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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. Id like my gall bladder back. Every time I eat a meal I have to hang out around the bathroom for a hour
  2. Broke my thumb right at the knuckle at PT today. It blew right up. Possible operation w/ a screw or pin... Anyone ever do something like this before? Doc said it looked like I had a fracture and I put enough stress on it to pop the piece of bone off. How long of a recovery am I looking at?
  3. Heres a look at TO's toe looks serious sideline medical
  4. Im wondering if that pizza comes with a BJ or lap dance
  5. As soon as you tell me why wet farts stain white underwear!
  6. See if Obama has a little brother.... Its "change" we can believe in!
  8. yup, its looking special already
  9. Lonnie Johnson
  10. http://atdhe.net/index.html Best place on the net to catch all football, hockey, baseball and UFC/Boxing PPV's/ YOU DONT NEED A GAME DAY PACKAGE WITH THIS SITE. THROW A VGA CABLE FROM THE COMPUTER TO THE TV AND THERE YOU GO!
  11. http://atdhe.net/7571/watch-ufc-101-declaration
  12. http://www.iraqgoals.net/ch3.html
  13. http://www.iraqgoals.net/ch3.html starts at 10pm eastern. Will update link if needed. enjoy guys
  14. http://www.iraqgoals.net/ch3.html starts at 10pm eastern. Will update link if needed. enjoy guys
  15. "Im going to remake 2 Girls one Cup with a cigar"
  16. How about SAVE YOUR MONEY... Run a cable from the computer to the tv and live stream any NFL, MLB, NHL or College game FREE...
  17. I bet she has a mouth like a hoover
  18. Here is a news flash.... Sabres management signs nobody and makes no improvements to the team... We cant compete with the rest of the East... We are a friggin farm team for the rest of the league!
  19. I have some of my staff and students spending weekends in jail for the next 10 weeks due to DUI's and this guy gets a 30 day suspend. I love these Good Ole Boy Southern Politics down here. September 15th I retire and will never cross over the Mason-Dixon line again. Im glad my urine and poo when I flush flows south!
  20. Cant stand playing a video game to dream of the Bills winning anything.... Get a Nintendo NES and play some Super Tecmo Bowl and throw some 80 yard bombs to Reed!
  21. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...mp;sportCat=nfl I agree with the Bills but the Sabres Slug has dominated NHL jersey sales the past 3 years.
  22. I know this is a very debated subject here with what happened with the Titans game but... I think if Buffalo would of beat the Titans that day (with Doug) we would of went to the Super Bowl that year. The Colts had a strong team but no D. Would of been Flutie Mania and possible our first Championship. Would of been great to see Bruce, Reed and Thomas get one.
  23. I just never could figure out why everyone cares what the Bills spend. If the guy is productive, then pay him. It isnt like Ralph is giving you a cut of what he makes off of tickets
  24. did you see that wine collection? Bruce Smith would be a pig in crap there!
  25. Monica Lewinsky walks into a drycleaner and asks to have a stain removed from her dress. The Clerk being hard of hearing says "come again?" And Monica replies.... " No, mustard"
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