could be Gray


    Improved QB play (just get someone who complete basic pass plays and can pick-up yards with his feet)

  7. You need a more explosive running back and QB who can at least complete a few good throws. Right now Orton is not even doing that.Either way the team is much closer to being a true winner.



    Explosive running back (need to see more 20 yard runs)

    Play making TE- Could be Gray


    Improved QB play (just get someone who complete basic pass plays and can pick-up yards with his feet)

  8. Hard to score when everything on offence is dink & dunk.This offense does not have enough explosive plays the chew up big yards.We need upgrades at both the TE & running back positons going into next year.Fred Jackson has been a great guy but now has heavy/tired legs and Scott Chandler cannot get enough separation (the 4th down attempt was drive killer).If you want to be a good offense that scores points then you need those quick 5-6 play drives.When you need 15-16 plays to scores, too many things can go wrong.

  9. For those who think Marrone is a good coach and deserves another year all i say is this is a results league either you win or you are out.Conservative coaching is coaching games not to lose, i want a coach who plays to win.At least Chan got the best out of very little talent they had on offence, his problem was having a dummy as DC.

  10. The bottom line is winning and this guy has not won enough to keep around.Marrone will say and use any excuse he can find to salvage his job, his background is offence and they have been brutal on this side of bowl.He was a .500 coach at a average college football program and things are about the same in the pros.We hired him because Wilson liked hiring on the cheap side, we now have a owner with the cash to spend on a quality football coach.Lets not waste another year.

  11. Sounds like there are some guys who think Marrone is a good coach and is cutting edge material.As I mentioned if he had won just of one of three home games San Diego /NE or KC then I would given him a pass for the unfortunate events that occurred this week, but no way.My point being that he is trying to gain sympathy from the fans & media before the game is even played.Go win the game and 4 more after that if you want to coach this team next year.

  12. This guy is a big fraud starting with his statements on the day of his hiring, "we are going to be cutting edge" can anyone say this is what we have seen cutting edge coaching?Advantage or disadvantage this team has more talent then Philadelphia Eagles and they hired a winner in Chip Kelly and we ended up with a loser in Marrone.Our record & there record, enough said.

  13. Lets make it clear I do not like this coach and either he wins games or fire him and if you like seeing your coach punting on fourth down in the 4th quarter down two scores then lets give him the sympathy card.


    Marrone was voted the 31th best coach in the league at the start of this year, sounds about right and number 32 was fired.

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