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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. This pats lovefest id making ME SICK!
  2. Hey, come on it’s not fair to compare what we pay for gas to what they pay in Europe. We have to drive a lot further to get anywhere in the states. Hell, you could sleep walk one night in a country in Europe wake up and find yourself in a different country in Europe. All I need is a bike over there.
  3. They took our GUNZ!!
  4. They were definitely NOT disco they where more of the Shawn Cassidy type music. .teen/pop.
  5. But, With Weis gone, who’s going to give Brady the motivational “as long as you don’t blow it, we’re going to win” speech before every game?
  6. How long before the USA and its policies are blamed for the bombing in London? I say 3-4 days.
  7. This was not about rights, gays have equal rights. This was about entitlement. Try as they may the gay life style will never be accepted as mainstream, because it is not.
  8. I believe that’s the right answer. You win the prize.
  9. One of their Sunday night games will be played in Toronto.
  10. Just answer the question!! Just answer it Yeah I though so, you moe
  11. like this oneMy Webpage
  12. If you guys think you’re smarter, hipper and so much more sophisticated then me then why are you responding to my comments, LOL. Truth is you are a bunch of meat headed football fan flame monkeys with nothing better to do then to try to put me down to make yourselves feel not so empty.
  13. I should know better then to then to try to have a rational argument with the ill rational. Blame the fraud victim for being cheated. WorldCom was a great investment on the books and I would be still be buying and selling their stock today if everything they reported were true I made a lot of money with them in the beginning. I bet you blame rape victims for being raped too. Lets see how this works she failed to see the “obvious warning signs” or she “feels compelled to absolve herself of responsibility for her bad decisions” that’s why she got raped. BTW buying US steel is a boneheaded move ever since Bush tried his protectionist scheme and failed. End of dancing with an idiot. You should get out of the double wide once in a while.
  14. This the problem with the internet in general, it’s like Halloween for morons, any blowhard (not anyone on this board of course) living in a trailer (which there is nothing wrong with), typing on a commodore 64 can pretend that they are a fabulous stock picking tycoon Much better stock pickers then you and me were taken by WorldCom BECAUSE THEY LIED ABOUT THEIR COMPANY, on the books the company looked like a Ferrari but in reality was a beat-up Ford Pinto, but you were the only one smart enough to know about WorldCom’s conspiracy, securities fraud and false regulatory filings and massive accounting fraud before any other mortal knew about it. $11 billion in fraudulent accounting entries and those were the number represented in their annual report, which I read.
  15. Yeah right, way to chicken out you know I’d own your ass if you listed the stocks you own. You are such a DA even Warren Buffett owned WorldCom at one time, you must be better then him right,lol
  16. It's 5:01 Crap Throwing Monkey must be knocking people over to get out the door. Congratulations, CTM on another hard days work.
  17. How dare you call me that! Really!! Just because I think for myself and don’t drink the republican kool aid like most on this board does not mean I am not a conservative.
  18. OK IT boy, sure you will loser. You’re just a stock-picking machine and a scary genius, LOL. Put your money where your mouth is, why don’t you list all the stocks you own so I can have something to laugh at in a few months.
  19. Ok, you remember that when they ship out your IT job to India, where they work longer harder and cheaper then you.
  21. What if you went to Wal-Mart to buy what had been advertised as a watch, got it home opened it up and found a lump of dog shiit instead. Would you go back the Wal-Mart to get your money back or would sit there and eat it blaming yourself for believing what was FRAUDULENTLY advertised?
  22. what a dick you are! I did my homework base on the fake numbers WorldCom gave us and I and all the anal-lysts thought they were undervalued at the time. Buy the time all the shiit hit the fan all the big money (inside track) got out before I could even start to pull the trigger. The big money always screws the little guys. I only buy index funds and dividend paying stocks now.
  23. What the hell are you talking about?? I owned WorldCom stock (IRA) in good faith that the company was on the up and up on reporting their financial situation correctly. Guess what they were crooks and took my money. Do you think I’ll ever see a repayment??? NOOOO, the big business creditors only looking out for themselves now own the company. Who’s looking out for me? Tommy’s not, lets face it the little guy gets pissed on. Oh, I could join the class action suit and maybe get a whole $3 dollars for my troubles the fat cat lawyers will get the lions share. The least they could do is give me free phone service, but NOOOOO! Oh yeah that’s real fair, If they can pay Bonehead Capellas that kind of money for scratching his balls they can sure as hell repay me, but NOOOOOO! Where the F’s Tommy Delay???? BTW, are you some kind of robber baron tycoon protecting your interest in WorldCom?
  24. No you miss the point, a portion of their profits should be take for repayments for the debt they owe, just like Tom would have us do with his new bankruptcy Bill. Whats fair is fair.
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