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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. I hear their hiring fat girly men for the OL. I’m perfect for the job; lately I’ve been growing decent size man boobs! Got to lay off the beer!
  2. Just trying to be positive. We know the Bills suck now
  3. Yeah you're right but, he pissed me off a long time ago and I’m still not over it.
  4. I don’t believe we’ll be seeing Hollywood around here for much longer nor the rest of the pats trolls either. See I can be Positive!
  6. Yes! I have given up on the team as the configuration of players as it stands now, but one thing that I will never give up on the future of the Bills. I believe someday, hopefully before I die, the Bills will return to their glory days.
  7. See, this is why I try not to make any emotional attachments to a players. They are one injury away or one big payday away from letting you down. The injury they can’t help.
  8. Yeah, I think we’re in for big changes next year. The whole rebuilding process will start up again. Seems never ending….
  9. Just kidding, but it does look like a really bad Photoshop job. Sometimes the fakes look more real!
  10. Oh, he's just young and dumb. give him some time
  11. If it makes cap sense, TKO will be gone at the end of next season Firsts some realities: 1) Spikes is in his 8th year. 2) Most pros lose a step by their 8th to 10th year. 3) In an injury like this most lose flexibility not only at the foot but the whole leg. 4) Flexibility is key in body quickness and avoiding future injury. Now I take out my crystal ball: TKO comes back to play for Bills next season after taking it easy during camp and preseason. By the first few games it becomes apparent that he has lost a step and is very average. Spikes will be nagged with playable injuries all season long like hamstring and groin and possibly back. At the end of next season TKO will be traded or cap axed at an appropriate time that saves Bills $.
  12. That Hurts!!!!
  13. Well S&L, good for you, you just found the Peanut in the shiite! I'm not feeling any better!
  14. As the great Vince Lombardi once said, “ Losers are contagious”
  15. What??? With ALT’s terd string coverage you better believe the sacks were due to the Bills OL
  16. Yeah, in spite of the OL! S&L, It’s hard to turn away from a train wreck!
  17. Well S&L, I’m sure as hell not going to grow a set of breast, join the rest of the girls, and cheerleading for this mess. ALL FANS must demand a new OL. It all starts and end there.
  18. Am I wrong ? Our Stars have Zero support and it ALL STARTS WITH THE OL and QB
  19. About 14 years ago right before Will Wolford left for the colts. The lose of Wolford marked the end of the Bills dominant OL. We have had chopped liver ever since then. The OL is everything.
  20. Ozzy is the example of what a life of drugs will do to you
  21. Does Ozzy look constipated or what?
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