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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. What’s the matter Mickey one of your own left the plantation and turned on you?
  2. You gotta keep up. Dick Morris a Democrat strategist just said the same thing as me about 20 mins ago on Bill O’Reilly. YES!, give me some skin! BTW how's your Balloon-knot
  3. Rogue Dead Guy Ale will knock you off your ass
  4. Good to hear it!
  5. You been drinking again AD?
  6. So Mickey you form that march on Washington yet? I know how you can double the size of your march…Toms available.
  7. Good try Tom, al-Qaida has not been around for that long.
  8. Ok Narcissus boy, I think you have been hanging around Dupont Circle too long with all the other know-it-alls.
  9. I was referring to you, genius. Now stop shaking your fist and get back to work!
  10. No I'm here just to start sh-- like eneryone else is.
  11. No problem And
  12. The words self-aggrandizement and delusional come to mind when reading this.
  13. This sh-- will continue on until The Supreme Court determines whether the amendment protects only a right of state governments against federal interference with state militia and police forces or a right of individuals against the federal and state government.
  14. I got just one reply for that
  15. That’s right, can’t debate me on the issues so just resort to name calling, that’s what you do best, Tommy boy.
  16. You know what's scarier then your sense of humor, the fact that some here on this board actually might find it funny
  17. And just what are you going to do Mickey? Form a march on Washington or do what you probably always do jump up and down in your chair, shake your fist in the direction of Washington and do nothing but get spit all over your monitor.
  18. Just telling you like it is. Tom you better get your IQ checked again
  19. Are you really going to make me write? The terrorist guerillas are following the way of the Nazi Werewolf, with the main differences being number of guerilla and the longer time it will take to end it’s activities because of the media and porous borders. 1) Both the Werewolves and Iraqi guerillas (IG) have successfully used fear to their advantage. Both have killed compliant citizens and both have killed new government officials. Yes the IG has a higher body count but their tactics are no more effective then were the werewolves. More and more new Iraqi troops are being trained each day. The political process is continuing. New leaders, new constitution and the IG have not been able to do a thing to stop it. 2) Both have sought to manipulate the American and international press. We know how the liberal media is portraying the war. Many articles in the New York Times predicted doom and gloom for Germany in 1945. The Werewolf’s dropped propaganda leaflets and carried out similar bombings. The jury is still out on whether the IG media manipulation will be effective or not, they are getting a lot of help from the liberals stateside. The IG are not bombing to reduce the numbers of US troops they are bombing to weaken US resolve back home. This is manipulation of media in its purist form. Also, the liberals want a Democrat president and house and see this as a good club right or wrong. 3) Both in the beginning have twisted and used the peoples desire not to be “occupied” to they advantage. When the people rejected them and no longer believed in their lies and started to engage the reconstruction in Germany and the political process in Iraq (Sunni involvement in political process was a big step), both the werewolves and Iraqi Guerillas turned on their own people but this had very little impact on the progress. This was the end of the werewolves at this point. Will continued political progress be the end of the Iraqi terrorists; I don’t know they are still able to effectively manipulate the American media, which may keep them around for much longer then the werewolves.
  20. My comparison is still an excellent one. No matter what the body count comparison is, which is not the point I was making. But… go ahead and twist my statements to your liking. It really does not matter what I have to say you’ll always disagree; it’s just a meaningless game for you to pass the time away. Lets face it if we really wanted to change things we would use any down time we have doing things to shape our state and local government instead of trying to impress each other by posting meaningless babble in circle jerk fashion Circle jerk
  21. Actually, I’m right about Tom Delay being a total dickweed also
  22. No she is saying they would not have made it to the Super Bowl without help from the refs
  23. Watch Mike will take to G like a fish to water. His confidence will be sky high due to the help he’ll be getting on either side and he’ll be a top shelve G.
  24. My comparison is still a good one. This sort of activity is nothing new I officially declare that there is nothing new under the sun. Read before you shoot off: Good column by your comrade from the north
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