Are you really going to make me write? The terrorist guerillas are following the way of the Nazi Werewolf, with the main differences being number of guerilla and the longer time it will take to end it’s activities because of the media and porous borders.
1) Both the Werewolves and Iraqi guerillas (IG) have successfully used fear to their advantage. Both have killed compliant citizens and both have killed new government officials. Yes the IG has a higher body count but their tactics are no more effective then were the werewolves. More and more new Iraqi troops are being trained each day. The political process is continuing. New leaders, new constitution and the IG have not been able to do a thing to stop it.
2) Both have sought to manipulate the American and international press. We know how the liberal media is portraying the war. Many articles in the New York Times predicted doom and gloom for Germany in 1945. The Werewolf’s dropped propaganda leaflets and carried out similar bombings. The jury is still out on whether the IG media manipulation will be effective or not, they are getting a lot of help from the liberals stateside. The IG are not bombing to reduce the numbers of US troops they are bombing to weaken US resolve back home. This is manipulation of media in its purist form. Also, the liberals want a Democrat president and house and see this as a good club right or wrong.
3) Both in the beginning have twisted and used the peoples desire not to be “occupied” to they advantage. When the people rejected them and no longer believed in their lies and started to engage the reconstruction in Germany and the political process in Iraq (Sunni involvement in political process was a big step), both the werewolves and Iraqi Guerillas turned on their own people but this had very little impact on the progress. This was the end of the werewolves at this point. Will continued political progress be the end of the Iraqi terrorists; I don’t know they are still able to effectively manipulate the American media, which may keep them around for much longer then the werewolves.