That is exactly what I was trying to say. Thanks.
In France, a crucial factor is the concentration of Muslim populations in urban areas, where predictions are that as much as one-third of the next generation will be Muslim and some have warned of the formation of "ethnic ghettoes" of a culturally distinct, socially and economically "excluded" population that is poor, voiceless, frustrated, and increasingly radical. This is an environment ripe for extreme Islamists that see Islam as a political ideology to influence the laws of France and whose political aim is ultimately the establishment of the Sharia with modern adaptations. BTW, most of the growth since the 1970s derives from Muslim immigration and births rather than growth among the native French.
In America, Muslims -- or at least some Muslims -- fare quite well compared to the average American. They tend to be highly educated, with above-average incomes and high levels of participation in professional careers