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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. Show me the money. ill gotten gains should be given back to the shareholders: Where is Tommy Delay on this one I though he wants to “Stopping Abuse, Protecting Consumers” Where is Tommy on this one? Do you think I could get away with changing my name to escape $41 billion in debt or never have to pay back a company I stole $400 million from? Thats right i have to keep on telling myself Toms looking out for the little guy.
  2. Oh dad, Can I do it tomorrow!
  3. From my heart and mind.
  4. You have missed my point. Point is what is Delay doing to prevent future Ken Lays. I know what he’s doing to prevent future average Joes from filing bankruptcy. How about a bill for better corporate discloser for publicly trade companies and stricter bookkeeping regulations and procedures. When a company reforms or spins off to try to escape, how about paying their debt back to the old shareholders. If they are making it harder on consumers to escape debt then they should also stick it to the corps. too.
  5. Out of all the things Delay could have done to save money for the average guy, like tax reform for instance, he chooses to champion big financial institutions with this bill so they can pick any remaining meat off the consumer corpse. The bean counters must love him; too bad it screws the average Joe.
  6. ok buddy, keep drinking the kool aid and repeat to yourself “The rich and powerful like Ken Lay and Bernard Ebbers love me and are looking out for me”. Talk about a cult like brain !@#$
  7. I cannot believe you guys a sticking up for the rich and powerful who just as soon spit on you as look at you. Instead of passing laws to make it tougher on the little guys to file bankruptcy, which I mind you there are already laws on the books for filing fraudulently, why not make it harder for corporations like WorldCom and Enron to file bankruptcy and walks away from the millions of people they ripped off which is the WAY bigger evil.
  8. GG, I don’t see Delay leading the charge to stop this sort of thing in the future. No he has to write laws directed at little guys, the middle class. AD, The republicans are in powers right now and could easily write laws to stamp out future corporate abuse. People lost their whole life savings from these dishonest companies. i'd go after the Dems just as hard if they were in power.
  9. Never had any problems with veils, my x-ray sh-- detector burns right through them. The Democrats have their own special group of paymasters they are beholden to. I cannot believe Lay still walks free; and WorldCom shuts down and re-opens as MCI after a slap on the hand.
  10. This really T’s me off. Tom Delay all worried about “Stopping Abuse, Protecting Consumers” from bankrupts by toughening the requirements for declaring bankruptcy. He’s not protecting anyone but big business. If he really cared about Stopping Abuse and Protecting Consumers he’d get tough on businesses like Worldcom and Enron. Companies like these are much bigger abusers of the public good. http://www.majorityleader.gov/News.asp?For...e=Detail&ID=420
  11. For $5000 i'll get you a seat on the bench!
  12. Hey Doc, I was thinking the same thing!
  13. It makes me Horney
  14. Geek
  15. I didn't like Bill Clinton much but, I could also go with Bill Gates too for least favorite Bill.
  16. ok, utopia boy.
  17. Why can't you take old antibiotics? Does the antibiotics break down over time into something toxic to the liver??
  18. Look, this is easy; I can use your own political party leaders to discount your assertion that Dean is a “ straight forward guy” Shoot this Messenger, please!
  19. Oh! you mean this most "honest, and straightforward guy"
  20. Where's the bad news!!
  21. yes I agree, He is a good talent finder/manager, but I still think it take more to play at the level they are playing at on offense and Weiss is the difference maker. Go Bills in 05!
  22. I think it's Weiss who is the game plan wizard behind the Pats. As I recall Belicheck was not much of an offensive mind throughout his coaching career. I Think the Pats will still continue to get good talent cheap and retain an outstanding D next year under Belicheck, but I really do think the Offense will be rudderless next year with Wiess gone.
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