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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. He was trying to steal Don Cherry's secret tailor's phone number
  2. Another T-Day here and a healthy family! Everyone remember the friends we lost here over the year and the deployed military members in your thoughts..... Happy Day for all! Dont pick at the Turkey before it done!!!!! You'll get worms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Any way we can move the Bills to Moscow?
  4. Jacksonville... There is a fan base VERY SMALL! I use to be stationed in Mayport, right up the road. We got free tickets to every home game. The whole upper bowl of the statium is a joke. Most of it is taped off by WHOLE SECTIONS! Military sits up there because it is free. Parking is the worst I have ever seen and people with property off the statium charge 20-50 bucks to park due to it! The fans are VERY rude! Lots of rich jerks. A ton of the fans wear Fin jerseys. If they moved, I dont think they would really give a @#%^
  5. > > Lesbonics > > > > > > > > 1. What do you call a cupboard full of lesbians? . > > A licker cabinet. > > > > 2. What do you call an Eskimo lesbian? . > > A Klondyke. > > > > 3. What do you call 100 lesbians with guns? . > > Militia Etheridge. > > > > 4. Why can't lesbians diet and wear make-up at the same time? > > Because they can't eat Jenny Craig with Mary Kay on their face. > > > > 5. What do you call two lesbians in a canoe? . > > Fur Traders. > > > > 6. What is a lesbian dinosaur called? .... > > A Lickalotapuss. > > > > 7. What do you call a lesbian with an 8 inch tongue? . > > Well Hung. > > > > 8. Did you hear that Ellen DeGeneres drowned? . > > She was found face down in Ricki Lake. > > > > 9. How can you tell a tough lesbian bar? ..... > > Even the pool table doesn't have balls. > > > > 10. What do you call lesbian twins? .... > > Lick-a-likes. > > > > 11. What's the definition of confusion? ... > > Twenty blind lesbians in a fish market. > > > > 12. What's the difference between a Ritz cracker and a lesbian? > > One's a snack cracker, the other's a crack snacker.
  6. 5 straight goals
  7. Out for a run one fine spring morning in Central Park, Bob the Jogger spotted a brand new tennis ball. Seeing no one around, he stooped over, picked it up and slipped it into the pocket of his shorts. After finishing his run around the reservoir, he headed back to his apartment, pausing only momentarily at Central Park West to wait for the light to change. A blond standing next to him eyed the large bulge in his shorts. "What's that?" she asked. "Tennis ball," came the breathless reply. "Oh, my goodness," said the blond sympathetically, "I can only imagine how painful that must be..... I once had tennis elbow."
  8. How about running on 3rd and 10 and throwing on 3rd and 2.... Getting very old
  9. Dick runnin plays... Here is a great clip of Dick making plays.... He is doing great!
  10. Fishing with Reed...
  11. Watching this game is like watching 104 men sit naked in a mud puddle trying to out fart each other
  12. yeah, we beat a great team today... Something to really build on....
  13. I did it because it was easy spending cash for disney. But it was not fun at all. People were going nuts in the store cusin out the managers and crap. Norfolk police has to come in and take us to our cars after we paid for the sets. We then had to drive to a emergency exit door and the manager plus another cop was there to greet us with our purchase. I took the interstate home and back roads to make sure I was not tailed. People were yelling crap in the store the whole time we were in line. Some guy offered 1500 bucks to take a persons spot in line. It was funny but a very crazy day and a half
  14. I know Marv used that word... ah... damn it... What is it.... Something this team has been doing for 12 years... Oh yea "rebuilding"
  15. alright guys.... Ended at 3255.00 with a best price ask bid Not bad at all, about a 2600.00 profit. Im tired as all hell though...
  16. I have my playstation 3 in hand and locked on ebay! Walmart was great! Kept us inside so we were not shot and fed us breakfast and dinner. Call me nuts but hell, its paying for my Disney trip! Anybody else get one?
  17. Could this be our year.... Hats off to whoever put this together!
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Hfb_n9Kfqc&NR somebody lost their job over this one....
  19. Great game and great job! They make it look EASY! Anyway we can get Ruff to coach the Bills?
  20. I hear John "the wad" Holmes never did porn...
  21. It takes time? Its been 12 years man... This team gets worse and worse! Your shift at Walmart starts soon....
  22. But the good girl image is what makes her great... She is a very sexy woman... Jennifer love is great and everyone loves her because she has NOT shown those boobies yet....
  23. lots of people are saying its her, even her friends...
  24. Thank goodness!
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