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Niagara Dude

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Everything posted by Niagara Dude

  1. I believe Whaley should and will be fired after this coming season , he is loser and is putting together a hot garbage roster. Signing garbage players that no other wants. I mean why did we waste so much for (2) fullbacks? and yet no WR'S? This loser should have been canned with REX, i believe Russ saved his butt to save face. Russ Brandon was the football fool who first gave this moron a chance and we are seeing the results. Team is a car wreck, this a passing league and we have no quality DB'S OR any depth at WR. Holes everywhere and Whaley signing no name losers.
  2. The Bills need to just sell off all assets and rebuild, perhaps keep Sammy. We need to find a real franchise QB and Taylor is not the answer, set the goal for 2-3 years out when Brady is finally retired. The Patriots already look stronger then last season, no Bills draft is going to change that.
  3. They are winners Brandon just wants sell tickets
  4. This team is a mess on defense, where are you seeing the talent? No signed LB'S, no safety and no elite DB'S. We have Sammy and the rest are not getting you anything
  5. Right, just like they were dieing to hire Anthony Lynn
  6. No thanks. he looks like another TT
  7. He is black and they need to interview one black coach, that is the sad truth. This guy is not a HC
  8. Now he not interested because he knows the Bills are not interested, both Pegulas gave a lukewram endorsement . Trust me this guy will not be a HC for the Bills or any other team in the league. Sunday he says he wants the job, Tuesday he hears both Terry and Kim say in separate interviews the job is not his and Wed he is no longer interested. HMM go figure...
  9. This is a joke, this was started by Lynn's AGENT. Denver or no other NFL wants anything to do with a coach from a losing Rex Ryan coaching tree.
  10. This source was his agent, knowing that no team in this league wants anything to do with this loser.
  11. Yes with all his Super Bowl rings Terry and Kim need to get on their knees and beg him to return, he is a loser who screws everyone and anyone to get his way...
  12. Please start normal conversations, Marrone will never be trusted after leaving the way he did. He is not anything special that you need to bite your pride for. Loser....
  13. Thanks because we need a clean slate, we had a chance to win this game and he decides to run some gimmick play. Mike G up the middle who was running hard with no dancing in the backfield or pass to either Sammy would have been the best choices from the Miami 17.
  14. LIke he has looked all season Bush looked really slow, like a 5.0 forty slow. If you are going try that play then use one of explosive speed guys and at the very least he gets back to the line or a few positive yards. Was one of many bonehead decisions and that is why you scrap the whole coaching staff after the season ends. Really... Dick Juaron 2.0 . Time to start over with someone new and who brings in their own people. Not interested in former RB as our new HC, caveman football (ground & pound) is losing football.
  15. This guy is another punt of 4th down type of guy, thinks caveman football wins in this league. We need a forward thinking HC. As we have seen leading the league in rushing does not win games, you need to pass to set-up the run not the other way around. Sammy himself spoke about this, when your best player speaks about it the organization needs to listen and respond. How long before he starts asking to be traded with this mickey mouse run run run offense run by a gimmick QB. TT is a joke for a starting QB and come up short for making smart plays, did anyone mention that if he did not run out of bounds late in the 4th quarter we could have killed at least another 40 sec off the clock? Lynn is just another Rex Ryan thinker, run run pass. Get someone who understands the game and how play it in 2017, this is not the 80's. I guarantee that no NFL team other then Bills want this guy other then to have him come in for a interview to meet black interview requirements. Why would you want someone from the the Rex Ryan coaching tree if you are firing Rex after 2 seasons? You may as well just keep Rex because you will be getting more of the same. Punt on 4th down and run run run...
  16. This guy is another Dick Juron, lets get an experienced college coach. I say David Shaw from Stamford.
  17. This will never happen, no team wants a run happy coach in a passing league. They will bring him in for interview to cover league requirement.
  18. Very well done, this was perfect! Firing Rex is only getting rid of a portion of this problem. Whaley still does not get it, you need a QB to win this league. Also DT is not a position that you pay 100mill for, perhaps yes for an elite pass rushing DE or Franchise QB but not DT. How many picks for Sammy who if we don't fix our QB situation will leave in a few seasons. Get someone who understands that it starts and ends with the QB. I want someone who drafts a QB every season until we find the guy.
  19. Taylor is looking more like Trent Edwards each week, holds onto the ball/ zero pocket awareness/ will not throw the ball down field and passes that get his receivers killed. The guy sucks and is a gimmick QB that Rex decided to bring her. PLEASE MOVE ON
  20. Passing league and losers are still playing caveman football.
  21. I just never saw the big play ability in this guy from day one, looks slow and gets lost in coverage more often then not. The also is one one worst tackling corners on the team. At the end of the day we need to ask how many big plays has this guy ever made, at this is not because teams avoid throwing his way. If another team wants to give this guy big money then great for Gilmore, this guy is an average NFL corner at best.
  22. Who the hell is Ed Eagan? and why is the best thing we can do at WR?
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