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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. I didnt see doug winning 10 games after a 0-3 start man. He did play well, well enough to be able to win. That Miami game should of been in Buffalo but we were cheated. Remember that pass int. in the endzone?
  2. Ill go with letting guests post! No... I think the whole Butler situation was really bad tied in with GW and that Titans playoff game I will also say pulling Flutie was bad for the Titans game. RJ played well with the pressure but I still think if we would of won that game we would of gone to the bowl that year to beat the Rams. Flutie running a bootleg in with no time remaining. Would of been nice!
  3. it started at 7 Fake, then just clicked off
  4. ?????????????????????????? It started, 1st inning then racing popped on
  5. HAHAHAHAAH go find a job you bum....
  6. All the crying.... All the spilt beans.... And there is nothing you can do about it but take it. Dont it suck.... Everyone is classless when their a winner. Suck it up and like it!
  7. Hey guys, we are all bitching about a group of people who just dont care about human life or their own. These people are friggin animals. Their teaching and bible states that all non muslims are evil and against their good will. What religion teaches hate? Christian? You can twist and bend any bible of any religion, but I did read all about the muslim religion, Muhammad (who went on genocide missions with his holy warriors against Christians and Hebrews), and read page for page of their Quran. The Quran is very peacefull but also twisted of sorts. They teach to spread the word of Islam "BY ALL MEANS"... I dont call that a religion, I call that a cult. They call Christians the "Great Satan". Who is right and wrong here? Who knows.... But the killing of the children yesterday and the years of this stevestojan needs to stop and stop now. Every home country these people are from needs to be held responsible for their actions. Saudi, insted of putting Laden in jail, kick him out of the country. Thats right folks.... Kicked him out! He then returned to Afgan. and created "the base" supported by those cave whores the Taliban. We need to start kicking the pants off these people or find another source of power so we can leave them the way we found them, !@#$ing camels and hearding goats! All jokes aside, I hope Russia kicks the living stevestojan out of these people. You can call me a rasist all you want, THE DAY THE CHRISTIAN WORLD RISES UP TIRED OF THIS MURDER YOU CAN BET ILL BE ON THE FRONT LINE FIGHTING FOR CHRIST, MY FREEDOM, MY FAMILY AND THE TRUE WELL BEING OF ALL MANKIND!
  8. Some of the terrorist who did this are al Queda and foreign arabs. READ AND GET THE STORY BEFORE YOU POST
  9. Bad thing is Jar, their religion says this is JUST! That the killing of non muslims is not a crime. If I blow a Muslim temple up with muslims in it is that a crime because they are not Christian? Yes, because we are civil people who love and enjoy all of lifes offerings.....
  10. just sick Well, I post a bunch of positives and negatives. Some of you hate me and others love me. I say some things that piss people off but thats just me and this is just a message board. Im one of the big hearted people you will ever meet. There has to be a line with these people. This is just unholy no matter what religion you are. Report are comming in that the terrorist who did this are from different arab countries and not just the Chechen groups. Bin Ladens group was there also. Where does this stop? Where are the Muslim leaders stepping up to put a end to this? If this was my child who died, there would be a eye for a eye and a tooth .... Evil is as evil does........ All BS aside guys, kiss your kids and say a prayer tonight for these children and parents who lost their children or loved one today.
  11. You got to love Boston fans always on the up and up..... Yanks always find a way. They lost 22-0 at home? Good, let them lose tonight too. When Boston comes to town there will be a team meeting just like last year and we seen what happened....... Before you rag on the Yanks brother, check your own team. I enjoy seeing my team in the playoffs every year and the series. What have you enjoyed? 78 years of ????
  12. hey Tom, delete them. I would lose sleep tonight. Not paying your taxes would effect my paycheck. Then Id lose sleep.... This is a message board folks. I could care if or who gave a crap about me. You dont know me. You may one day and you may not. Not that it matters. You dont like what I post, dont read it. Try paying some time with your wife, it keeps her from going to people like me......
  13. Sorry to rain on your parade there brother. There are more homos in the Air Force and Army than Navy combined........ Navy is for men who wish to take their penis international with the lovely ladies of Europe...... If your into the kinky side of life you head to Asia...... Best lookin ladies in the World are in Egypt.
  14. HHAHHAHAH, Give me a break. You may accept racists and fags in the wonder world of America you live in but I dont. I always wonder how you find love in a mans hairy bum. Ask your kid when you pick him up at the Blue Oyster Club. Till then, keep them away from me or Ill sew their buttholes up for them. Go Bush, you rule!
  15. I like the street scene too. All the fags/anarchistic/racists/arabs are doing Bush a great favor, making him look great and the Dems like a bunch of idiots. Its like it was planned! M. Moore was put to shame, I bet he had 6 big macs insted of the normal 4. He was depressed...
  16. LOVED IT. Even if your a dem you had to be touched by that 9-11 thingy they did. Great speaches... Nothing but the truth and no bs. Didnt have to hear about something somebody did in Nam 30 years ago.... Sorry folks, but Bush would do a better job protecting this country than Kerry. I have not heard a single thing from Kerry's mouth but what he did in nam. Sen. John McCain is a true hero. Being held captive for 6 years by the Dinks and beaten half to death? That beats out any small boat service any day... Dont hear him spilling himself over it do you? Hats off to Bush and crew..... Good job...
  17. MORT REPORTS.........Since its preseason and the typical TBD crybags and the media are spelling doom for the bills, NFL officals have now created what is called the "Lonnie Johnson Bowl" to be played at the Ralph. The teams with the best O-lines and special teams in preseason will compete for the "Rob Johnson Trophy." Insted of rings, winning team will be presented with pink and yellow sweat bands. Detroit pratice squad player Tyrone Porchea was quoted saying. " I be playing for 8 year now and never won a ting. We go 4-0 in preseason ever year. It about time we get some dues!" Kick off for the great event will be take place labor day at 3:00am eastern time on PBS kids. Go Bills! I matters in 2 weeks
  19. they hand out prozac like candy now
  20. Its preseason guys. We are not going to go on out all guns loaded and show what we can do. We never have done that either has any other team. Calm down!!! Milloy will be fine and will play, trust me on that, he is too tuff to watch a team from the sidelines. Drew is looking GOOD people. Titans and Colts games. Oline needs word .....but..... all will come into fold. Lee Evens will be great but no and I mean no receiver taken in this years draft is playing like a star yet fellas...... Sit back and relax. I remember a Bills team lead by J-Kelly and crew who hardly ever won a preseason game. Lets let things pan out a bit first. And my last note.... WHO THE HELL CARES WHAT PHIL SIMMS HAS TO SAY, HE IS STILL PISSED OFF THAT HANSEN AND B. SMITH KNOCK HIS BUTT OUT OF REGULAR SEASON AND JEFF HOSTETLER (SP) TOOK OVER. THAT GUY IS NOTHING BUT A CHUMP.
  21. That is a funny ass show. You guys cant miss that! Funny as hell
  22. You got it man, I was hoping you were kidding. But you know these Liberals in the country, they thing Kerry is the second comming of Christ.
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