I’m good with A - A minus. He has total control of this offense right now and once again made some insane throws to Beasley and Smoke that I’m not sure many qbs make. I’m not happy with the sack but I think this
Right now he has a huge load to carry on his shoulder. He has to carry us because we are lacking in other areas. Like we had guys drop three straight balls on him, kicker misses an extra point, for three quarters Carr is throwing all over us with replacement receivers.. at some point It’s gotta wear mentally
I think maybe the Coaches wanted him to protect him coming out of half, play it a bit safe get him loose again. I also think late in the game our coaches wanted to score again keep throwing let’s get some confidence with another td and learn to put teams away.
some guys stepped up big time in the fourth for us that was great! I want to see bigger players from our d for four quarters, bend and don’t break is going to cost us at some point.