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Everything posted by loveorhatembillsfan4life

  1. When we get pressure from the dline good result when not holes all over the field.
  2. This is crazy that we even give them opportunities like this to stay in the game. Got to get back to work.
  3. If Dorsey knows this offense we should maybe stick with him. Don’t need to change this up.
  4. It’s time for someone on d to step up lay it on the line and make a play. !
  5. Damn I though we may have got the first down. I think he will be fine. . I hope
  6. This reminds me of the garbage d we played in New England last season. Thankfully Brady isn’t on the other side right now. At times we look elite, then just average.
  7. Our dline gets out so wide and not strong enough to collapse the pocket.
  8. No need to be worried. Just look into the eyes of our leader who wants it more than anything and anyone. We got this. Let’s GO!
  9. Yeah he is so complimentary , maybe he’s auditioning for a future coordinator role here, all he seems to want is a stud Qb. As long as he doesn’t bring that west coast stuff..
  10. I was listening to Steve Mariucci yesterday who is part of some nfl safety committee. He really tried to hammer home that injuries aren’t really up from last year it’s just more high profile names have been hurt. Maybe, I dunno thought it was an interesting point.
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