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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. He tries to win Enough said!
  2. My 2 cents......... I really dont see the NFL having a uncapped year. I feel there will be a extention. BUT......... Most owners are not happy with the current CBA and there will be a change. I can see the NFLPA throwing fits early next spring but there will be a drastic change in spending. Buffalo is not the only city having problems and needing revenue sharing....
  3. If your going to pine everything that guy says than you are no better than he is. Id rather waste the time having sex with a dead tree.
  4. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3916583
  5. If he works for Ralph, id say a 1972 Rabbit
  6. Dude, its a scam www.419eater.com
  7. GREAT DEALS! Thanks man! I just stocked up on hats and jackets!
  8. Now what kind of fun is it when I cant get some people on here fluddered up a bit!
  9. Well, it was a crazy past 10 days. I had another attack last Monday and the Portsmouth Naval Hospital put me right in a room. They would not cut me right open due to possible infection. So.... I layed in bed until Friday morning. They came in and took me down to the OR. I was so doped up that I hardly remember anything at all. Operation did not go very smooth. I was under for 8 hours with 2 procedures having to be done by two different surgeons. I woke up about 5 in the afternoon and WHAT A MESS! I got the little cuts but the dumb ass doc cut the bladder way too high and spilled bile and stones out inside of me. So they had to call a second crew in to "clean me out". I guess the doc said it was the AIF team "anti infectionous site team" Well, I woke up to one of those drainage tubes handing out of me. Not fun! The doc came in the second day of recovery and took it out. Didnt hurt until the end of the drainage filter popped out. So now im home recovering. Still cant lay down or lay in bed at all but getting better by the day thank God! Thanks to everyone here who messaged me when I asked about the operation. Made it a ton better knowning what was going to happen next!
  10. You are right, he looking like a 100 pound white boy standing in the middle of a LA prison. I got a feeling this was going on for some time. But gloves are checked and tape signed in the back and then checked again in the ring. They may of had a system, like pumping liquid plasting in the glove after the glove was taped and cleared. Either way, something was very fishy!
  11. For just about all Bill's fans, AFTER the FA period.... I got a feeling the whole Dickie J extended stay will put a little damper on things unless Ralph opens his wallet. Then again, I come back every single year, more excited than the next.
  12. Thats nothing. Some gay guys dressed as Buffalo Bill players got dry analed for 3 hours straight for 4 Superbowls and were never caught! AND NBC SHOWED THE WHOLE THING WITHOUT CUTTING IT OUT!
  13. Titans playoff game... with the iffy fwd pass??? I still think to this day that we would of won the bowl that year, D was clicking... and DF.. On the bench! Thanks Ralph
  14. If you really want a scare, dont look at horsecrap pics from sites, just look at the Bills last 10 years of first round pics.
  15. http://punchsports.blogspot.com/2009/01/ufc-live.html enjoy guys
  16. Thanks all! Great info! I cant wait to have it out, this is killing me. Anything I eat feels like Im near death about 30 minutes after. The pair killers are great though! Nothing better than to watch some hockey and be on Oxycodone!
  17. Went for a run and I was not feeling well. I got into work and passed out. Spent 4 days in the hospital and they said Im loaded with Gall stones and its got everything inflamed. Have to have it removed next week. Ive always had a acid problem and take prevacid but this hurts like hell. How long is the recovery and is there anything special about your diet you have to change?
  18. Ralph said something about saving some money and bringing in Lonnie Johnson to fill the spot
  19. I miss Lonnie Johnson. I think if he had a penis insted of a vaginia he would of been great!
  20. http://princeemm.blogspot.com/2008/09/rpncs9.html enjoy guys
  21. I got a steak dinner that says ole Pepps is a Dallas Cowboy next year.
  22. If you seen what I did to a white pair of undies today in this short 2009, 2010 is lookin great!
  23. Dont know, ask the Marines.... They have the most in their ranks now.
  24. Ill say this much. If any of us were at a good looking teachers house at the age of 13 drinking and having a good time would of plugged the lady. If you say no, then its simple.... YOU ARE A FAG! Remember back when you were that age. Wanking at everything in site. The kid will have problems when he is older though.
  25. Little David was in his 5th grade class when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up - fireman, policeman, salesman, etc. David was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father. 'My father's an exotic dancer in a gay bar and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer's really good, he'll go out to the alley with some guy and make love with him for money.' The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some colouring, and took little David aside to ask him, 'Is that really true about your father?' 'No,' said David, 'He plays for the BUFFALO BILLS but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids.'
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