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Everything posted by KC22

  1. Take it for what it's worth, but when I was a senior in high school playing travel baseball @ Sal Maglie, I was playing right field, sprinted up to catch a pop fly, dove... well so did the shortstop ? he dislocated his elbow on the back of my head which knocked me unconscious for a couple minutes. Only time I've been knocked out and when I woke up it felt like waking up from a ten hour sleep. Obviously had to go to the hospital to get checked out, they wouldnt let me sit up for 3 hours until I got a cat scan even though I felt fine. They stapled my head shut and sent me home with a concussion, because I guess if you get knocked out its automatically considered one. Never had one symptom afterwards and felt completely fine. So seeing Josh get his sh*t scrambled and having the twitches was pretty scary to see, but seeing him up so quick after and running on his own just ten minutes later makes me think he'll be okay sooner than later.
  2. Great write up OP. I basically had all the same thoughts to a T. I gotta say I also felt a little nervous on some of those headfirst dives Allen had on some of his runs. I know he's a big, big athletic dude who will compete till the very end, but 2-3 headfirst dives into thirsty db's and line backers is gunna lead to at least one where his clock gets cleaned. But man do I love his energy so it's a catch 22.
  3. We will see ?
  4. I still remember how furious I was after this play haha
  5. i'll be really dissapointed, I wanted him over Zay
  6. I just got over a jones fracture from playing football, took about 14+ weeks to feel 100%
  7. Sorry if this has been addressed, but is Kroft's injury a fifth metatarsal fracture? (Jones fracture)
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