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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. Hey guys, My hat is off you all of you who spend your money for a ticket. I wish I could go too. I think it may be the time to start socking that cash away for your future or that nice car you been wanting.... This team has sucked for over 10 years now. 10 long years. It just keeps getting worse and worse. You are watching horror show in the making of a season and then you will watch your top 5 draft pick go to the Dallas Cowboys. Losman? Remember Johnson? (Not saying he will do as bad but he is not a "top QB") They will select a bright star for their great well coached future. I know you guy love Ralph. I do too, but all everyone is doing is making his pockets bigger while your asses fill those seats and buy his food/beer. TD needs to go. I dont care what he did for Pittsburgh. This is not Pittsburgh. He has dont little to none to help this team. His coaches could not coach their way out of a doorless shithouse! Time has come for the fans of Buffalo to show Mr Wilson that enough is enough and get us a GM/Coach who can do the job. There are no fans in the world who love their team more and deserve to win then the Buffalo Bills! I love this team, I just cant take the crap anymore with them. Same Song, Same Season Go Bills!
  2. Drew will feel like a prison rape victim stunt double on OZ after next week. 0-4 anyone?
  4. Im not joking or being a ass guys. Bless you guys who have been spending your hard earned money to watch this team the past 10 years. You fans deserve so much better and thats no lie. Ralph, I love you old buddy but its time for a fresh change starting with the top man, you.
  5. The cards play with heart dude, this team has none
  6. where you going to be man?
  7. that should drive out the remaining 6 people who live there.
  8. Dude, Ive been doing the Intel thing since 1990. Media rules all. Most of these guys who post about the Gov. or anything else know nothing about how things really run. This post was a joke, a statement about this guy and these idiots in the world. Everything you post on this board is taken way out of line. This board is people lives man. Some of them its all they got in life. Its a shame. Bib, trust me man, I sit here and laugh my ass off at some of these people when they reply to my posts. I love it. Look at some of the pictures on their sites and all you see is sloppy 350 pound monsters, or as I like to say "the new breed liberal American". You welcome over my house for dinner and a beer if you come into town again man. Ill even get you a nice inside tour of the ship dude! Just message or email me.
  9. Hey man, drop me a email or a message man, Im comming up for the game! Finally got a day off! Need some directions
  10. I embarrassed myself? On a internet message board? Give me a break dude. Ill post what I want, your all welcome to a opinion. Popshots ill throw right back. This place is full of internet tuff guys, I love it.... It really dont matter what you feel or think about me man, I wake up the same person everyday. What make you a man Bib, Tom or whoever is when im standing face to face with you and you got the balls to say whats on your mind. Your a Gators guy right? See you Sunday at 1pm brother.
  11. Ah I got ya there. Id like to compair military service with you Tom
  12. Heres another idiot who comes out for pop shots. I wonder at times why I spend the long months away from my family for people like you. Then I think, I get a % of your hard earned money (if you even work which i doubt) reguardless of what you think of me jackass. Ah no, im not a cook, but I wouldnt take shots at those guys. There out to sea for your safety too. Cook or not.
  13. Hey man, You, granny, and the family come out the gate swinging! You will beat this thing! Keep that chin up and spend all kinds of time with grandma. Go get her the new star wars dvd's and have a good time! Her spirt will beat it alone!!! We are all pullin for ya!
  14. Watch your cornhole dude...
  15. You not going to win the hearts and minds over these people man, give me a break on that. Ask the Soviets about winning the hearts and minds or all the guys who fought in Nam. Or go up to NY and ask all the families who lost loved ones in those towers if they want to win hearts and minds. Time to kick ass....
  16. Ah, great! Where you watching sunday? Im off work and need a place to watch. I been going to the base club for the games, nobody there...
  17. HAHAHAH Boy Campy, they come out of the woodwork when I post on this board. Who are these guys?
  18. ill buy you lunch too!
  19. No dude, they have plenty of masks and cures for nerve agents. The nice thing about blood is it eats through the mask within 6 hours. Blood agent sticks to every form of plant life and rock. This will get the job done!!! Yeah I know, I need a life..... But hey, it is my life! Go Bush in 2004!! Go Bills in ah.... yeah!
  20. Great picture for the new Boo Berry cereal box When the catch this moron. I will pay the guy half of my SRB bonus every year I have in the military left (6 years till I retire, a total of $47,000) if they just rape the crap out of him in the prision shower every day. I will also need it filmed so I can send it to those corney Arab channels. Id like a whole series of them so they can run them right before they put on their morning cartoons... If George Bush would give me a good supply of Blood Agent (no cure bio-weapon for all you non military buffs) I could take care of this problem and put a bunch of people into check.... Sounds like he is getting desperate. I also think Bin Laden is dead, its been over a year now since we heard a audio tape and over two years since a video tape
  21. Go Yanks! Go Bills
  22. Air Force, the tax write-off of the armed forces, LOSE! Go Navy, Beat Army!!!!!!!
  23. debates mean nothing. Kerry is a moron
  24. Also out on DVD region 1 on ebay and most dvd distro shops... Just got one off of ebay
  25. Should be a great one!!!! My Navy is 4-0!! Good game if you dont want to see Bush make a ass out of Kerry.
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