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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. Nice fight this afternoon at the school. Gay rights folks were teamed up with the "we will protest anything" people handing out "what crook did you vote for?" cards. Friggin fight broke out and they closed the place until the cops arrived. Anyone see anything like this anywhere? I figured they would keep the protesters away from the stations. ZERO security here and there are morons everywhere doing their little last second protests. Norfolk police are nowhere to be found...
  2. He has been bad since the middle of last year man. That SB was won by the D and Bettis, not Ben. I really dont think he is that great man. 14-0 now off a fumbled kickoff
  3. We are not the only ones havin QB problems...
  4. Troy just blocked a kick and the returned caused the skins to be able to kick the FG to win. Way to go TROY! If somebody is postin, please delete this one...
  5. Anyone here ever have sex without paying?
  6. Peters will bring his golf game....! Will be a great game in Buffalo!
  7. I once wet farted on loveseat thinking I messed the fabric but lucky me, i was sitting on a Leafs jersey... Leafs... Owned by Buffalo for 10 years......
  8. SABRES WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. WE ARE IN OT FELLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE, WHATS EVEN BETTER, ITS BOSTON WE CAME BACK ON!!
  10. We just came back from a 1-4 to TIE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO SABRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. What friggin replays do you want to see? Playing this teams replays could cause a panic riot
  12. This Bills team could lose to the local Dentist 104 Union softball team
  13. We are getting better! Ive notice we flush quicker down the toilet this season! Must of quit eating bread and corn!
  14. Did you think it was going to be good? You could see this would be a kill for the series. Not to say, the ending for the second one sucked...
  15. he would have to fight thorugh the cobwebs and dust to jump back on by the time this team is competitive...
  16. Dont get jiggy... I dont care if you touch kids, just dont touch mine... Homo!
  17. So, do all the kids call Mez the "School Yard Macho"? I figured the guy was a fruit
  18. Anyone here ever get laid without paying for it? How about that new Sopranos game? It out yet?
  19. I found out that tidybowl does not last for 1000 flushes. Im really pissed now.
  20. Travis Henry is going to meet them there. He's meeting somebody from a chatroom and she is bringing a friend
  21. Heres a historical fact for my gas... It does not take 12 years to build a line and every year we pass up on our cap money to bring in quality players to help that line...
  22. I think Ralph tells Marv to trade our first round pick to get Tice up here to coach..... Right after he craps in the urinal...
  23. Where are all of the assclowns saying we blew it by not picking him? 812973[/snapback] They are at Shea, waiting for the Mets world series game 2
  24. Your right Ram, Im wrong here... I'll sit on back and wait for all those prize free agents we signed this offseason to shore up the O and D line... The SAME problem that has killed this team the past oh, 10 years???? I guess the saying it takes a loser to love one is true...
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