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Southern Bills Fan

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  1. I'll show you my high school report card.
  2. According to Over The Cap, just cutting Von is a 6 million dead cap but frees up over 17 million.
  3. Beane has found very productive players later in the draft but really whiffed on the high picks and big money FA's (except Josh). First and second round picks are supposed to be your stars and ours usually aren't.
  4. I wish there were a few more penalties in this game.
  5. Don’t forget when he tried to end Josh’s season with a cheap shot.
  6. I just came here to LOL at the person saying Kelly didn't have a strong arm. You have obviously never seen him play or watched any highlights.
  7. I always try to stay away from the fire McD posts because he has been so successful for us but if we lose a playoff game because of what seem to be simple end of game management issues, it might be time.
  8. Martin seems like he took forever getting that off
  9. "Jimbo becomes Himbo". That's pretty good.
  10. You know every interception that Mahomes throws now will be called back for being a hip drop horsecollar offensive onsides interception so KC gets a free play.
  11. I read the story and the little girl's family is really upset. They were never contacted or anything concerning his commutation. Andy Reid may be a great coach but I have to really question his parenting skills.
  12. Those old astroturf fields, oh man. If you ever got to walk on one it was just a thin layer of carpet and concrete.
  13. I would encourage you to do some research as well. FBI table 43 gives a racial breakdown of crimes each year by race. These stats are from every police agency in the country which are required to submit a UCR (Uniform Crime Report). A rough breakdown is that black men make up just over 6% of the population but commit approximately 55% of violent crimes.
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