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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. Yeah, we call him grandpa Balthasar. Pretty....no
  2. Doh!
  3. You and my grandfather have a lot in common
  4. I’m glad you switched to the belt with him. The ugly stick has taken its toll. Just kidding, he’s a good-looking boy
  5. Is confused a color? I’ll have to check my crayon box.
  6. I disagree; I think he is shining new light on an old subject. coming at it from a different angle
  7. The TBD server sits on ancient Indian burial ground.
  8. You’d make a great defense lawyer.
  9. The kid should be able to wear any jersey he wants without being bullied. Seriously, if this was done in your office the bullies would be fired on the spot and the company would be preparing for a lawsuit. Not a very good lesson for the teacher to teach his students, ethnicity or being different has everything to do with tolerance. Got that WOP.
  10. And here I thought they teach tolerance in ethnicity class.
  11. Two marbles is more then enough to take on ESPN radio.
  12. Ironically, the Republican Party of today has more in common with Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale than it does with Ronald Reagan. Whereas Ronald Reagan was a conservative of conscience, most Republicans today are mere conservatives of convenience. And when in power, it never seems to be convenient for Republicans to be conservative."
  13. I think of OBD as my personnel fortune cookie.
  14. Oh, I see they gave you standard reply blurb 157. I got 124 today.
  15. Yeah good point! 10,000 women, no one will beat that record! thats 1.8 women a day for 50 years.
  16. That says it all!
  17. I knew it was one of those guys. against the New York Knicks on March 2, 1962, wilt scored 100 points
  18. sorry it's been done before but better.
  19. You should not have been trying to buy your drugs in the wrong neighborhood
  20. it's all in the numbers
  21. A good coach will also go toe to toe with a GM to get a player or players he may like.
  22. Thats so stupid, it’s like saying the sum of the parts is the same as the whole. Good coaches put good teams together no matter the talent level. In the NFL the talent level is not that much different anyways, one player can make a diff it’s the coaches job to find that player and incorporate them into a team.
  23. You know, there’s genius in that line of thought. Expect the very, very worst from this team and you’ll never be disappointed. I like it!
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