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Everything posted by NavyBillsFan

  1. Guys, Being stationed in Mayport for 4 years. I never missed a Jacksonville game. THE TICKETS WERE FREE! Jacksonville has not officially sold out a game in years! The entire upper bowl is for Military (free tickets as long as you are in uniform) and most sections are tapped off with business advertisements THE WHOLE SECTION IS TARPED! If the lower bowl is full, then it’s a sell out due to the uppers tarp system. There are Jacksonville fans but most are Phin fans. They are VERY RUDE FANS... So be watchful where you park. Do not use stubhub for tickets. There are always a thousand people in the lot trying to get rid of extras. Now I have not been to a game in a year so I don’t know how much has changed if any... Thought this would help.
  2. All time favorite Madden was in 97 on the USS Scott, his fat ass fell down a ladder because he could not fit between the railings. Elway and Simms were laughing so hard they had to sit. Took medical 20 minutes to get his fat butt up. Guy was a jerk and would not eat the food cooked except for the friggin cake (go figure)
  3. Have you ever tried to eat a fart?
  4. Browns D looks VERY out of shape and slow. O looked good but kept looking around for somebody to make that big play. Jets today looked like the Jets of last year. Farve's magic saved the day for them. Dolphins killed themselves at the end of the game with a couple of dropped passes for TD's that would of won it. But heck, a win is a win. Game of the week was the Carolina/SD game. GREAT GAME!
  5. the litter box need cleaning and please finish your homework
  6. http://www.cyberbee.com/yesteryear/oz_37.mp3 I just love it!
  7. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3574166 Screen save that one for the week
  8. I think a good medication for you is called "Sabracoid" Because If you can handle the poop Darcy and Tommy G throw at their fans, then what the Bills do is mearly a fart in strong wind.
  9. We just went into condition 5 and Hanna will hit us on Saturday morning. Oceana Naval Base just put out Cond. 5. Be safe all...
  10. Peter link w/video He is in Buffalo.................... News link
  11. Great post! I drove a couple of my sailors to Vegas while we were in San Diego. What a disaster. A riot almost broke out. Gangster and wantabee's everywhere. Fights with fans and players, players throwing gang signs up and down the strip making things worse. Most cities do not want the NBA all star game there because of the crap that goes on with it. Besides, most of the players are little cry babies. God Bless the NHL!
  12. Only positive is that they can only get better...
  13. I think JP would take a prison job watching the showers than stay here.
  14. I remember a one Doug Flute who took the 0-3 Bills on a 10 game terror trip...
  15. Oh good, keep my pancakes fresh IHOP boy...
  16. Great Job China! Hats off to all those 6-12 year old kids working in sweatshops who made it happen!
  17. Wow, a Jays fan. Thats as rare as finding a Nigerian ice hockey player
  18. Go pop in one of those movies they made about the Tribe and watch the "Wild Thing" do his stuff.. Thats about as close as your going to get to a ring
  19. Terrorist wearing pinstripes are droping bombs shaped like baseballs at Fenway Oh wait, its just another Yankee win............. DDDDDDDDDDaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Yankeessssssssssssssssssssssssss Winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! 10-3
  20. Espn is throwing around now that Green Bay has opened to door to the Jets with Tampa Bay lurking around in the back ground. Also, Espn is saying GB wants a first rounder for him. Ah..... No. But would love to see him in Buffalo with our receivers...
  21. *** Lynch was driving while drunk and didnt want a DUI on top of it all so took off? *** Had no clue he hit somebody *** Is a idiot who thinks because he plays sports, nothing will happen to him.
  22. Im just saying in the Navy part of the house. I dont know what the CIA has as far as naval intel.
  23. Been in 18.5 years and NEVER seen, heard, or been on a prison ship. We have a very small brig on amphibs and carriers but thats for bad sailors. Sounds like some Bush bashing. But if we did have these ships and carried terrorists, who really cares... Anyone who wishes to strap a bomb to themselves and kill children should be made to suffer. My wife drives me nuts as it is, so who wants 42 virgins driving you crazy after you die. Small minded people terrorist are... As far as what the Navy does in the GWOT front, tons! I just got back from doing 8 months on the ground with the Army. Great rewarding job and Id go back there in a heartbeat! bottom line is this. WE ARE WINNING THE WAR AGAINST TERROR AND WINNING IN IRAQ. Read between the lines and F$%^ CNN.
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