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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. Dude, you hit it on the head, JP is great to have. I think he would of been a top 10 pick if not top QB in this draft!
  2. I thought is was a million man but dont know for sure. Im sure one of these burger flippers on this board know Id hate to see him go now. Id rather see a player for player deal
  3. Yeah your right.... They never won a Super Bowl... Oh wait, ahhh, no, ahhh yeah, ahhhh crap.....
  4. 3rd rounder my #$% Buffalo has not had a good draft since 85-87 3rd rounder for Henry? Give me a break. NO VALUE IN THIS DRAFT! Keep Henry around incase WM blows out that knee or somebody with a Super Bowl chance has their star RB go down. Then you will get full value for Henry, Say Philly or the Vikes. Vikes RB have a hard time staying healthy. If the Vikes got a shot this season then they would jump all over TH with a RB problem... Whats the Buffalo Bills without some dumb drama to crow about? TH- WM Drew-JP RJ-Flutie We need some cancer this season right? It would be terrible if this team just could only focus on the game and not have a side show circus? I could be wrong here, ive noticed people here love a loser....
  5. He got that one when he was in 2nd grade reading class, about 3 years ago
  6. I wish my evals said that, then I would not have to work and do the things I got to do......
  7. Some funny stuff here...... These are ACTUAL Manager quotes taken from employee performance appraisals. 1. "Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom and has started to dig. 2. "I would not allow this employee to breed." 3. "This employee is really not much of a has-been, but more of a definite won't be." 4. "Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in a trap." 5. "When she opens her mouth, it seems it is only to change feet." 6. "He would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle." 7. "This young lady has delusions of adequacy." 8. "He sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them." 9. "This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot." 10. "This employee should go far, and the sooner he starts the better." 11. "Got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thing to hold it all together." 12. "A gross ignoramus --- 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus." 13. "He doesn't have ulcers, but he's a carrier." 14. "I would like to go hunting with him sometime." 15. "He's been working with glue too much." 16. "He would argue with a signpost." 17. "He brings a lot of joy whenever he leaves the room." 18. "When his IQ reaches 50, he should sell." 19. "If you see two people talking and one looks bored, he's the other one. 20. "A photographic memory but with the lens cover glued on." 21. "A prime candidate for natural DE-selection." 22. "Donated his brain to science before he was done using it." 23. "Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming." 24. "He's got two brains, one is lost and the other is out looking for it" 25. "If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week." 26. "If you gave him a penny for his thoughts, you'd get change." 27. "If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean." 28. "It's hard to believe he beat out 1,000,000 other sperm." 29. "One neuron short of a synapse." 30. "Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; he only gargled." 31. "Takes him 2 hours to watch 60 minutes.
  8. Where all the San Diego Bills fans at? Im TAD out here all week and where do I go to have some good food? Im going to catch a ball game out here. Really nice city!!!!
  9. Clements is gone guys....... So what can we do? Tag him? No way! If TD can pull off a trade to the Skins. I say do it. Clements will clean out his locker after the season and say bye. We will then get a 4th round pick for him a year or two later, SCREW THAT! Do the dang trade! We dont need a #9 pick, there isnt much on this draft that I would kill for. So trade the pick away.... Trade down to a 18-26 pick and try to land on of these guys... Heath Miller TE Mark Clayton or Roddy White WR Marlin Jackson cb Jammal Brown OT Also, grab another 2nd round pick with the trade.... Figure this. That would give us a 1st, 2 or 3 2nd round picks (If Henry goes to philly its for a second/Cards will be a pick swap) 1 late first and 3 second round pics sounds kind of nice to me.....
  10. Is High Times a good read for you also?
  11. Ah jobs and and this post are different there ace. Like I told you before, go hug a tree and smoke your pot. You have 3 brain cells left, you need to kill them. What does the gov do about the media jackass? NOTHING...... What does jobs have to do with this post? NOTHING...... Banks? Did the banks take her feeding tube out? What am I missing here? You need to try a different brand of glue to sniff
  12. Here we go.... Weird stuff, Corrupt husband, dating, illegal kids.... Drama..... CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC, CBS.... The Drama heartbeat of America!
  13. check out the video on the right side of the page if you wish... Drama Queens Drama Queens Drama Queens This country is just about to hear the toilet flush Im not going to get into the battle of this womans life or death fight. But come on folks. THIS HAPPENS EVERY DAY! EVERY SINGLE DAY SOME HUMAN IN THIS WORLD IS TAKEN OFF LIFE SUPPORT OR THEIR FEEDING TUBE IS REMOVED. Some times its elder folks, sometimes its children. It is sometimes a blessing for the person suffering. I had to watch my father in law suffer and rot away from cancer for 4 years. I watched that great human go from 180 pounds to just around 65 pounds before he passed on. I prayed everyday for God to take that man to a better place! There is no need for hundreds or thousands of people to gather around for weeks in protest. Crying and laying on the street thowing fits. Do these people have jobs? Give me a friggin break! Hey freedom of speech, its great! But give me a break. 99% of these idiots are the same people who protested the war, protest abortion, protest aids, protest this and protest that. Then we have these doctors and lawyers out there giving these ass backward interviews and crap looking for a book deal. Now, every time I go to find a new book to read, Ill have to crawl past the 10000000000's of books on everyones 2 cents about a woman they dont know or never met. Just like I do now, I have to crawl past 10000000000000000000's of books on Scott and Lacy Peterson from people who don’t know $^*&%^ !!!!! Im still crawling past books on OJ for Gods sake. Bottom line here... Im not being cold hearted but why does this country need all the friggin drama? The media is just out of control with this stuff and the common person just feeds off the crap. And everyone is looking to profit off anothers suffering.
  14. Ok then, How many years will I get for backing my Mother-In-Law over with the car?
  15. Is this like Darin's magic 8 ball?
  16. Do add me You are all animal porn downloaders!
  17. KO, We have not had a player that has ment anything to this team after the 2nd round since the 85-87 drafts. This is a very weak draft..... Id take the second round move up.
  18. Why build when you know the state will push the funds for it...
  19. who wants to wash TD dirty undies..... JP will be a good QB, its up to him to become GREAT!
  20. "Monster Thickburger," with 1,400 calories and 107 grams of fat. WOW thats bad.....
  21. Boy Steve, you got a fan here. Watch out though, he may want to meet you, kill you, and use you balls as a candle holder.....
  22. Discovery Channel is just outstanding man. Put it on at 7 and you can leave it on all night long. I love American Choppers, watching those two go at it is funny.... I wish Iron Chef was on that channel!
  23. You said you did "roids" with Jason G and Big Mac, did you give them a reach around?
  24. I got your drift there. People..... Greed....... Politics. Our Government works and works just fine. The people running the show is were Im coming off on. GARBAGE! Plain and simple. Twist and bend the rules for themselves or some sleeze putting money in their pockets. Greed, ME ME ME, is where this country stands. If WW2 happened today insted of 1945, we as a country would be DOOMED! Nobody is loyal to each other anymore. There is no brotherhood. We as civilians are just as bad. If a minority does not get their way or a white person is promoted insted of a black person its racism. There is no "Best man for the job", its now "Best Mix in the Workspace". The only minority in this country is the middle aged white male. Religion in schools, where our budget goes. You think your small town mayor care about your town? HELL NO, that guy is there so his buddy Gus gets the state contracts. When he get them, he overbudgets.... I can go on forever here Say what you want but its the truth. It goes with anything and everything. Everything and anything lands you in court with a lawsuit. If you stop and just take a look around (News making drama/politics/crime/drugs/greed/rich/poor/education/religion/race) Its like one huge top spinning out of control. We are no longer proud AMERICANS. We are proud INDIVIDUALS living in America....
  25. Finally get to use some of my friggin leave! I got to use 30 days of leave before sept or ill lose it! (we are only aloud to have 60 on the books) My dad use to take me Salmon fishing off Erie to a place call Berts Dam or its Barts Dam. Do anyone know where it is or where I can do some good trout fishing this year besides Pennsylvania.
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