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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. about 1995 or 6 right?
  2. Paula is on Happy pills tonight
  3. If you really did have inside information you wouldn’t be wasting your time posting to a Bills board you’d be figuring out a way to make money off if. If you weren’t smart enough to figure out how to make money off it you probably would have unknowingly given up your source by now because of all the bragging you would have done. You are in neither category so you are most likely a fraud.
  4. I would guess you graduated pre-1990, right?
  5. Don’t take this the wrong way but I am curious, in what decade did you graduate high school? 60’s, 70’s 80’s 90’s or 2000’s
  6. I bet you Clairs baby develops the Dharma symbol somewhere on its body like the shark in the water did.
  7. It probably doesn’t matter at this point but the vaccine bottles used on Clair had those hatch numbers printed on it.
  8. I thought I did read something about inspections though, with the shared “civilian” nuclear technology being the carrot.
  9. For me it’s too early to tell if Bush is a good president. I’ll reserve judgment for after his term to see how his policies worked out. Sure Bush and Cheney deserve press scrutiny but a lot of if is just absurd like the Cheney shoot out incident coverage for one, what a no story.
  10. I fail to see how this deal will benefit us economically by taking demand off fossil fuel. Maybe in the short run it will but in the long run wide spread civilian nuclear power in India will hasten wide spread growth of the middle class who will in return demand more autos and products made out of fossil fuel. How does this help us? Link
  11. Another thing, Tom is the prototypical message board sniper. I have yet to see him post a new topic. He rarely constructively adds to a discussion and his one-liners are rarely funny. He routinely ridicules others for their ideas yet never advances a concept on his own therefore purposely hiding and protecting his ideas from the possibility of ridicule and being shown wrong. So, I guess what I’m saying is that Tom is a spineless worm.
  12. I don’t know why everyone tries to be funny on this web site. Is it because you think people will like you more? We are a very insecure race.
  13. Ok so now you’re acting nice. As I said from the beginning I believe a truly proactive approach to foreign policy would be to install puppet governments in every country we may be concerned with. Not a realistic approach but a truly proactive one none the less. And now for your childish insults………this is really getting old.
  14. This is the last thing I am going to say to you because the next thing out of you is going to be some wiseass comment: As you know the only true language is mathematics. Knowing this how can you respect the English language. Let me save you a response: well you’re not good at either one of them.
  15. Look dude if you don't think the press is gunning for Bush then you're out of your mind!
  16. Oh yeah, Fukuyama to you too!
  17. What, I’m not bending any literal meaning of the word proactive. I am taking one of many definitions used to make my point. It is you that holds the English language to some universal constant or truth an unrealistic standard of perfection for which it was never intended to be. The English language is and has always been a subjective, disjointed, hodge podge of words from all over the world mixed together by circumstance whose true meaning can only be understood when put in it’s historical context and whose usage rules were established after the fact by pinheads like you. So, cling to your precious language god and choke on it. F-off
  18. X, if you want to discuss this civilly without name-calling then I will proceed, if not you can join Tom and F-off.
  19. (of a policy or person or action) controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than waiting to respond to it after it happens
  20. I guess you chose F-off, so do that then.
  21. Collectively probably not, on an individual level maybe. Do salmon as individuals swim up Stream to lay eggs as a reaction to something or are the salmon carrying out a hard wired pre-programmed action based on a collective knowledge worked out by millions of them for maybe thousands of years before. Tom, if you want to have a civil discussion, I will continue, if not F-off.
  22. I know what it means I just don’t believe there is anything that is truly proactive in foreign policy or for that matter anything else.
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