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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. Who kick over the log and let this guy crawl out! I like this one... Also most of those bonus's come out of Wilson's other companies. He's entitled to get it back. Send him a check so we can build a winner will you!
  2. So did I man, I live right down the street and watched some painfull games. Big difference between that time frame and now. A team does not need to take huge steps back for 5 years unless you want it to happen.... This team suffers from PISS POOR management
  3. vs the Caps right now!!! Playing very well the past 6 games!
  4. Put in a position against one of the best in the game. He did his best against Peppers. This kid is NOT being used the way he should. should be catching balls over the middle and using that 300 pound frame. Shows what nipple head we have running the show. Anybody check the Pittsburgh waver wire? I cant wait to see who we get next? Who is selling popcorn down there? Bring him up!
  5. I cant say Ralph dont care but hell man, its sure seems it. Making that money back he spent back in the early 90's??? I say boycott the remaining home games. Let them know that TD needs to go. I would not mind seeing Moderak given a shot with this team. Anything right now is better.
  6. Hold on, They said on DTV that MM told Adams that they had a better chance to win without him today
  7. If TD come out with a "Teabag my coffee with your sac" auction, Ill bid!
  8. A wise man once said about women "Never trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and dont die"
  9. Slogans are needed for the 2006 Buffalo Bills! * "Can it get better?" "We hit rock bottom, now, come watch us dig!" "See who we got from Pittsburgh this year, get tickets now!"
  10. Oh man, Reed is just crap. Posey? That guy always comes to play. I dont know what his deal is. Or that D's deal. This is the best D ever? Right?
  11. I think this team just found out how good they really are. Im sorry but I dont want to see this team in the playoffs. I dont think I could stand it! We looked bad on all sides of the ball today 5 years of taking steps back. I dont believe this front office wants to win. Ole Ralph spent a ton on money on this team in the early 90's. Im starting to think he just wants to cash in now.. Hope Im wrong. I just cant see how in the heck we come out one week with all guns loaded and just die 7 days later!
  12. Theres a smart play for you Great job Posey!
  13. Let them have the division. I want nothing more than to see the Colts eat their lunch in the playoffs
  14. Well that would be great if it was wrestling there jackass... Take it word for word, dont get dizzy
  15. link Hey guys I got 2 extra tickets for King of the Ring in Hampton Saturday Night. 2 rows from the ring! Free and Up for grabs! Campy, where you at?!!! I think there is like 15 matches. Last years was really good. Kind of like UFC but more hard core. If anyone wants to go drop me a email or msg me here!
  16. Murphy and Johnsons paste wax is very hard on the floors and is tuff to strip them off man. Is there a sealer on the market for hardwoods? Kind of like a clear PRC?
  17. Lets say Grey is gone after this year. N.O. is a huge mess and Dom is out the door in Houston. You figure both of these guys were hired by TD and ran a GREAT D in Pittsburgh. TD is going to get one of these two. Which is better? Im trying to locate some D stats back in the 90's. Which would make the better coach? I say Dom is more hard lined
  18. You will see Dom Capers after he gets canned. Buffalos next DC..... In Pittsburgh during the TD era there.......
  19. I just dont care. I post all kinds of off the wall crap and get my kicks out of the mass morons, internet tuff guys, and the know-it-alls who work at pizza joints. I guess that proves my point to some that there is life outside of this thing called internet message board.... As far as this BF guy. He was at the tailgate. Did not hear anybody give him a hard time. I guess its the face to face thing that makes a man out of you..... Right? Type away.....
  20. I said that? Thats news to me. I also just saw Elvis and God told me the Beatles will tour again, ALL of them together!
  21. About a months pay at Walmart before taxes....... Pays the bills and mort. while I work on the next 20 years..... I should win the lotto by then though
  22. dont do weapons man. Just images I think the strike guys do that. Im just a low life 3910
  23. 5 years man, I should be right around the 8000 mark. Should also have my Dr Who pinball and Mat Mania arcade machine sittin in my gameroom by then. Does that make me a loser? Its possible. As long as im happy and the family is taken care of, who cares????
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