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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. Yes I'll take that bet!
  2. Belicheck is a great talent manager, but it's Charlie Weiss who is the real X's And O's mastermind and old chuckles is gone after this year.
  3. I wonder if it’s hard to get aHEAD in that profession?
  4. Sorry everyone, it was the week before, after the Miami playoff game win that the posts were knocked down.
  5. The air campaign against Iraq was launched 16 January 1991. I thought the heavy security was at the superbowl. It had to be the playoff game before that when the posts were knocked down. I think I remember them saying that they were going to beef up security to prevent this from happening again at the Raiders game.
  6. yeah, I think I was there, but I can't remember for sure. All that stadium alcohol has pickled my brain!
  7. Was it the Raiders game when we knocked down the goal posts in celebration?
  8. Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated. The Japanese position was hopeless even before the first atomic bomb fell, because the Japanese had lost control of their own air. One good thing about the bomb is that its use impressed the Soviet Union and halted the war quickly enough that the USSR did not demand joint occupation of Japan.
  9. All lies! It's just not true :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  10. It was his right knee that was extended NOT his Repaired knee!!!!
  11. whats new Every time I fart in the wind it angers a Muslim. Lets face, Muslims are angry people.
  12. Oh! you think they can win forever?
  13. Every dog has his day! It's been Pats day for awhile give it a year or two. There is nowhere but down to go for the Pats.
  14. [i'll wait until the 60 Minutes episode airs. 114809[/snapback] That's a joke, Right??
  15. Yes, the US did, but not in the way you thing. Not because the US perpetrated “evil” acts against other countries, we have done more good then harm in the world, because for 10 years after the first tower bombing and before 911 the federal government did nothing to breakup the sleeper cells planning our destruction. The same can be said for the Netherlands for years they have done nothing to curb the growth of radical fundamentalist Islam and now their citizens are being assassinated for speaking their mind. Whether you live in the Netherlands, France or the US Radical Islam is a plague to us all whose purpose is to conquer or displace the cultures of the countries it moves through. They will never, never assimilate into a culture like millions of immigrant groups before it. Wait and see, France will fall to them first
  16. I'll sorry if I came across condescending and arrogant. Your right it does not help your understanding.
  17. You don't have to know any religious scripture to be a Christian. All you have to do is believe that JC died for your sins.
  18. If you put forth half the effort trying to live like JC as you do taking him out of context you would be a better person for it. Jesus was immediately to bring spiritual peace, to make accessible peace between God and man. Jesus, in His first coming, was not to bring world peace between men. The "sword" is analogous to "Gods word" Indeed, it is sadly ironic, that the Gospel, which is Good News for absolutely everyone, does not bring peace, but brings a "sword". "When Christianity divides families and produces wars, this is not the fault of Christianity, but of human nature" [broadus, 234]. The "sword" is a result of people rejecting God’s Good News, and turning upon the bearers of His Good News. "Truth provokes opposition, purity excites enmity, and righteousness arouses all the forces of wrong" [spurgeon, 129]. The cause of the strife is not the Gospel itself, but the rejection of the Gospel. Men reject the truth of the Gospel because they desire to continue in their ways of sin. As Jesus summarized elsewhere: "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil" (John 3:19).
  19. What an idiot! For Christians the New Testament supercedes the Old Testament. Try as you may, you will never find any fault in the words of Jesus Christ. Whether you believe JC to be the Son of God or just and an enlighten philosopher if you model your life after him you will live a perfect life. I have tried and failed many times. Its not easy!
  20. You reap what you sow Netherlands
  21. Dean
  22. You are right sir! Army Grunt. I received an honorable discharge when my time was up but I was told I have a “piss poor attitude” and should give civilian life a chance. Should have joined the Navy
  23. I wish they would call me back up. I love to shoot and blow up things; I just don’t like to take orders from idiots and I’m not well suited to the military culture.
  24. This time I really want you to explore the room
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