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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. http://www.nypost.com/commentary/53917.htm
  2. Do you think PH will have a high trade value after this season?
  3. NO you just can't stop the NRA
  4. I won’t even try to understand your Psycho babble
  5. Thanks for your history lesson, but my comparison is still a good one. The Werewolves specialized in ambushes and sniping, and took the lives of many Allied and Soviet soldiers and officers -- perhaps even that of the first Soviet commandant of Berlin, General N.E. Berzarin, who was rumored to have been waylaid in Charlottenburg during an incident in June 1945. Buildings housing allied and Soviet staffs were favorite targets for Werewolf bombings; an explosion in the Bremen police headquarters, also in June 1945, killed five Americans and thirty-nine Germans. Techniques for harassing the occupiers were given widespread publicity through Werewolf leaflets and radio propaganda, and long after May 1945 the sabotage methods promoted by the Werewolves were still being used against the occupying powers.
  6. I’ll stick with “just telling it like it is”.
  7. Do you always lead with your backhand? GeeeeSHHH
  8. When the major operations in Germany were over during WWII, The allies still had to conduct operations to counter the German Gorillas called “Werewolf’s”. Nothing new
  9. I think he meant the end of the conventional war with the Iraqi military. The Gorilla /terrorist war continues
  10. Just telling it like it is. Shouldn’t you be beating the “Bush Lied On WMD” horse again with the rest of the Dems.
  11. There is no expectation of privacy when using a public computer. I see nothing unconstitutional about this. Case dismissed!
  12. Roget's Thesaurus gone mad! All she had to say is "Conservatives bad, mmmkay!"
  13. Isn’t it ironic how the French leadership especially Chirac seems to be escaping blame from most of the world media. I have not seen one negative poll nor insult or scorn thrown his way. If this was happening in the US, the world media would be calling for Bush to be tried in a criminal tribunal in front of the whole world and would probably go as far as to explain to us how 911 happened because of our policies towards Muslims. Meanwhile the Democrats in the state would lead the charge for impeachment proceedings against Bush.
  14. The Dutch can’t stand the French too for the most part.
  15. I spent a few years in Portland in the late eighties. There were not too many good paying jobs there except for LL bean up north and SD Warren. Talk about ugly Americans, there is nothing worse then spending a summer around Portland beaches and seeing it being invaded by all the fat French Canadians wearing their thong like Speedos. That’s just plain ugly!
  16. Unemployment is almost 11%, enough said!
  17. The French are now admitting that the riots are not so random but actually organized. Hummmmm…could it be AL QAEDA (Said in SNL church lady voice). Well Mick, I guess there is no where for you to run to now after the “right wing” Christians in the US install “Pope Law” and chase liberals around with Holly water, striking them the Rosery beads and making them eat those awful tasting wafers
  18. That is exactly what I was trying to say. Thanks. In France, a crucial factor is the concentration of Muslim populations in urban areas, where predictions are that as much as one-third of the next generation will be Muslim and some have warned of the formation of "ethnic ghettoes" of a culturally distinct, socially and economically "excluded" population that is poor, voiceless, frustrated, and increasingly radical. This is an environment ripe for extreme Islamists that see Islam as a political ideology to influence the laws of France and whose political aim is ultimately the establishment of the Sharia with modern adaptations. BTW, most of the growth since the 1970s derives from Muslim immigration and births rather than growth among the native French. In America, Muslims -- or at least some Muslims -- fare quite well compared to the average American. They tend to be highly educated, with above-average incomes and high levels of participation in professional careers
  19. Have you been to France? It’s ripe for a 6th republic week leadership and all. I’m not trying to be an alarmist, just telling it how I see it. France will soon have a new political power that will fill the secular political void with Islamic law in an attempt to tear down the French Constitution/Rights of Man. You decide weather its good or bad for western democracy.
  20. Exactly, This is the difference between Mexicans and Muslims. Muslims immigrants bring with them a strong ideology (Islamic law) that is not comparable with a US or French style of democracy. The Quran is not a just a religious or spiritual guide it’s a day-to-day living instruction manual with no tolerance for a separation between church and state.
  21. Muslim extremism and economic disadvantage go hand in hand. You can not have one with out the other.
  22. You have allowed countless Muslims into your country mindlessly with no real plan to assimilate the good ones into your culture and reject the extremists and criminals. The Muslims there now are hell bent on making France submit to their culture and beliefs. I guess you were too busy fighting the US and over looked the real enemy within. I predict that within 10-20 years Muslim extremists will hold a lot of power in the French government. WAY TO GO, YOU BLEW IT! I smell another revolution
  23. Two words about sirius....Howard Stern!
  24. Exactly how I fell, I wasted a good nights sleep watching this sh--
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