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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. Yeah but don’t you think its cruel and unusually punishment to make someone apologize in FRENCH!!
  2. What other position would you expect them to play? Chickens can’t hit, too many fowl Balls. billsfanone stevestojan ass
  3. Balk balk balk you chickens!
  4. Reply to my post by typing the word “d o o m e d” but do not use spaces like I did
  5. We must learn from the mistakes of the past or we are billsfanone to repeat them repeat them repeat them repeat them. !@#$ !@#$
  6. The “he’s doing it for oil” mantra is the libs answer to the entire Bush polices that they disagree, right?
  7. That’s just my point; it’s a double standard. It's ok if a liberal president is tough and uses nukes as a possible solution as long as he "feels our pain", but not a conservative president because he's wrong minded on the issues and also just looking to enrich his oil buddies some how.
  8. I don't know, but it looks to me more then just one of many possible scenarios. Looks more like an operational counter-strike.
  9. Got to love this
  10. Oh Great! That's all the world and Iraq needs in more Islamic fundamentalist Madras teachers
  11. It really doesn't bother me that much.
  12. How else and where else is a war Fought? It's sure not fought with a mouse and keyboard on the cyber space highway with the citizens from the game Populous!
  13. Unfortunately, I went to see the British movie "Shaun of The Dead" the other day. I was shocked to learn that when the characters in the movie finally came across the only gun in town to defend themselves from the zombies, none of them knew how to load it or shoot it. They even called the cartridges "shells". Now, I know the Movies are not the best place to find out about other cultures but if its true that most young Brits do not know how to use a gun accurately then gun control equals population control no matter who is ruling England.
  14. The US is a big Country with lots of people in it.
  15. Standing in line to get into Canada
  16. Too Hung over to vote after all those Bruce, REM ect.. Concerts
  17. How about Bush judicial appointments for one!
  18. No, I walk to work. It's cheaper!
  19. It's over
  20. Not really.
  21. Newsflash the US government never caught the terrorist Indian Geronimo. It took the US govt. 20 years to get the uni-bomber and 10 years to get the abortion doctor killer and that was inside the US boarder.
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