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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. Stern peaked in 1995 right around his movie “Private Parts” since then and even now it’s been all down hill. He is now just too polite, too PC, and too content in his personal life to be that cutting edge Stern of the 80’s and early 90’s. Listen to the “Crucified by the FCC” box set from 1991 and you’ll understand what I’m saying
  2. Yes! Now you got me just plan gitty.
  3. The effective joint liberal and media PR campaign to take down Bush and Cheney is a meaningless battle victory; Bush is not running in 08. I doubt that the attacks on Bush will bear any fruit in the 06 elections for the simple reason that Democrat’s have no message or plan other then the anti-Bush theme. The conservatives have won the war in the Supreme Court with two new conservative members. I see this as the most important legacy of the Bush administration effectively putting and end to the far left designs of judicial activism and the living constitution concept. Ahhhh I can breathe easier. .
  4. yes it is, You’re getting us confused with Canada. KKK and the like can say anything they want.
  5. An un-caped 2007 is really going to hurt the Bills buying power.
  6. Damn!!! Missed the rally by a week.
  7. Lets put this in perspective. Civil war may be too noble a title for what’s going on in Iraq. Vigilante groups are conducting the violence we see after the mosques bombing not a functioning government. A Civil War is a war between factions of the same country; there are five criteria for international recognition of this status: the contestants must control territory, have a functioning government, enjoy some foreign recognition, have identifiable regular armed forces, and engage in major military operations. We have now a legally established government in Iraq, whose international recognized authority will not change by force, espionage, sabotage, subversion, manipulation, deception, intimidation, or propaganda and still remain legitimate. The only international recognized recourse the population has for a change in government is through legal elections. What I see occurring in Iraq is a resistance movement, an organized effort by some portion of the civil population of the country to resist the legally established government by disrupting civil order and stability. Not a civil war. The Sunni have the most to lose
  8. Let not the hatred of a people toward you move you to commit injustice
  9. It’s “non-sequitur”, genius.
  10. Tom, Never argue with an idiot because most people won’t be able to tell who the idiot is. I love making your pompous ass bark, It's fun!
  11. I get your point and you're right, but I thought I would just point out the hypocrisy of election year politics
  12. I’m a Meso-conservative somewhere in the middle of Paleo and Neo
  13. could it be Chappaquiddick??? Hummmmmmm
  14. It's number 7 for you buddy.
  15. Sorry but I’ll take McGahee over " Lj" any day.
  16. Since the UN wants the US to do something with the terrorists at Gitmoe may I suggest the following: 1) Use them to fill potholes. 2) Make lampshades out of them. 3) Grind their bones for potassium fertilizer. 4) Feed them to the pigs. 5) Use their intestines as sausage casing. 6) Make soap out of their fat. 7) Dip them in tar and light them on fire for streetlights. 8) Organ donors. 9) Medical experiments 10) Moving target practice
  17. I heard it reported Dick prefers to drink Sterno before hunting.
  18. Mickey, my point is Hilary and her gang knew about the foster “suicide” hours before they ID’ed the body at 10pm! They took their sweet time looting fosters documents when they knew an investigation had been initiated. And you complain about Dick taking his time Also Fosters death may have been a suicide, I don’t deny that, but a few questions remain: (1) The position of the arms and legs of the corpse were drastically inconsistent with suicide. (2) Neither of VWF's hand was on the handgrip when it was fired. This is also inconsistent with suicide. The investigators noted that in their 50 years of combined experience they had "never seen a weapon or gun positioned in a suicide's hand in such an orderly fashion." (3) VWF's body was probably in contact with one or more carpets prior to his death. The team was amazed that the carpet in the trunk of VF's car had not been studied to see whether he had been carried to the park in the trunk of his own car. (4) The force of the gun's discharge probably knocked VF's glasses flying; however, it is "inconceivable" that they could have traveled 13 feet through foliage to the site where they were found; ergo, the scene probably was tampered with. (5) The lack of blood and brain tissue at the site suggests VF was carried to the scene. The peculiar tracking pattern of the blood on his right cheek also suggests that he was moved.
  19. Anyone notice that Henry Gale was dressed in the same tan safari type button down shirt and paints as Goodwin was (the other that Anna killed)
  20. Tom, as a friend I’m going to give you some advice, you should get outside once in a while to blow the stink off you.
  21. Must be running your mouth so much to make up for that fact that you can’t run your legs
  22. Tom, How long have you been in a wheelchair. You can see a common point in space perpendicular and above the equator from the South Pole.
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