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Everything posted by ASCI

  1. So tell me was it really Booth they got in the barn or someone else?
  2. I have no personal knowledge of whom the administration is wiretapping; all I have to go by is what the administration said, to intercept the international communications of people with known links to al Qaeda and related terrorist organizations. I tend to believe the administration because of the wiretap oversight by Democrat and Republican representatives alike. Granted it was not judicial oversight but my stance on this particular issue during a time of war is a pragmatic one not a procedural one. The aim of these wiretaps is to gather information not to prosecute. Not to worry, the illicit activities during your family reunion is safe from prosecution. Even if it were not the wiretaps would be found to be improper and thrown out in a U.S. court. As far as the privacy issue, I believe there can be no expectation of privacy once the conversation leaves the country or connects to a foreign country.
  3. Whenever I hear this train of thought I liken it to the reaction of a teen-age girl who was not asked to the prom. I have been on this earth for quite a few years and can’t ever remember a time when America was popular with Europe and the Middle East
  4. "unreasonable" is the key word in the 4th Mickey. I think it’s reasonable to listen in on incoming foreign originated telephone conversations since foreigners are not covered by the fourth
  5. The whole of the Bill of Rights is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of. Therefore the power to arm must remain in the hands of the people.
  6. I say we call their bluff. It won’t last. You can’t eat oil!
  7. Terrorists all over the world will be saddened by this news today. Lets hang our heads in a moment of silence for their 4th amendment loss.
  8. Hey, all I’m saying is maybe she needs to put down the Twinkies once in a while and do a few sit-ups.
  9. Here’s what the other side is up to Think they might have a few OCD issues….Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar ect…
  10. I don’t know, her stomachs a little flabby
  11. It wouldn’t even be a fair fight between Bill and Keith; Bill would walk all over him. Come on this is just Keith’s way to glom onto Bills #1 rated cable news program.
  12. Yes, that’s just it; I don’t know just how involved AQ is, neither I bet do you. Very important question don’t you think? Like you said these people don’t know how to govern themselves because of all the years of oppression. They may be replacing the one nutcase ruler (Saddam) with another (the AQ influence). I do think it would be a lot easier to pacify all the different factions in Iraq without the interference from AQ. As far as the short long term, I think we should disengage from direct contact and full military operations with the combatants, concentrate more on the boarders and intelligence, continue training and advisement, and conduct Special Forces intervention operations went needed. We leave or scale down when the Iraqi government/military can do the above operations. I doubt anyone could tell you exactly how long that will take.
  13. I know you don’t think Al-Qaeda is involved . I don’t think anyone really knows to what extent Al-Qaeda is involved how do you know and should I be calling the FBI?
  14. Out of tradition, and to give the kids a sense of belonging to something larger then just their own self-interest. Maybe I’m just old fashion
  15. There is one big difference between what Bennish did and reciting the National Anthem before an event and the Pledge of Allegiance before class begins. The pledge and Anthem are not part of the curriculum (course of study: an integrated course of academic studies). It has become more of a meaningless cultural practice then anything else, recited by half sleeping children every school day. I bet you none of the kids today could even tell you what the words actually mean. Now the “Global Citizen” garbage they cram down the kids’ throat as part of the curriculum could be seen as indoctrination by many.
  16. This is clearly the weakness in your argument. Bennishs “teaching style” was in fact indoctrination by anyone’s definition. If you think indoctrination can play any part in the high school educational system then there is no point in arguing this anymore.
  17. I hear ya that 10th day has got to be a killer.
  18. I guess I don’t mind being a modern serf, being a lord sounds like too much stress
  19. Mandingos the best singer there
  20. Got a good book for you to read
  21. I really don’t believe he's teaching. Putting all the facts on the table, allowing a look at both sides of the political spectrum, that’s teaching. Making a case for one side and completely discarding the other side, that’s indoctrination.
  22. white house press
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