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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. Allah's little warriors just burned down the best place to eat in France! BASTARDS! Big Ronald looks to have made it through the fire!
  2. See Drew..... Same thing
  3. Not with Tedy back my friend..... They will try to find a way to link T.O.'s play to the return of Tedy
  4. TO at it again! A living cancer.... If Philly does not win a superbowl with the team they have now. TO has to be a main blame for it!
  5. I still have my "I lived through a Napoli Taxi ride" shirt!
  6. Hell yeah man, some say where the mafia all began! Most of my family lives about 5 streets back from the Black Castle I was just there this past Spring.
  7. get a grip? Hot women there dude. You have no clue.....
  8. Giving you shiot man.... Been all over the place man. When I pull into ports me and my buds just jump on trains and go. I love meeting people and seeing new things. When Im on my death bed, I can always look back and know I did and seen everything I could on this earth. I was not a fan of Paris but Northern France was great! Everywhere you look there are some old ruins or old towns just sitting empty that were once busy places. Greece is my fav of all my visits. Italy runs a close second. Most of my family lives in Napals and just outside of Rome. I miss those damn smash sandwiches...
  9. http://www.strategypage.com/humor/articles...s_200411422.asp Q. How do you say "Give me liberty or give me death!" in French? A. I give up. Q. How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris? A. Nobody knows. It's never been tried. Q. What do you call 100,000 Frenchmen with their hands up? A. The French Army. Q. Why was the Chunnel built under the English Channel? A. So the French government could to flee to London. Q: Did you hear about the new French tanks? A: They have 5 gears...4 in reverse, and one forward gear just in case they're attacked from behind! Q: Why don't they have fireworks at Euro Disney? A: Because every time they shoot them off, the French try to surrender. Q: Why do they have trees in Paris? A: So the Germans can march in the shade instead of the sun Q: Why is good to be French? A: You can surrender at the beginning of the war, and US will win it for you. Q: What is the first thing you are taught when joining the French army? A: To say "I surrender" in German Q: Why was Jesus not born in France? A: Because they couldn’t find three wise men or a virgin. Q: Did you hear about France's new weapons contracts? A: They gave one to Ace Hardware to produce 250,000 wood sticks...they are still looking for a company to produce 250,000 little white flags. Q: Where are the brave French soldiers buried? A: There aren't any so they had to bury some of ours on their soil.
  10. Romania Pete.... and Turkey oh my oh my...........
  11. Well, Ive been to Paris twice and Ive been to Baghdad 4 times and ill say this 1. Baghdad is cleaner 2. The civilians fight the insurgents not run and hide in the French sewage system for 5 years 3. Arabs use water to clean their bodies, not gallons of sh------- perfume 4. French food SUCKS! Ate in Paris and paid the price for a week! 5. The Iraqi people are wonderful humans! IT IS NOT AS BAD AS YOU SEE ON CNN! NOTHING IS EVER REPORTED GOOD ON CNN!! THE AVERAGE DRAMA QUEEN HATES GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS = POOR RATINGS! 6. Trained with the French Navy and Id say a average Nigarian swap patrol row boat could take out half of their ships And 7. WATCH THE NEWS!!!! Your own police force cant stop a bunch of out of control muslim kids. Could that happen in the USA? Sure! But there will be a few thousand non-supporters out with shot guns taking care of the problem! FRENCH POLICE FORCE = RJ
  12. I bet dinner that Bettman and Donahoe bowl together
  13. or...... Game 7 of the 2008 cup and the Buffalo Sabres are down 8-0 to the Houston OilDemons. With 10 minutes remaining in the 3rd, Buffalo storms back and pulls off the greatest comeback in NHL history to win its first cup! The City of Buffalo goes nuts! The Sabres then fold and move and Ralph sells the team to a bomb jacket maker company in Syria.......
  14. last thing the NHL needs is another "Southern" team. Most teams down there are hurting! I went to one Florida/Detroit game down there during fleet week and there were about 200 people there. All these people want these teams is for a huge tax write-off!
  15. Just to add. My Intelligence Officer on the Truman said (He is a Vikes fan) that no matter who you are or what team you love. There is no movie or book in the world that could give a person inspiration in life than that game could. That game was a gift from God and anybody feeling down should watch that game and the events that took place the week prior. I have to pinch myself just to believe it really happened. Bills fan or not, that was just AWESOME! What a great day it was!
  16. got a great story on what happened outside in the third when everyone was trying to get back in. Couple guys in pickup trucks became the heros of Buffalo!!!! Would not anybody back in so a couple of guys pulled their trucks up and was going to chain the fence and gate up and rip them down. Funny stuff. The gate were opened and people rushed in. I think the WHOLE city of Buffalo were in there by the mid 4th. There had to be over 100,000 people in or around the Rich that day! The road, parking lots, stores, everywhere were packed with cars!
  17. How did Mike get off this list? Overpaid player! The entire Houston Oline made it.
  18. All that kid needs is a close game 4 quarter, 1:38 to go, Buffalo down by 6. JP marches down the field and gets the winning TD on a QB draw. He just needs that one spark and this kid will be a winner. Let him in there now and even if the season is a wash, he gets the lumps out! We need this guy to play now, nothing is gained with him on the bench. All Buffalo is doing is putting off the growing pains! This bull about let him watch and learn from the bench is horse SHIOT! THE BEST TRAINING IN THE WORLD IS LEARNING ON THE JOB!!!!
  19. Tom will either trade the pic away for a half pack of gum or draft a running back....
  20. took a step on a nice pile of dog shoit This team has been taking steps the past 5 years. Too bad they are walking a beat deep in the Buffalo sewage piping system
  21. Start with a new younger owner on down.... Sad to say but a fact As long as TD keeps those seat filled, Ralph will do NOTHING.... Money makes the walk here, not us fans
  22. its in the air... NE kicks our butts all game but lets us hang around with some dumb turnovers... Buffalo kicks a last second FG w/ Losman pulling the last drive.... The JP era then begins....
  23. The Bills Make me want to Shart! Soak up those undies up and... Shart! Runnin down my leg and.... Shart! Fruit-O-Loom patch is stained and.... Shart! Poooo ooooo pppppyyyyy Stain.... Poooo ooooo pppppyyyyy Stain..... Stain wont go a------way!!! Stain wont go a------way!!! White undies arent the same.... White undies arent the same....
  24. I had a funny feeling like that too and I was on the friggin toilet all night! Go Bills!
  25. If you enjoyed being raped in prison, blog about it.....
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