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Southern Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Southern Bills Fan

  1. Reading most of these posts is very enlightening. I was born and raised in Rochester, hence the reason I’m a Bills fan. I’ve lived in Mississippi most of my life. It’s funny how people in Buffalo make fun of all the “dumb rednecks” here while all the jobs have left western New York for places in the south. I come to Buffalo about 3 times a year and it becomes more of a dump every year but you just keep pretending how much better you are than others.
  2. I agree with you Kirby. Hopefully if he has to fill in for a few games if Josh gets hurt and he looks good, we could possibly flip him to a QB needy team for a first or second later.
  3. Some of you guys need to chill. You don’t start as a true freshman and then for three years at a major SEC program like Georgia and “suck”.
  4. I don’t think any of Gronks money goes on the patriots cap. ESPN says it goes on the bucs cap.
  5. Must have smoked away all his money.
  6. There was really a dude named Dreekius?
  7. A little off topic but before we got Diggs, I bet the Bills to win the afc at +1600.
  8. Being the total d bag that he is, he won’t say where he’s going. Has to drag it out to get more attention.
  9. Still waiting. Anyone heard anything?
  10. It seemed like about 2 months ago that Espn said that a punishment was “imminent “ for spygate II. Anyone hear anything?
  11. Really surprised they set this before free agency and the draft.
  12. I don’t know. I would probably vote for skinny Jason Mamoa.
  13. Trumps ads were the best. I’m going to vote for him again.
  14. So we should build a new billion dollar stadium because you need wider concourses?
  15. I travel to all bills away games in the southeast. I’ve also been to new era recently. The amenities and condition of new era is no worse than the superdome in New Orleans or the titans stadium in Nashville or the Jags stadium in Jacksonville.
  16. Ummm. This started with you whining about the Astros. So really good take dude.
  17. Just like the Yankees teams of the late 90’s screwed everyone with all their steroid cheats. Do you think it’s a coincidence that since mlb started serious testing the Yankees haven’t been able to sniff a World Series?
  18. No you wouldn’t. Yankees scored 3 runs in 4 games in Houston.
  19. I came here to mention the “blindside block” on the td but everyone beat me to it.
  20. Can we stop this bs in every thread. Our salary cap situation dictated that we could only build one side of the ball at a time. McD chose to build defense first. Now it’s time for the offense.
  21. Nah brah. The jury returned the verdict, he sucks.
  22. Sounds like a good idea. The Yankees should forfeit all titles involving Clemens, Pettitte, Giambi, A Rod, Sheffield, Cano, all their proven steroid users.
  23. That touch pass down the sideline Wilson just made was nice. If Josh could learn that throw he’s going to the next level.
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