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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. Heres what you do man. MAKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE IN THAT KIDS LIFE! BE A FATHER FIGURE TO HIM! Ive done Big Bros/Sisters for years and I have seen a ton of cases like this. Be a father to the kid and let that kid feel being loved by a family. It goes miles man. If you push him away from your kids and they are all friends, then you are doing what everyone has done to that kid his whole life. Take the kid in and include his in your family. Everything will work out from there. I doubt he is a threat to your family. If he has not hit or fights with your kids, then his intentions are honest. Keep a watchful eye but give that kid a chance and help him out.
  2. http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=...&id=6837353
  3. Off the topic.... I use to live in Quaker Meadow Apartments right down the road from the stadium past old Berts Bike Shop on Webster Rd. I remember when I was a kid there were a ton of Bills players that lived there during the season. I use to shoot hoops and swim with Tony Hunter. He was a great guy and a hell of a B-ball player! Had a huge cookout after Buffalo beat Dallas and got some great pictures with him. Great times being a kid!
  4. We should help North Korea test nukes on their surface. Along with the Middle East and every illegal drug producing country in South America
  5. Id say mixing the movies Rudy and Midnight Express but will a bad ending
  6. I will never forget everyone in here who sent me care packages when I was on the Truman during the war and also when I spent a year and a half in Bosina. Nothing means more than knowing people are supporting you back home. My days of military life are heading to a end. September 2009, I hit my 20 year mark and head off to other things in life. I hope to spend some time with everyone here next opening day! Nothing would be better than having myself read out of active duty at the Ralph! Beer and wings for all next fall! Go Navy!
  7. For every male here.... The golden rule is to take your penis and share with every wonderful woman out there until you find the right one who will keep it kept safe under the sink in a jar.
  8. One of the best dang games I have ever seen when I was young. Great times! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-1-yTNAgak...feature=related
  9. Why care? None of you will see a dime of that money either way. Worry about something else.
  10. He saw the first base line and thought it was the goal line, so me made a dive for it.... He missed....
  11. There will be more staff at your funeral than friends and family
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I57EZLhJn7g...feature=related What a great day that was! Buffalo has the best damn fans in sports. Bottom line! Sit back guys and enjoy!
  13. Why in the hell would you take a 14 year old Hyundai Elantra to a BMW shop for repairs? You must be nuts!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56Ue0SOTwpA...feature=related Here is a good quality copy of the interview
  15. Jacsonville has fans? Not what I seen when stationed in Mayport! FREE TICKETS for every home game and the ENTIRE upper deck had tarps over the seats except one for the military section. Please man, Jacksonville is what it is for NFL football, a waste of time and a great place if your a Miami Dolphins fan not wanting to make the drive.
  16. If you ever watch the movie "Midnight Express", id rank Jacksonville's Stadium right there with the condition.... And the fans......
  17. Proud Obama voter.
  18. Hell guys, its all pink and warm on the inside.
  19. They dont use "home ports" as base points. They use speed boats that dont need a pier. Most of them set up in random camps along the beach. But that is the small time guys. The top guns doing it run their camps in the city, well under cover with their other scams they run. Like the email 419 network. They just drag their boats up on the beach and cover them up or load them in trucks. What they do is hijack a ship, move it and the crew off the coast and anchor it. There are ships there that have been in taken mode for months. That includes the crews also. Its not just going on in the Somali waters, this is also going on in Iran, Pakistan, India too. They are not getting the media on it though and Iran keeps it quiet because its their own people doing it to their own ships. Best way to handle the problem is to set a example. Just like the other day. Snipe the bastards out.
  20. If it was my Mother-in-law, Id be VERY nice too!
  21. Add this.... You need the help with your above humor Little David was in his 5th grade class when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up - fireman, policeman, salesman, etc. David was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father. 'My father's an exotic dancer in a gay bar and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer's really good, he'll go out to the alley with some guy and make love with him for money.' The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some colouring, and took little David aside to ask him, 'Is that really true about your father?' 'No,' said David, 'He plays for the BUFFALO BILLS but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids.'
  22. Id rather sit in a dirty portapoddy and read the wall in there than these jokes
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