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Everything posted by loveorhatembillsfan4life

  1. I think Josh is skipping to play in the Pebble Beach Pro Am which ends on the Same Sunday. There was a little mention of this in the Palmer interview I caught so I checked and he is on the list of celebrities. I have heard he has spent time With Jim Nantz in the past golfing and getting to know each other. Maybe Jim had some influence to get him In.
  2. I had a rough Monday then much better week. I’ve accepted it. We had a great opportunity but nothing in this game we love is for certain..Mahomes is a great Qb and they are headed to their fourth AFC championship. They are doing something right. Lots of what ifs.. what if Trey never got hurt? What if We never lost to Jax? What if we had home field. No one I talk to mentions 13 seconds, all I hear is what an amazing game. Josh was out this world. Just came up short. That’s football.. So I’m excited to see where we go from here. I’m feeling an MVP season coming from Josh.. hopefully home field and that that this is the year. I really want to get there while Hyde and Poyer are here together!
  3. Bill killed it in Free Agency, spent the mother of all loads and won last offseason.. totally deserves it haha
  4. Did we ever get an answer as to why we had that one series where we just ran the ball three straight times?
  5. I don't think Levi is going to come cheap. I read an article about him on the Athletic and Levi views himself as one of the Best Off Ball corners since Tre went down. Couple that with his Agent basically saying the Bills looked every which way to upgrade him the past two years, I think his agent and him have taken the mindset that you want to keep me, show me the money.
  6. I would also hope Mcd and Daboll would talk about this sort of thing.. hopefully Daboll would respect The teams wishes if they want to promote Dorsey. I guess more of a respect thing to not even enquire about it.
  7. Totally agree. Every game is just going to be a wild fun ride with Josh. Plus Josh loves the heck out of him. Good luck to Daboll. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him back here in four years.
  8. I think Wgr mentioned Beane will be addressing the media tomorrow. I will be particularly be interested to hear his thoughts on the Dline that we once again invested so heavily. Considering the team we had this year I’m still kind of surprised there wasn’t a move made before the trade deadline to bring someone to possibly put us over the top. It was very quiet on his front. we definately missed Tre out there.
  9. I think Mcd would take responsibility if they just decided to kick it deep. I also think Mcd won't throw anyone under the bus if someone messed up.
  10. You make a good point and that might be the case . Josh may find something like back shoulder throws or something along that line he just wants to keep working on. From my point of view I would like Palmer to keep an eye on his footwork just to make sure old habits don’t creep up like relying on just his arm at times. But that’s just nitpicking as Josh can just be Josh and do whatever the heck he wants.
  11. Can we really grasp what we have in Allen? Sometimes I have to shake my head because we quite probably are on a path to having one of the Greatest Qbs of this Era. And he is all Ours. We have nailed down the Most important position in the Game.. Romo made a great comment last night that once Josh and Mahomes learned to attack the 2 High Shell they have become unstoppable. And Credit to Josh, He will head out this off-season and work with Jordan Palmer to continue to refine his game even more. I had Friends all last night from some who follow other teams to I didn’t even know they were interested , just keep texting me how Exciting it is watching him Play ball. Go read some other forums of teams during these playoffs and many have realized the mountain they now face. The Standard in the AFC are these two Quarterbacks and how to keep up with them. We no longer are having to push blame to Josh for silly mistakes or chances. He has earned our trust and respect. Now the onus is being on pushed onto our coaches and Gm who have to step up and not hold him back. I take Josh at Face Value when he says this really hurts. We know he wants the Ring as bad as us. It will come, and that day will be oh so sweet.
  12. Yep I think if anyone didn’t respect him before last night he earned it. Our coaches did not.
  13. Watching some the highlights on GMF it looks like we got beat numerous time with the Wr catching the ball coming across the field and then just out running our guys. Very similar to how we lost in Tampa ot. So frustrating.
  14. This one stings. I didn’t sleep well. The last Touchdown should have been Josh’s Moment, it should have been Our Moment. Josh played his Ass off and we squandered it away. Football is a grind. Probably a New Roster. I have no doubt we will be back but man gotta take advantage when we can. 31 teams are all aiming to get better. All of these games this weekend came down to the last play. It’s a fine line of being a Champion and having now to sit through another offseason. I’ve never been so disinterested in next weeks game. My Grandpa has this saying, This too shall pass. Maybe not for a bit but it will.
  15. I’m not giving Daboll any credit there that was a run and Josh said screw this went God Mode . just kidding
  16. Can we can Daboll before some unlucky team hires this dude. He will set a franchise back 20 years.
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