Been in 18.5 years and NEVER seen, heard, or been on a prison ship. We have a very small brig on amphibs and carriers but thats for bad sailors.
Sounds like some Bush bashing. But if we did have these ships and carried terrorists, who really cares... Anyone who wishes to strap a bomb to themselves and kill children should be made to suffer. My wife drives me nuts as it is, so who wants 42 virgins driving you crazy after you die. Small minded people terrorist are...
As far as what the Navy does in the GWOT front, tons! I just got back from doing 8 months on the ground with the Army. Great rewarding job and Id go back there in a heartbeat!
bottom line is this. WE ARE WINNING THE WAR AGAINST TERROR AND WINNING IN IRAQ. Read between the lines and F$%^ CNN.